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Basic Artificer 101 (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Wildmage (talk)
Date Created: 02-10-2015
Status: Done
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Basic Artificer 101
Type: manual
Description: Bound in brown leather with a black stone inbound on the front
Author: Blackport Wizard Mail school
Publisher: Blackport Wizard Mail school Print
Language: Draconic
Subject: How to make minor magical items
Clarity: A Knowledge (Arcane DC 16)
Length of study: You have to study the book for at least 50 hours in 3 weeks.
Bonus of study: You gain Craft Wondrous Item for as long you have this book as one of your study bonus books.
Cost: 4000 GP

In the end there is a form you can fill out and wrap around a diamond worth at least 5000 GP then it will magical transport to Blackport Wizard Mail school and you will later get sent Advanced Artificer 101

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