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User:MidnightLightning/d20 import

< User:MidnightLightning
"Embers", Elven Wizard CR 15
"Fiddlebone", skeleton musician
"Lucky" Lyle Woodaxle
"Mad Eye", High Priest of Vecna
"Manyfaces", Doppleganger Rogue 17
"Shame" Shovel, half-orc private eye
"Slim" Charlie, Aberration hunter
"Stabby" Warforged Rogue CR 5
"The Dreadnaught", Human Warblade CR 14
"Violentbeard", Ogre Mage Dread Pirate
A'tuin the Star Turtle
Aarim, NE Brb2/Rog10/DrC1
Abel, male Halfling Cleric5 of a Death God
Acid Pigeon
Adroit Adept CR 1
Adult Mithral Dragon (Metal-Clad Brass Dragon)
Advanced Allip CR 6
Advanced Bodak CR 14
Advanced Crysmal CR4
Advanced Cult Champion CR 5
Advanced Cult Manipulator CR 4
Advanced Dire Rat
Advanced Elite Aboleth
Advanced Elite Chimera CR 9
Advanced Fiendish Cockatrice
Advanced Ghast
Advanced Ice Devil CR 27
Advanced Mimic CR 6
Advanced Winterwight (42 HD)
Advanced Worg
Advanced evolved spectre CR 9
Advanced fiendish monstrous spider
Advanced ochre jelly
Aga, Centaur Druid 5(Summoner)
Aginor, Fallen Solar Blackguard CR 28
Agony, Awakened Living Spell CR 17
Aham the Blue
Akivasha, Vampire Prophet of Set Aristocrat 4/Rogue 5/Assassin 2
Alandil, Elf Historian(Bard 5)
Alaric "Bash" Franz
Alaxnil, Kobold head miner
Alessalandra Windrider, Storm Giant Were-Roc CR 17
Alia, female human Rog10/ShD4
Alioth the Footsoldier, Paragon Vampire Lord Fighter 21
Allie Yellowshine CR 1
Allies and Justice Freaks
Allis Habba, Human Ashworm Dragoon
Alooghan, kobold sorcerer 8
Amara, wandering bard CR 7
Amavakti, Kalashtar Psion Telepath 6
Ankerika, Advanced Half-Fey Succubus Fiend of Blasphemy CR 17
Anubian Ka Guardian (CR 22)
Apprentice Magic-User CR 1
Arms Commander Theron, Human Fighter 50
Arrian Silverleaf, human male, Drd9
Artie Dodge, child pickpocket
Ashra’ah, Flaga Ha-Naga CR 32
Atata Banshee CR 31
Atavan, Bloodbound Battle Sorcerer 10
Atroxio the Iron Horror (Half-Green Dragon Rust Monster)
Awakened Cat
Bahamut, Great-Great-Great Wyrm Platinum Dragon
Bale Fiend
Ballista crew chief, CR ½
Balthazar the Bookkeeper, imp expert 3 CR 3
Bandit CR 1/2
Basher CR 1/2
Bat and board Orc CR 1/2
Bazzafoul, half-dragon fire giant fighter/sorcerer CR 26
Beast of Madness (Pseudonatural Half-Fey Half-Illithid Troll) CR 14
Belmont, Vampire Slayer CR 21
Benedict, neutral evil, male, human, Wizard level 3
Berg "Smash" Franz
Bernie, Fire Elemental Rogue CR 3
Beth Knightbane, Human Wizard 16
Betsy, Soul and Sword(SoulKnife5)
Bezzandine Triskelion, Ogre Fighter CR 9
Billy Timbus
Billywig, Halfling Paladin CR7
Black Dragon CR5 "Harpoon"
Blaz "Ohm" Franz
Bleeder, Warforged Monk CR3
Blink CR 1/2
Blistered One
Blue Swordsage 7
Blue Warblade 7
Bob, Sellsword(Fighter5)
Bobbynock, Gnome Wizard 9
Bodyguard CR6
Bone Ooze (Advanced 60 HD)
Bovin'Ka Knightpiercer, Awakened Skeleton Ranger9
Braka CR 21
Brakar Estolus Mordecai, Human Wizard 14/Archmage 2
Brigand CR 1/2
Brigand CR 2
Brobdingnagian Hummingbird
Brobdingnagian Stirge
Brobdingnagian Teratoid Tarrasque
Browdel, Expert lvl 8, Cloistered Cleric lvl 2
Brush Rabbit
Bugbear Cleric CR 7
Bugbear Headhunter(Warblade1/Barbarian7) CR10
Cambion Overlord Hellblade, Half-Fiend Fighter CR15
Candice Vanil, human transmuter 1
Cannibal hunter CR 2
Captain Graskusk, Skullcrusher Ogre Fist of Hextor, CR15
Captain Graskusk, Skullcrusher Ogre Hist of Hextor, CR15
Caster Nemesis, Drow Warlock CR 12
Category:Old Indexes
Cecil, Redeemed Blackguard CR 20
Celestial Dog
Celestial Wolf
Celestial Wolf CR1
Celestial Worg Ranger "Duskfalls Brighttooth"
Changeling man-stalker CR 7
Chaos Cultist CR 2
