Size: Orcs are Medium creatures, and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Orcs have a base land speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Orcs speak Orc and Common, along with additional languages based on their Intelligence modifier.
Fearless: Orcs receive a +4 racial bonus to saves against fear effects.
Militant: Orcs are automatically proficient with one weapon group of their choice. If they would later become proficient with that weapon group through their class or feats, they receive a +1 racial bonus to attack and damage with those weapons.
Animal Ken (Alternate Trait): Orcs receive a +2 racial bonus to Creatures checks, and any creature trained at least partially by an orc can learn an additional two maximum tricks.
Rugged: Orcs receive a +2 racial bonus to Intimidation and Nature checks.
Psionic Talent: All orcs are psionically gifted and thus gain Wild Talent as a bonus feat.
Bonding (Alternate Trait): Orcs may treat their level as one higher for purposes of any special mount, animal companion, familiar, or other similar abilities.
Ferocity: When orcs fall below 0 hit points but are not yet dead, they may choose to keep fighting. They are considered disabled instead of dying, thus acting as if they were staggered and automatically losing 1 hit point each round. At any point they may cease being disabled and start dying (which entitles them to attempt to stabilize), and they still die when their hit points reach their death threshold.
Superior Darkvision: Orcs can see up to 120 feet in complete darkness. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight.
Half-Orc Traits
Type: Half-orcs are Humanoids, with both the Human and Orc subtypes.
Size: Half-orcs are Medium creatures, and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Half-orcs have a base land speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Half-orcs speak Orc and Common, along with additional languages based on their Intelligence modifier.
Fearless: Half-orcs receive a +4 racial bonus to saves against fear effects.
Eternal Hope (Alternate Trait): Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus to saves against fear and despair effects. Additionally, twice per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, they may reroll and use the second result.
Bonus Feat: Half-orcs possess one extra feat at first level.
Rugged: Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus to Intimidation and Nature checks.
Ferocity: When half-orcs fall below 0 hit points but are not yet dead, they may choose to keep fighting. They are considered disabled instead of dying, thus acting as if they were staggered and automatically losing 1 hit point each round. At any point they may cease being disabled and start dying (which entitles them to attempt to stabilize), and they still die when their hit points reach their death threshold.
Skilled: Half-orcs gain four additional skill points at first level, and one additional skill point whenever they gain a level.
Militant (Alternate Trait): Half-orcs are automatically proficient with one weapon group of their choice. If they would later become proficient with that weapon group through their class or feats, they receive a +1 racial bonus to attack and damage with those weapons.
Darkvision: Half-orcs can see up to 60 feet in complete darkness. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight.