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Bearskin Mantle (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 29th September 2017
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Bearskin Mantle
Price: 11,000 GP
Body Slot: Shoulder
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate Transmutation
Activation: Passive and Standard (See Text)
Weight: 7 lbs

This large fuzzy cloak is made of the fur of a great bear that terrorized the land, it provide ample protection against cold weather and incoming blow. While wearing this cloak the wearer gain Damage Reduction 5/Piercing or Silver and Resistance to Cold 10. While the cloak is worn, creatures of the animal type of CR 2 or less are At Bay from the wearer.

The wearer of the Bearskin Mantle may also fuse with it as a standard action, duplicating the Alternate Form ability with a Werebear (Hybrid Form). While in this form the user do not have the curse of lycanthropy. This form alternation can be done twice per day and last 1 round per ranks the user has in Control Shape, with a minimum of 3 rounds.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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