Chaos Cultist Guard CR2
Chicken Boo, CR 1/2
Chieftain Tigerpaw
Chieftain Tigerpaw and Guards
Chieftan Tigerpaw
Chieftan Tigerpaw and Guards
Choker Assassin, "Ek Gub"
Chwei-Sya the Devouring Inferno
Cibeb, male half-elf Ftr10/Rog2
Cleric (Seduction) CR 2
Cleric (Seduction) CR 2/Battle
Cleric (Seduction) CR 2/Council
Cleric (Seduction) CR 2/Temple
Cleric of Fortune CR 5
Cobolt, Half-Blue Dragon Fighter 6
Cogent, Psionic CR 88
Concubine CR 2
Conscripted Peasant CR 1/3
Corruk, Dwarf Adept 5
Corrupt Paladin CR 6
Cowled Wizard CR 5
Creeping Pit
Crocodile-Headed Guard CR 2
Crushed, Anthrokitty Rogue CR 5
Cult Acolyte CR 1/2
Cult Assassin CR 4
Cult Battlepriest CR 2
Cult Champion CR 2
Cult Chantress CR 2
Cult Commander CR 6
Cult Fanatic CR 3
Cult Follower CR 1/2
Cult High Priest CR 6
Cult Infiltrator CR 1
Cult Manipulator CR 2
Cult Priest CR 3
Cult Puppetmaster CR 6
Cult Recruit CR 1/2
Cult Ritualist CR 2
Cult Subcommander CR 4
Cutter CR 1/2
D20 NPCs by Creature Type
D20 NPCs by Summon Spell
Dagda, Yagnoloth, Brb4
Danukan-Ryttn the Posessed CR 27
Dar Garron, Cleric of a Strength God
Dargor, Redeemed Villain(Paladin5)
Darinious, Fallen Planetar Cleric 2
Dark Paladin CR 8
Darkpact, City of Monsters
Dath'cha, Kobold Paladin 4
Dawes CR 1
Dawes CR 3
Dawn Bringers
Deadfall, Goblin Ranger1/Rogue2
Death, CR 373
Death, unique creature CR 26
Deedloss, Elven Draconic Monk CR9
Deep Cover Cultist CR 4
Dershan, Giant Id Ooze Octopus Psion 8
Desank Daramx, Goblin master cook
Destrae shade wizard CR 15
Destrae shade wizard CR 17
Devoted Cultist CR 1
Dire Hypermitotic Gelatenous Cube CR6
Dire Monitor Lizard CR4
Dire Wolf (12 HD) CR5
Dire Wolf (9 HD) CR4
Divine Phoenix
Dobby, Gnome with something to Prove(Duskblade5)
Doom-Forged(Warforged "Zombie-Like Thing) CR 2
Dragon Ogre
Drazen's Horde
Dread Necromancer "Paul Boyd"
Dreadnaught Small Unelemental CR 28
Dropping of Acid Pigeons (swarm)
Drow Favored Soul/12
Drow Hexblade3/Swashbuckler3
Drow Monk CR 7
Drow Underdark Guide, Scout2
Drow Warmage/12
Drow Warrior 7
Drow Warrior CR 6
Drow fighter CR 10
Drow fighter CR 2
Drow fighter CR 3
Drow fighter CR 4
Drow fighter CR 5
Drow fighter CR 6
Drow fighter CR 7
Drow fighter CR 8
Drow fighter CR 9
Drow invoker CR 9
Drow warmage lvl 10
Drow warrior CR 1
Drow warrior CR 2
Drow warrior CR 3
Drow warrior CR 4
Drow warrior CR 5
Druid 15 Dire Bear
Druid 18 Dire Bear
Druid 3 Wolf
Druid 6 Dire Bat
Druid 9 Dire Ape
Druid 9 Dire Bat
Druuvan Flamebeard, Dwarf Dragonslayer CR14
Duellist: Human Warblade 10
Duergar Scout CR 9
Dugg, Half-Orc Wizard CR5
Dugle Cavewalker, Bishop of Obad-Hai
Dwarf Monk CR2
Dwarf Warrior 3
Dwarf with Axe CR 1/2
Dwarven Striker CR 2
Ector, Human Fighter 4(Disarmer)
Edbert Bucmar
Edwin "Zap" Franz
Edwyn, Expert lvl 6, Fighter lvl 4
Eldritch Cultist CR 2
Eleanil Whitherspoon, singing sex symbol Bard 2
Eleasr the Quick
Elehna, Female Elf Sorceror 5
Elf Rogue 3 / Wizard 3 / Arcane Trickster 3
Elf Wizard L7/ Rogue L3
Elite Advanced Gray Ooze CR 6
Elite Cultist CR 2
Elite Efreet CR 9
Elite Flesh Golem CR 8
Elite Guardsman CR 3 Warrior-5
Elite Guardsman Warrior-5 CR3
Elite Minotaur CR 7
Elite Noble CR 1
Elven Counselor CR7
Elven Ranger CR4
Elven Sorcerer 2
Emma CR2
Endowed Expert CR 1
Enkirdos, Gnome Cleric 6
Errenor, Elven Mage CR 11
Eth'Na, Tiefling Beguiler 4
Evander the grand bastard
Evans, Human Watch Captain
Evil Human Aristocrat1/Beguiler1
Evil Human Noble(Aristocrat3)
Experienced Guardsman
Eye of the Priest King, Kuo-Toa CR 22
Fallen Paladin CR 2
Farimior, Aasimar Marshal 8
Farmus the Frightened, Half-Elf Shadowdancer CR 15
Fekt, Hobgoblin Ranger CR4
