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Infested Slasher Tactics
===Infested Slasher Tactics===
The first step in an often painful process of transformation, slashers develop some of the more universal zerg features. Their toes lengthen, giving them the long strides of a digitigrade gait. Their eyes become the disconcerting orange and black, even as their hides harden into a bizare bizarre scaly exoskeleton. Their fingers develop into long, razor sharp talons that fan out like a bat's wing (albiet albeit lacking the membrane) and they grow needle-like teeth, occasionally complimented by a pair of fanged mandibles.
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Infested AbominationImpaler
|type=magical beast
{{4e Creature Power
|name=TalonsImpaler Tentacle
|effect=''Attack:'' Melee 1 3 (one target); +10 vs. AC<br />''Hit:'' 1d8 + 5 damage.
{{4e Creature Power
|effect=When the infested abomination impaler is reduced to 0 hit points, it makes a saving throw. If it succeeds, it spends a healing surge at the beginning of its next turn, stands, and may act as normal.
{{4e Creature Bottom
|skills=Athletics +? (+? when jumping or climbing)