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Charged Mystic Bolt (3.5e Feat)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 18th June 2022
Status: Complete
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Charged Mystic Bolt [General] Prerequisites: Mystic Bolt class featureBenefit: The damage of your mystic bolts increase to 1d6+1 points of damage plus 1d6+1 for every 4 vigilante levels you have. However, each consecutive attack made with mystic bolts decreases their damage by 1d6 until the start of your next turn, to a minimum of 1d6. Example: An 8th level warlock vigilantes with this feat make her first attack with her mystic bolt dealing 3d6+3, the second attack will deal 2d6+3 and all subsequent attacks until the start of her turn will deal 1d6+3.Normal: Your mystic bolts deals cantrip level of damage.

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