Female human cleric 9
Fenris "The Greyback", High Priest of Malar
Fiendish Deinonychus CR 4
Fiendish Dire Bear
Fiendish Dire Tiger
Fiendish Dire Wolf
Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Gargantuan
Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Large
Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Medium
Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Small
Fiendish Snake, Medium Viper
Fiendish Snake, Small Viper
Fiendish Wolverine
Fighter/Warmage CR 7 "archer"
Figther (Tank) 1 (Human) CR1
Filise, Half-Elven Rogue 9
Fire-Breathing Tiger CR 5
Fireon, Azer Wizard CR 5
Fisher Makepeace
Fist Fighter CR 12
Flesh-Reaper, Warforged Juggernaut CR12
Flind Gnoll Warrior CR 2
Flind Gnoll Warrior CR 3
Fnogghi Chaos-Hand, Fomorian Cleric CR 21
Fnogghi's Hurlers, Fire Giant Hulking Hulers- CR 18
Fnogghi's Spearmen, Fomorian Giant Fighters CR 19
Four Servants of Tiamat (Half Dragons)
Franz Brothers
Frederick The Maniacal CR5
Frost Giant Frostmage CR 24
Fully Advanced Necronaut
Fundin Strong-In-The-Arm, Barbarian/Dwarven Paragon CR 10
Furelise, Harpy Vampire
Gafgarion Mercenary Knight CR 7
Gafgarion, Human Knight 14
Galen Medici
Galen Medici - adult
Galen Medici - fallen
Galen Medici - pre-lich
Galen Medici - young
Galen Sevarin - human paladin CR 10
Garin "Twang" Franz
Garkin Stonebones CR 1/2
Garrett CR 1
Garrett CR 3
Gelgar, Bugbear Captain CR6
General Strictis, Human Paladin CR 16
Generic Human CR 1/2 Warrior
Generic Human Warrior 2, "Blues"
Generic Human Warrior 2, "Green"
Generic Human Warrior 2, "Red"
Generic Human Warrior 2, "Yeller"
Generic Human Warrior CR1/2
Generic Tiefling Soldier (Fighter 3)
Gerimih, Kobold Ranger 5
Gester Stromhivven, Chaotic Evil Bard 13
Ghorus Toth Lawful Evil Wizard Level 5
Ghost of Andrei Dunlor, Sorcerer 11
Ghostface, Bugbear Barbarian 1
Giant Ooze Octopus CR9
Giant robin
Glugg, Half-Orc Paladin 10
Gnoll Adept CR 2
Gnoll Chieftain CR 9
Gnoll Elite Guard CR 7
Gnoll Guard CR 2
Gnoll Hunter
Gnoll King CR 13
Gnoll Rogue 3 / Assassin 1
Gnoll Royal Guard CR 11
Gnoll Sergeant CR 3
Gnoll Shaman CR 3
Gnoll Soldier CR 2
Goblin Adpt3
Goblin Clc1
Goblin Elite Thug
Goblin Ninja 5
Goblin Ranger 7
Goblin Rgr1
Goblin Rogue 1
Goblin Rogue 1 CR 1/2
Goblin Underboss Rogue 1 / Fighter 3 CR 3
Goblin Warrior 2
Goblin Warrior 3
Goblin Warrior 4
Goblin Wizard 3
Goblin rogue 2
Golbez, Human Warmage CR20
Gold Blades, Human Psychic Warriors 3
Gorge Knightbane, Awakened Skeleton Fighter9
Gormir, Neanderthal Barbarian 5
Grandael, Succubus Consort to Graz'zt CR 32
Greater Force Ooze CR 14
Greenblood, Goblin Druid 3
Greeva Painfinger, Grimlock Rogue/Cleric CR 11
Grimshanks, Hobgoblin "Battle" Sorcerer
Grimshanks, Hobgoblin "Battle"Sorceror
Grimwall, Male Gnoll Rgr2/Ftr4
Groj Newcastle
Gropp, Bugbear Barbarian CR5
Growler, Awakened Wolf CR 2
Guard Captain CR 2
Guard Sergeant CR 1
Guardian of Law, axiomatic paragon fighter CR 29
HULK SNEAK!, Umber Hulk Ninja 3
Hakrugh the Giant Shaman CR 9
Half-Dragon (Red) Troll
Half-Dragon (Red) Unique Balor
Half-Dragon Donkey CR 3
Half-Dragon Stone Giant (any) CR 10
Half-Dragon T-Rex CR10
Half-Dragon(Green) Centaur CR5
Half-Dragon(Red) Moocow(Bison)
Half-Elf Aristocrat1/Bard1
Half-Farspawn Udoroot, CR 6
Half-Fiend Minotaur Brb7, CR 12
Half-Fiendish Wyrmling Green Dragon
Half-Orc Dragon Shaman(Red) CR7
Half-Orc Knight 4
Half-Orc Ranger1/Rogue2
Half-Orc Veteran CR1
Half-Orc Warrior CR 2
Half-Red Dragon Ogre
Half-Red Great Wyrm Unique Balor
Half-fiend Hobgoblin (Hex5) CR7
Half-white dragon elven cleric
Halfling Witch CR 2
Hammer, Warforged Fighter CR12
Hardflesh, Changeling Fighter 4/Warshaper 1
