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This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "SRD5"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,609 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- SRD5:Aberration
- SRD5:Ability Score Improvement
- SRD5:Aboleth
- SRD5:Acid Arrow
- SRD5:Acid Splash
- SRD5:Acolyte (background)
- SRD5:Acolyte (NPC)
- SRD5:Action
- SRD5:Adamantine
- SRD5:Adamantine Armor
- SRD5:Adventurer's Gear
- SRD5:Aegir
- SRD5:Agonizing Blast
- SRD5:Aid
- Alarm (One)
- SRD5:Alarm
- SRD5:Alignment
- Alter Self (One)
- SRD5:Alter Self
- SRD5:Magic Ammunition
- SRD5:Amulet of Health
- SRD5:Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
- SRD5:Amulet of the Planes
- SRD5:Deva
- SRD5:Planetar
- SRD5:Solar
- Animal Friendship (One)
- SRD5:Animal Friendship
- Animal Messenger (One)
- SRD5:Animal Messenger
- Animal Shapes (One)
- SRD5:Animal Shapes
- Animate Dead (One)
- SRD5:Animate Dead
- Animate Objects (One)
- SRD5:Animate Objects
- SRD5:Animated Armor
- SRD5:Animated Object
- SRD5:Animated Shield
- Anitmagic Field (One)
- SRD5:Ankheg
- Antilife Shell (One)
- SRD5:Antilife Shell
- Antimagic Field (One)
- SRD5:Antimagic Field
- Antipathy/Sympathy (One)
- SRD5:Antipathy/Sympathy
- SRD5:Anubis
- SRD5:Ape
- Ape (5e)
- SRD5:Giant Ape
- SRD5:Apep
- SRD5:Aphrodite
- SRD5:Apollo
- SRD5:Apparatus of the Crab
- SRD5:Arawn
- Arcane Eye (One)
- SRD5:Arcane Eye
- Arcane Hand (One)
- SRD5:Arcane Hand
- Arcane Lock (One)
- SRD5:Arcane Lock
- Arcane Sword (One)
- SRD5:Arcane Sword
- SRD5:Arcanist's Magic Aura
- SRD5:Archmage (NPC)
- SRD5:Ares
- SRD5:Armor
- SRD5:Armor of Invulnerability
- SRD5:Armor of Resistance
- SRD5:Armor of Shadows
- SRD5:Armor of Vulnerability
- SRD5:Arrow of Slaying
- SRD5:Arrow-Catching Shield
- SRD5:Artemis
- SRD5:Ascendant Step
- SRD5:Assassin (NPC)
- Astral Plane (5e)
- Astral Projection (One)
- SRD5:Astral Projection
- SRD5:Athena
- SRD5:Making an Attack
- Augury (One)
- SRD5:Augury
- Awaken (One)
- SRD5:Awaken
- SRD5:Awakened Plant
- SRD5:Awakened Shrub
- SRD5:Awakened Tree
- SRD5:Battleaxe
- Battleaxe (One)
- SRD5:Axe Beak
- SRD5:Greataxe
- Greataxe (One)
- SRD5:Handaxe
- Handaxe (One)
- SRD5:Azer
- SRD5:Baboon
- SRD5:Background
- SRD5:Badger
- SRD5:Giant Badger
- SRD5:Bag of Beans
- SRD5:Bag of Devouring
- SRD5:Bag of Holding
- SRD5:Bag of Tricks
- SRD5:Balder
- SRD5:Bandit (NPC)
- SRD5:Bandit Captain (NPC)
- Bane (One)
- SRD5:Bane
- SRD5:Banishment
- SRD5:Barbarian
- SRD5:Bard
- SRD5:Barkskin
- SRD5:Basilisk
- SRD5:Bast
- SRD5:Bat
- SRD5:Giant Bat
- SRD5:Swarm of Bats
- Beacon of Hope (One)
- SRD5:Beacon of Hope
- SRD5:Bead of Force
- SRD5:Black Bear
- SRD5:Brown Bear
- SRD5:Polar Bear
- Beast (5e24)
- SRD5:Beast
- Beast Master (One)
- Beast of the Sea (One)
- Beast of the Sky (One)
- SRD5:Beast Speech
- SRD5:Giant Fire Beetle
- SRD5:Beguiling Influence
- SRD5:Behir
- SRD5:Belenus
- SRD5:Belt of Dwarvenkind
- SRD5:Belt of Giant Strength
- SRD5:Berserker Axe
- SRD5:Berserker (NPC)
- SRD5:Path of the Berserker
- SRD5:Bes
- Bestow Curse (One)
- SRD5:Bestow Curse
- SRD5:Between Adventures
- SRD5:Bewitching Whispers
- SRD5:Beyond 1st Level
- Black Tentacles (One)
- SRD5:Black Tentacles
- Blade Barrier (One)
- SRD5:Blade Barrier
- SRD5:Pact of the Blade
- Bless (One)
- SRD5:Bless
- SRD5:Blight
- Blight Spell (One)
- SRD5:Blinded
- SRD5:Blinding Sickness
- Blindness/Deafness (One)
- SRD5:Blindness/Deafness
- Blink (One)
- SRD5:Blink
- SRD5:Blink Dog
- Blowgun (One)
- SRD5:Blowgun
- Bluerot (5e)
- Blur (One)
- SRD5:Blur
- SRD5:Boar
- SRD5:Giant Boar
- SRD5:Book of Ancient Secrets
- SRD5:Boots of Elvenkind
- SRD5:Boots of Levitation
- SRD5:Boots of Speed
- SRD5:Boots of Striding and Springing
- SRD5:Boots of the Winterlands
- SRD5:Longbow
- Longbow (One)
- SRD5:Shortbow
- Shortbow (One)
- SRD5:Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
- SRD5:Bracers of Archery
- SRD5:Bracers of Defense
- SRD5:Branding Smite
- SRD5:Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
- SRD5:Breastplate
- SRD5:Brigantia
- SRD5:Brooch of Shielding
- SRD5:Broom of Flying
- SRD5:Bugbear
- Bugbear (5e)
- SRD5:Bulette
- Bullywug Common (5e)
- Burning Hands (One)
- SRD5:Burning Hands