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Energy Blade Beam (3.5e Feat)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-3-14
Status: Complete
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Energy Blade Beam [Arcane Combat] You fling the magic imbued in your sword outward in waves of energy!Prerequisites: Fighter level 8, Font of Power StyleBenefit: As a standard action you can fling the energy within your sword out in either a targeted or area effect shockwave. You deal 1d6 of your chosen energy (from Font of Power) per point of BAB in either a ranged touch attack out to 60 ft, or a line out to 120 ft. Sonic damage is reduced to d4s as normal. As a line, it has a Reflex save for half equal to 10 + 1/2 HD + the ability modifier used for attack (usually Strength). This is considered a spell-like ability, with a spell level equal to 1/2 your HD (minimum 1st, maximum 9th at +18 BAB). Special: Arcane Combat feats can be taken as fighter bonus feats.

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