Harlech, half-orc Rgr5/Occult Slayer 5; CR 10
Hatchet, Warforged Ranger 4
Heightened Paragon Will-O’-Wisp CR 23
Helm, Warforged Artificer 4
Heon, male human Wiz(Conj)3
Hiesto, male half-orc Bbn5
Hirass, Kobold Adept 8
Hlökk the Valkyrie
Hobgoblin Archer (War2) CR1
Hobgoblin Archer (War3) CR2
Hobgoblin Archer Lieutenant (War4) CR3
Hobgoblin Archer Lieutenant (War5) CR4
Hobgoblin Archer Sergeant (War3) CR2
Hobgoblin Champion CR 7
Hobgoblin Ftr3/Rog1
Hobgoblin Leader (War6) CR5
Hobgoblin Leader (War7) CR6
Hobgoblin Leader (War8) CR7
Hobgoblin Lieutenant (War4) CR3
Hobgoblin Lieutenant (War5) CR4
Hobgoblin Rgr4/Rog3
Hobgoblin Sergeant (War3) CR2
Hobgoblin Shieldman (Fighter2) CR2
Hobgoblin Soldier (War2) CR1
Hobgoblin Spearmen (War3) CR2
Hobgoblin Thug CR 2
Hobgoblin Warmage CR1
Hobgoblin Warrior 2
Hobgoblin Warrior 3
Hobgoblin Warrior 4
Hobgoblin rogue 1 CR 1
Holy Claws: Holy Leader of the Spiteclan.
Hroals, Wererat-Kobold Warrior 2
Human Archer CR 1
Human Bandit CR 2
Human Barbarian 4 Sunderer
Human Barbarian4/Rogue3
Human Chaos Sorcerer 17
Human Cleric of Fharlanghn 12, Horizon Walker 3
Human Cultist (adept 1/warrior 1) CR1
Human Cultist Guard (adept 1/warrior 2) CR2
Human Cultist Priest (adept 3/warrior 1) CR3
Human Elemental Savant CR14
Human Elemental Savant CR7
Human Enchanter 13
Human Ftr Rogue CR4 Feinter
Human Highwayman CR 1
Human Investigator (expert 1)
Human Knight1/Fighter1
Human Landowner (Ari2)
Human Monk 4
Human Officer Ftr5
Human Retired Bandit CR 2
Human Rogue2/Swashbuckler3/Honorable Dread Pirate 4
Human Sergeant, CR 2
Human Swashbuckler3
Human Thug CR 1/2
Human Tracker CR 2
Human Wildman CR 2
Human Wizard3
Human sorceror 4
Human sorceror 5
Human swashbuckler 5/duelist 5
Human? Alienist CR 20
Human? Vermin Lord CR 17
Hyena, Advanced CR 3
Ice Beast(Cold Element Displacer Beast)
Ignatious, Flamebrother Hexblade 4
Iida, Caster Cutie(Sorcerer5)
Il'Haan Tuer'nek, Drider Cleric 5, CR 12
Imposter, Changeling Rogue 1
Infinity Hydra
Insane Cultist
Insectoid Troll Henchman
Insectoid Troll Lacerater
Insectoid Troll Zealot
Intrusion of Giant Cockroaches (mob)
Irilena, Human Rogue 4/Cleric 5/Ghostkiss Investigator 5
Iron Warhound CR 3
Irongut, Troll Monk 5
Isknicth, Awakened advanced dire rat Rogue 3
Isksauriv, Great Wyrm Gold Dragon High-Priest of Bahamut
Itzi, Human Druid 20
Jack Xavin, Half-Orc Ranger ratcatcher
Jade, Half-Green Dragon Monk 11
Janeko Silverblade, Human Wizard10/Fighter1/EldritchKnight39
Janeko of the Ninefold Gates
Janeko of the Ninefold Gates Spell Panoply
Jared o' the Highway, human ftr 2/rog 1 (CR 3)
Jenma the Treasure Hunter CR 15
Jenna Windfinder, human psion 4
Jergil, Mage Slayer
Jiles, Dwarf Fighter 3
Jimbob Frank "Bubba" McGee, Human Commoner 2
Jones CR 1
Jones CR 3
Jorka, Hobgoblin Paladin 4
Jotz CR 21
Junkyard Dog CR 2
Justice Ninja CR 4
Kaad, venerable hobgoblin monk 12
Kafinia, Half-Fiend Annis Hag Priestess CR 14
Kahar el Sujim, Air Genasi Blade Saint
Kantona, human Wrl15
Kanz'ztera, Advanced Half-Fiend Nymph Thrall of Graz'zt CR 21
Kasha D'Averton Rogue 2/Paladin 8
Kh'srrlth, Half-Dragon Blackscale Lizardfolk Fighter, CR 9
Kharral and Khassarn, the Dragon Princes, Unique Bugbears (Barbarian 4)
Kia, Greater Succubus Tantrist 8
Kiltre, Tiefling Swashbuckler 3
Kir-Lanan Elite Warrior, Fighter 6
Klavikus, Exiled Demon Prince
Klurrod, Ape Cleric CR 6
Knaw, Anthrorat Rogue/Assassin CR 7
Kobold Boss CR 2
Kobold Dragon Shaman CR 4
Kobold Lich Sorcerer 13
Kobold Warparty
Kobold Wiz7
Kobold mining team
Kobold mining team/Leader
Kobold mining team/Talented
Kobold mining team/Untalented
