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Called Shot (3.5e Feat)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 29th June 2014
Status: Finished
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Called Shot [Fighter, Tactical] Prerequisites: Bab +3, must have at least one class level in a class that grants full attack bonus progression.Benefit: When you make an attack, you may accept a penalty to hit to make a gruesome called shot. The penalty to hit is based on the location you wish to aim for. The DC of these maneuvers is 10 + ½ base attack bonus + the user's strength or dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) and the save (and penalties) are made at the end of the current turn. Multiple called shots on the same location increase the DC by +2 for each successful attack, but do not stack together.

  • Eyes (−6 penalty): You hit your opponent right in the eyes, blinding it for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save. Even if the save is successful, the struck creature is dazzled for 1 hour afterward.
  • Face (−4 penalty): You hit your opponent right on the face, dealing an extra 6 points of damage. It is also a deeply satisfying experience, granting you a +2 morale bonus to hit and and damage against this creature until the end of the next round.
  • Teeth (−4 penalty): You hit your targets right in the teeth; the attack is very painful, causing the target to be staggered for 1 round unless it succeeds on a fortitude save. Additionally, your attack knocks a few teeth out, disabling the bite attack of creatures who failed their save for 1d4 hours or until they receive magical healing (including fast healing and regeneration).
  • Throat (−4 penalty): You hit right on the throat, forcing the struck creature to make a reflex save or become silenced and unable to breathe for 2 rounds. If you wield a vorpal weapon, its decapitating effect activates on a 19-20 when you make a called shot to the throat.
  • Torso (−2 penalty): You hit sensitive tissues and bones on the torso, forcing the struck creature to make a fortitude save or be sickened for 2 rounds.
  • Arm (−2 penalty): You hit one specific arm, forcing the struck creature to make a reflex save or drop whatever they were holding in that hand. If that creature had a two-handed weapon, it makes its save at a +4 bonus.
  • Groin (−4 penalty): You hit a very sensitive spot, forcing the struck creature to make a fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round and a will save or be shaken for 3 rounds.
  • Leg (−2 penalty): You hit one leg, causing the creature to fall prone unless it succeeds on a reflex save. Stability bonuses (like the one granted to dwarves) applies on this save.

Special: A DM may make called shot a variant rule instead of a feat; if this is the case, any character with at least three class levels in a class granting full attack bonus may use this feat.

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