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Master Craftsman (3.5e Feat)

Revision as of 20:33, 24 February 2010 by Foxwarrior (talk | contribs) (a scaling Craft feat)
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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 2/24/10
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Master Craftsman [Skill] The items you make are famous around the world for superior craftsmanship Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Craft.

  • 0 ranks: You get a +3 bonus to all Craft checks
  • 4 ranks: You craft items twice as fast if you have at least 4 ranks in the appropriate craft skill. This means that you can earn twice as much money with Craft checks.
  • 9 ranks: You can enchant magic items as though you had all the prerequisite feats if you have at least 9 ranks in the appropriate craft skill. You still need to meet the other prerequisites for this, such as caster level and spells known, or have a large supply of scrolls or wands that meet those requirements for you.
  • 14 ranks: You can enchant magic items as though you knew every spell and had a caster level equal to your hit dice if you have at least 14 ranks in the appropriate craft skill.
  • 19 ranks: You craft items for half the cost in both resources and experience if you have at least 19 ranks in the appropriate craft skill.

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