Korak, the Wise Grimlock Barbarian 10
Korbach Angist Cleric (4th) of Cuthbert
Krifendorff, gnome fighter 6
Kriit Longtooth, the Ghost
Ktalotep, Mind Flayer Monk CR 20
Kuo-Toa Fisherman CR 17
Kuo-Toa Monitor CR 18
Kuo-Toa, Whip (Cleric 2), CR 4
Kyla, Sacred Exorcist of Corellon
Kyle d'Ferriss, Human Ambassador Paladin 6
Lady Jana, Healer 13
Lareth The Beautiful (ToEE)
Laurent, Half-Elf Gatekeeper Mystagogue CR 20
LeShay Fighter 30
Legendary Warlord CR19
Lemac Shadowsong, Boss type Bard7
Leprik Farseer, Halfling Paladin (Eberron)
Lernean Hydra
Lesser Force Ooze CR 10
Lesser-Pseudonatural Juvenile Blue Dragon
Lesser-Psuedonatural Juvenile Blue Dragon
Levran Helder
Liatris, Draconic Kobold Rogue 3
Lich Sorcerer 20
Lieutenant Almasia Elvario, Elven Ranger 3
Liliania, Bishop of Corellon Larathian
Lion Tamer elf Rgr6/Brd3
Little Griffon, CR 1/2
Little Miss Justice, High Priest of Heironeous
Living Acid Arrow CR 3
Living Acid Splash CR 1
Living Bane CR 1
Living Black Tentacles CR 7
Living Blade Barrier CR 11
Living Burning Hands (CL 3) CR 2
Living Calm Emotions CR 3
Living Consecrate CR 3
Living Darkness CR 3
Living Daze Monster CR 3
Living Doom CR 1
Living Fire Storm CR 13
Living Meteor Swarm CR 18
Living Ray of Frost CR 1
Living Spell Template SL 0
Living Spell Template SL 1
Living Spell Template SL 2
Living Spell Template SL 3
Living Spell Template SL 4
Living Spell Template SL 5
Living Spell Template SL 6
Living Spell Template SL 7
Living Spell Template SL 8
Living Spell Template SL 9
Living Spells
Lizardfolk Fighter 1
Lizardman Chieftain CR 7
Logan CR 1
Logan CR 3
Lora Sendi CR 1
Lorak Coldeyes, Bishop of Hruggek
Lord Arian Falstaff of WindBlade Keep
Lord Malyk, The Illustrious Im-Potentate
Lord Oruk Dukhast, Human Fallen Paladin - Paladin 7 / BlackGuard 7
Lord Skye Ni'Tessine, Envoy of Celene
Lord Sunder, DM Wrath
Lurg Mondos
Luuc, Ghoul Bounty Hunter
Lyrandar Airship Captain CR 8
Maggot of Anu
Magic-User CR 3
Maladric, Human Akalich Sorcerer 68
Malegornus, Gnome Ranger 6 CR 6
Maniacal Cultist CR 2
Marshal Fackler, Bishop of St. Cuthbert
Marteg Bloodstump, Ogre Ranger7
Master Ka's Design Worksheet
Master Spell Weaver CR 20
Mauler CR 1/2
Maurits, Male Dwarf Barbarian 3/Fighter2
Max Greenrock, evil aasimar
Medusa Lich Wizard 3 / Cleric 3 / Mystic Theurge 10
Melee Cleric, Drow Cleric CR 7
Menash, human Shaman/Sorcerer CR 9
Merope, Pureblood Yuan-Ti Warlock CR 16
Miluda, Half Elf Swordsage 4
Minor Force Ooze CR 2
Minotaur Champion CR 10
Minotaur Myrmidon, CR 9
Minotaur Whipmaster CR8
Monster, "human" Wilder 15
Mosquito Swarm CR 1
Mr. Chuckles
Mr. Grimm, Warforged Assassin CR7
Mr. Mittens, feline mageslayer (humourous)
Mycomax, paragon shrieker
Mystic Warrior Cultist CR 4
Nagal Imbana, Human Fighter 11
Natasha Vanastaya, Bare-Handed Duelist
Natsuki, ninja girl CR 23
Nature Buddies: Advanced Animal Companions
Nazstafu, Gnoll Mnk3/Rgr2/Bbn2
Neega, Orc Spiked-Chain Wielder
Neona, Female Gnoll Sor8
Nerius Dragonfriend, Human Druid Cr 22
Neth, Dark Swordsman CR 14
Nigak, Orc Berzerker
Nihil, Gestalt Monk/Psion, CR 43
Nisse Swarm
Nisshoku's Guard
Nobles' House Knight Ftr-4 CR 4
Norrick CR 1
Norrick CR 3
Nunga, Half-Orc Monk 5
Nunian, Legendary Paragon Awakened Cat Rogue 14
Nyaaguh, Deaf-mute Half-Orc Bard 1(humorous)
Nyrne Hatchetbelt CR 1
O'ad the Magnus
Ogre Barbarian 1 CR 4
Ogre Barbarian CR 7
Ogre Dire Were-Bat
Ogre Druid 4
Ogre Eunuch CR 3
Ogre Executioner, CR 11
Ogre Frenzied Beserker CR9
Ogre Jelly CR 5
Ogre Sorcerer3
Ogre Werewolf Lord CR9
Old Man Song
Ondo Argus, The Rook, human Ftr 15
Onebee and Twobee, Warforged Scout Rogue 3
Orc Barbarian 1
