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Giant Arthropod (Legend Racial Track)

Author: Mystify (talk)
Date Created: May 27, 2012
Status: Complete
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Giant bugs, spiders, and crustaceans

Giant spiders, crabs, scorpions, ants... All are potentially fearsome foes, and share a many qualities.

+1 AC
(choose one)
Feign Death
The Earth Cracks
Danger Sense

Giant Arthropods are a stable of fantasy. Be it the classic giant spider, a hoard of overside scorpions, a colony of giant ants, huge crabs, or some other giant insect, they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Despite this, they have some abilities in common.

Racial Track

Table: Giant Arthropod Racial Track

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Giant Arthropod
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Creepy Crawly
2nd +2 +3 +3 +1
3rd +3 +4 +4 +1 Improved Physical Aspect
4th +4 +4 +4 +2
5th +5 +5 +5 +2
6th +6 +6 +6 +3 Greater Physical Aspect
7th +7 +6 +6 +3
8th +8 +7 +7 +4
9th +9 +8 +8 +4 Thing of Nightmares
10th +10 +8 +8 +5
11th +11 +9 +9 +5
12th +12 +10 +10 +6 Brood Lord
13th +13 +10 +10 +6
14th +14 +11 +11 +7
15th +15 +12 +12 +7 Molt
16th +16 +12 +12 +8
17th +17 +13 +13 +8
18th +18 +14 +14 +9 Unnatural Resilience
19th +19 +14 +14 +9
20th +20 +15 +15 +10


1st Circle - Creepy CrawlyEX: You may either gain gain a swim speed equal to your land speed or the ability Good Climber: You may use your dex modifier in place of your strength modifier for climb checks, you can always move at full speed, and you do not suffer any penalties from climbing. Physical Aspect: Additionally, you may select one of the following abilities:

Poison attack: You gain a natural weapon that can deliver poison, often a bite or a stinger. It is a melee [traumatizing] [brutal][holdout] weapon. Once per round, after hitting an enemy, you can force them to make a fort save( DC 10+ ½ level + CON) or be poisoned. The effect of this poison is [On fire] for 1 round, as the poison damages them.
Claws: You have large claws or mandibles suitable for grabbing your prey and immobilizing them. These are melee [brutal 2] [guardian] weapons, and once per round, if you hit an opponent, you can force them to make a reflex save or be [flat footed] to your attacks for 1 round.
Wings: You have wings. You gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed. If you already have a flight speed, it increases by 15 ft.
Web: You have the ability to create webs. Once per [encounter], as a standard action you can launch a web at a single target within [close] range. The target must make a reflex save(DC 10+1/2 level + Dexterity modifier) or be [entangled] for 2 rounds.
Chitinous Exoskeleton: Your exoskeleton is especially hard and thick. You gain a +1 item bonus to AC for every circle of this track you possess.
Leaper: You possess a powerful ability to jump. As a standard action, you may fly your move speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You may make an attack at the end of the movement.
Bloodsucker: You feed on blood. You gain a proboscis natural attack – melee [brutal][magnum][traumatizing]. This attack heals you for half the damage you deal with it, up to your key offensive modifier per hit.
Antennae: You have antenae that give you an heightened senses. You have Blindsight within [close] range

2nd Circle - Improved Physical Aspect:EX: Your first circle ability improves to corresponding ability below. Additionally, select a new physical aspect option from circle 1.

Poison attack: The effect of your poison is now [on fire] and take a -1 penalty to attack and AC for 1 round.
Claws: If the enemy fails the reflex save against your claws, they are also unable to move for 1 round. This is a [binding] effect. If you move, the effect ends.
Wings: Your gain a fly speed increases by 15ft.
Web: Once per [Encounter] per 2 character levels, as a standard action you can fire a glob of webbing at a point within [medium] range. This sprays thin webbing over every creature within a 10 ft radius the point you select. Everyone affected must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your level + your Dexterity modifier) or be [Entangled] for 2 [Rounds].
Chitinous Exoskeleton: In addition to the item bonus to AC, you gain a +3 bonus to fort saves.
Leaper: When you use your leaper ability, you add bonus damage equal to your level to the attack.
Bloodsucker: Your proboscis attack now heals you for half the damage you deal with it, up to your level per hit.
Antennae: Your have antennae now grants [ghostwise sight] out to [close] range

3rd Circle - Greater Physical Aspect:EX: Your first circle physical aspect improves to the corresponding ability, and the physical aspect ability you selected at 2nd circle increases to the corresponding ability listed 2nd circle. Additionally, select a new physical aspect option from circle 1.

Poison attack: The effect of your poison is now [On fire] and [Sickened] for 2 rounds
Claws: If the enemy fails the reflex save against your claws, they are [Grappled] by you, and grapple continues as normal.
Wings: Your gain a fly speed increases by an additional 15ft.
Web: Once per [Encounter] per 4 character levels, as a standard action you can fire a glob of webbing at a point within [medium] range. This sprays thin webbing over every creature within a 20 ft radius the point you select. Everyone affected must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your level + your Dexterity modifier) or be [Entangled] for 2 [Rounds].
Chitinous Exoskeleton: In addition to the item bonus to AC, and fort save bonus, you gain [Lesser resistance] to physical damage
Leaper: As a move or standard action, you may fly your move speed. If you used your standard action, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You may make a [Bonus attack] at the end of the movement.
Bloodsucker: Your proboscis attack can now inflict [Hp reduction] equal points to the damage you would heal.
Antenna: Your have antenna now grants [tremorsense] out to [close] range

4th Circle - Thing of NightmaresEX: Giant arthropods are terrifying creatures, hitting all kinds of primal responses. Choose one of the following abilities:

Kill it with fire!: Your form is so terrifying, there is only one proper response: Kill it with fire. The first time in an [Encounter] that each enemy enters your [melee] range, you may choose to act in a fearsome manner that causes the opponent to become [Shaken]. A successful will save (DC 10+1/2 level + KOM) negates this effect. Creatures effected by this ability take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls against a creature who does not possess this ability. You gain +2 hp per level. In addition, you gain [Vulnerability] to [Fire].
Acid spit: You have the ability to spit acid. As a standard action, target one creature in [Close] range. They take 1d6/level acid damage and are [Checked] and [Sickened] for 1 round. A successful fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 level + CON) halves the damage and negates the [Checked] and [Sickened] conditions.
Skitter: You are especially nimble and are more able to skitter out of the way of attacks. You gain a +2 bonus on reflex saves, and once per [Round], when you successfully make a reflex save, you may move up to your speed.

5th Circle - Brood LordEX: You gain one of the following abilities

Swarm: You are surrounded by a swarm of your lesser brethren. This manifests as an area extending out to [Close] range in which all enemies take 2xKOM damage per [round].
Diseased: You are a carrier of disease. Your attacks can inflict a virulent pathogen. Once per [encounter], when you hit with a natural attack, your opponent must make a fort save(DC 10+1/2 level+CON) or be [Confused] for the rest of the [encounter] as a fever makes them delirious.
Curl up: As a move action, you can pull yourself into a more defensive position making it hard to hurt you. You gain [Lesser resistance] to all damage for 1 [Round].

6th Circle - Molt:EX: As a standard action once per [Encounter], you can shed your old skin and emerge anew. You heal an amount of damage equal to your max hp.

7th Circle - Unnatural resilienceEX: You gain [Immunity] to [Unconscious] and [Dying], though you still die at -(Constitution) HP. Once per encounter, when you would otherwise be dead, you can choose to continue fighting for 1 round before dying. You may be healed during this time.