Orc Barbarian 10
Orc Barbarian 11
Orc Barbarian 2
Orc Barbarian 3
Orc Barbarian 4
Orc Barbarian 5
Orc Barbarian 6
Orc Barbarian 7
Orc Barbarian 8
Orc Barbarian 9
Orc Bladebearer
Orc Cavalry Barbarian 1
Orc Clr5
Orc Guard CR 1
Orc Regular
Orc Rog3/Ftr2
Orc warrior
Orc with DoubleAxe CR 4
Orgar Taunt
Oroku Saki Human Ninja CR13
Oskar Wilcox, Dwarven druid 4
Ouroboros, Great-Great-Great Wyrm Cometary Dragon
Padmah, Human Druid CR7
Pai Ran, Ki-Rin Sorcerer CR 23
Painbringer, Adult White Dragon Barbarian 4
Paragon Bardic Phoenix
Paragon Skeletal Heavy Warhorse
Parth, Elite Death Cultist
Patches, Half-Orc Rogue CR7
Peasant Prodigy CR 1
Pelegon, Chariot Master Fighter13
Pelegon, Master Chariot Warrior CR 13
Petrified Treant CR 9
Phalanx Warrior, CR ½
Phrenic Wight CR4
Pipelios, Kid with a Secret CR 2
Pirate Mate War3 CR2
Pixie Cavalier CR 22
Prince Kerath Rempha, Leonal Pal2/Dervish11/Kensai10
Prinnyus, High priest of Boccob
Psilla, Bishop of Tyr
Psionic Cultist CR 1
Psionic Guardian Cultist CR 3
Psuedonatural Lavawight
Punching Pally CR 12
Pyros, Azer Monk 6
Quarafent, Efreeti Monk CR 20
Quietus, Human Cultist and Killer
Rafe Stormhaven CR 1/2
Raging Wrestler CR 12
Raharlge, Tiefling Overlord CR 15
Rakshasa Sorcerer 3
Randal Morn, Fighter6/Rogue4
Ras Khatima, Ftr4
Ras Khatima, elven male, Ftr3
Red Stephie, Anthrodog Rogue/Wizard CR 5
Revived Fossil Triceratops, CR 8
Rheah Willowmane, Half-Elf Invisible Blade CR9
Rimi, Priestess of Sarene
Rindo,Human Soul Knife CR 1
Rita "Red-Eye" Thatcher, ballista expert
Ro'o Queen of Nisses
Roberto and Fredrick, Half-Elven Twins
Rock Lee, Human (Outsider) Monk 20
S'thili Bloater
S'thili Skitterer
Sagard, High Priest of Bane CR 15
Sahuagin Sorcerer 8
Sample Adult Black Dragon
Sample Adult Copper Dragon
Sample Adult Ethereal Dragon
Sample Adult Green Dragon
Sample Adult Radiant Dragon
Sample Adult Red Dragon
Sample Adult Silver Dragon
Sample Adult Tartarian Dragon
Sample Ancient Black Dragon
Sample Ancient Chaos Dragon
Sample Ancient Gold Dragon
Sample Cohorts and Followers for Leadership Feat
Sample Dragons
Sample Great Wyrm Black Dragon
Sample Great Wyrm Chaos Dragon
Sample Great Wyrm Gold Dragon
Sample Great Wyrm Pyroclastic Dragon
Sample Juvenile Black Dragon
Sample Juvenile Blue Dragon
Sample Juvenile Chaos Dragon
Sample Juvenile Radiant Dragon
Sample Juvenile Red Dragon
Sample Juvenile Shadow Dragon
Sample Juvenile Silver Dragon
Sample Mature Adult Black Dragon
Sample Mature Adult Copper Dragon
Sample Mature Adult Radiant Dragon
Sample Mature Adult Red Dragon
Sample Mature Adult Rust Dragon
Sample Mature Adult Silver Dragon
Sample Old Black Dragon
Sample Old Radiant Dragon
Sample Old Red Dragon
Sample Old Tartarian Dragon
Sample Very Old Black Dragon
Sample Very Old Red Dragon
Sample Very Old Tartarian Dragon
Sample Very Young Black Dragon
Sample Very Young Blue Dragon
Sample Very Young Copper Dragon
Sample Very Young Ethereal Dragon
Sample Very Young Green Dragon
Sample Very Young Red Dragon
Sample Very Young Silver Dragon
Sample Very Young Steel Dragon
Sample Very Young Styx Dragon
Sample Very Young Tartarian Dragon
Sample Very Young White Dragon
Sample Wyrm Black Dragon
Sample Wyrm Red Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Black Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Blue Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Brass Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Bronze Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Green Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Radiant Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Red Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Rust Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Silver Dragon
Sample Wyrmling Tartarian Dragon
Sample Young Adult Black Dragon
Sample Young Adult Brass Dragon
Sample Young Adult Chaos Dragon
Sample Young Adult Copper Dragon
Sample Young Adult Green Dragon
Sample Young Adult Howling Dragon
Sample Young Adult Red Dragon
Sample Young Adult Silver Dragon
Sample Young Adult Tartarian Dragon
Sample Young Adult White Dragon
Sample Young Black Dragon
Sample Young Blue Dragon
Sample Young Radiant Dragon
Sample Young Silver Dragon
Sample Young White Dragon
Sandy, farmer's daughter (child)
Scarecrow, Warforged Expert 4
Senath, Human Scout 10
Senath, human Scout10 with Nightmare
Sentinel Marshal, human paladin 3
Sergeant of the Palace Guard CR 5 War-7
Sergei, Swashbuckler 3/Ranger 2/Animal Lord (cat) 5; CR 10
Serjeant Thed of the Palace Guard, Ftr-6 CR 6
Serrgil Quickfoot, Legendary Silver Half Dragon Poison Dusk Lizardfolk Monk20/Rogue19
Shadow, half-drow Ranger 1/Sorcerer 10/Fire Savant 1
Shelra Dampcoffin
Shelra Dampcoffin Lvl8
Shelra Dampcoffing, Lvl 10
Sheridan (Half-Orc Barbarian)
Sherrif Willfried "Wee Willy" Stanford
Shifty Reggs, Goblin Were-Rat
Shimmer-Scale Wyrmling Blue Dragon Favored Soul 5
Siedell, Half-Fiend Samurai 13
Silaqui, Elven Petitioner of Carceri
Silas the Corrupted, Lich High Priest of a Death God CR23
Silent Killer, Drow Rogue/Assassin CR 10
Silent Killer, Drow Rogue/Assassin CR 9
Silver Dragon (Monk 1)
Simian Liberation Army Heavy
Sir Meatwall, Hobgoblin Knight 3
Skakan, Executive Administrative Assistant
Skeetles, Old Orc War 3 (CR 1)
Skeletal Ape
Skeletal Bison
Skeletal Heavy Warhorse
Skeletal Lion
Skeletal Shark CR5
Skullcrusher Ogre Barbarian CR8
Skullcrusher Ogre Cleric CR8
Skullcrusher Ogre Fist of Hextor, CR11
Skullcrusher Ogre Grappler CR8
Skullcrusher Ogre Slaver CR8
Skullcrusher Ogre Sword Fighter, CR11
Skullcrusher Ogre Two-weapon fighter, CR11
Slake, primal vampire gestalt Fighter/Monk CR 33
Slash, Awakened Skeleton Melee Rogue CR4
Small Winged Monkey CR 1/3
Smashy, Warforged Fighter CR6
Snipe, Awakened Skeleton Ranged Rogue CR4
Soldado de escuadra de exterminio fhaerimm
Soldier Recruit CR 1/2
Somli Ironhelm CR 1
Sooja, Human Wizard 12
Sorin Macer, Human Wizard 14
Sorte, male human Rog4
Spawn of Fenrir
Spencer of Thadeus
Spoiled Brat CR1
Ssaroth, Poison Dusk Lizardfolk Cleric, CR 9
Sss-trsss, Half-Fiend Blackscale Lizardfolk Barbarian, CR 9
Sssiff, Lizardfolk Hexblade 3
Stiiff Ruffstone, Grimlock Rogue CR 11
Stormclaw, Kobold Monk CR3
Succubus Paladin 6
Swabby, Human Monk CR5
Sweetwater Tenderfoot, Halfling Rogue 3
Swordsman CR 3
Szark Sturtz, Human Rogue 10/ Duelist 5
Taggit, Half-Orc Ranger CR 15
Tamas "Gadget" Etterson, magic item-maker
Tanek, Cleric 11
Tarastia, human Sorc-8
Tarsk, male Gnoll Marshall 4
Tauric Medusa/ Snake CR 11
Tauryus, Minotaur War Hulk6
Tchrak'klik, Thrikreen Psychic Warrior 2
Telir, Azer Outsider2/Fighter38/Legendary Dreadnought10
Testosterone Ooze
Tez'la, Kobold mad scientist
The "Lucky Lady" Crew and passenger manifest
The Angel of Death
The Angel of Sickness
The Band of Burnt Blades
The Black Brambles, Paragon Advanced Blightspawned Awakened Assassin Vine CR 35
The Black Knight of Masked Death CR17
The Crescent Cardinal, Minotaur Vampire Fighter CR 10
The Cult of Vaal
The Forgotten Hellfire
The Graven Shield, Orc Fighter 14, CR 15
The Knights of Death
The Lady of the Leaves, Bishop of Ehlonna
The Law
The Paladin, Uvuudaum Paladin 20
The Shackletons, an Evil Noble Household
The Silent Devourer's Sons, Half-Fiend Krakens
The Silent Devourer, Advanced Kraken CR 26
The Stranger in Black CR 19
The Tyrant's Eyes, Bishop of Hextor
The Vestige CR 27
Thief CR 3
Thimb, Halfling Cleric of a Trickster God
Thomas Riddleweaver, Gnome Lich Warlock 12
Thomas Riddleweaver, Gnome Warlock 7
Thoopshib, Mad Kuo-Toa CR 23
Thought Snake Hypnotist
Thought Snake, Adult
Thought Snake, Juvenile
Thri-Kreen ranger CR 8
Thrush, Epic Fighter CR 23
Tiamat's eidolon
Tiamat, Great-Great-Great Wyrm Polychromatic Dragon
Tiefling Acolyte of a Fire God CR 3
Tiefling Commander(Fighter 8)
Tiger Warrior
Tiny Winged Monkey CR 1/4
Tokran Bluerock, Dwarf Fighter 7/Dwarven Defender 2
Toma, Green Star Metal Adept
Ton'ang, Advanced Beholder Sorcerer/8
Torch, Warforged Soul Knife CR 8
Tordal, Dwarven Fleshwarper CR 18
Toris Fieldson CR 1/2
Town Guard CR 1/2
Tricky Pete, Bishop of Olidammara
Trillion, female halfling Brd2
Troglodyte CR 2
Troglodyte chief
Troll Warrior 2 CR 6
Troll Were-Banded-Lizard CR 9
True Solar
Tulaen ir'Guthren, Elite Cultist
Two-Headed Human Commoner CR 2
Typical dwarven child
Typical elven child
Typical gnomish child
Typical goblin child
Typical half-elven child
Typical half-orcish child
Typical halfling child
Typical kobold child
Typical orcish child (female)
Typical orcish child (male)
Ulredd Stonesplitter, Dwarf Druid
Unglar, Ambassador of the Wilds(Barbarian5)
Ungobulus, Tiefling Warlock 6
Unique Half-Fiend Beholder
Unsk CR 21
User talk:Garnfellow
User talk:MidnightLightning
User:SkyeNiTessine/NPC-Ulredd Stonesplitter
Valen Sureshot CR 1
Valfin, Human Druid 5
Vampiric Catfolk Marshal 5/Master Vampire 1
Vampiric Goblin Blackguard CR 13
Vampiric Gulgar
Vampiric Skindancer
Vanilla, Halfling Exorcist of the Shiney-Fire CR 20
Varios, Melee Combat Cleric of a Death God
Velsht Knifetooth, Grimlock Master Thrower CR 11
Velvet Serenity
Venerable Kobold Sorcerer 13
Venjorwile Great Wyrm Shadow Dragon
Ventifakt Gronthean, Evil Elven Sorcerer 10
Verrick (Ranger/Druid/Cleric)
Verrick the Druid Physical Combat CR4
Veteran Fighter CR 1
Vile Cultist CR 4
Vilina, shifter ranger 3
Villians and Masterminds: The BBEG Collection
Virgil, Dwarven Chain-Rager(Barbarian 12)
Voidspawn Fire Elemental CR10
Volna Wisperbreeze, Halfling Warlock 10(Anti-Caster)
Vurmyrk, Skullcrusher Ogre High Cleric, CR10
War Cultist CR 1
War Veteran CR 1
Warforged Barbarian CR6
Warforged Ninja CR1
Warrior Noble (goblinoid-bane) CR9
Warrior-Priests, Human Warrior 1 / Adept 1
Watchdragon, white young adult, ranger 1
Waywocket "Gearjam" Turen, Gnome rogue 6
Wealthy Patron CR 4
Wee Mang, Halfling Barbarian CR 4
Weren, Wereliger War Hulk, CR 18
Wererat Rogue CR 9
Wererat warrior 2
White Blades, Human Psychic Warriors 2
Wiegraf, Half Elf Duskblade 7
Wight with 8 HD cr 4
Wild Elf Cleric Archer 5
Winter Queen, Winter Nymph Druid 6
Winter Wolf Guardian CR 7
Witchtongue, Hobgoblin Warlock 3
Wizard3 Cleric3 MysticTheurge5 CR11
Wolfen, CR 4
Wunderkind Warrior CR 1
Yancy Daringstone CR 1/2
Yangi TrueOath, The Dwarf with No Home(Warblade5)
Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie Lizardfolk CR 1
Yeoman CR 1/2
Yggdrasil, Elder Timber Dragon
Yik Yik, Kobold Weasel Rider CR 3
Young Adult Tiger Dragon(Red-Black Hybrid Dragon)
Young Green Dragon Warlock 4
Ysdor, half-elven wizard
Yuan-Ti Abomination Fighter CR 13
Yuan-Ti Halfblood Ranger10(Archer)
Zangulus, Non-Caster Ranger 11
Zara, Bunnygirl Barbarian CR 12
Zarial "The Gianthand", High Priest of Kord
Zelet Lan, Cleric 1
Zerogadizuu, Scout/Blade Bravo CR 13
Zigglikaglack, Zeugalak Barbarian CR 20
Zimbalon, Centaur Ranger 3
Zombie Raven CR 1/8
Zombie Raven Swarm CR 3