Sense World [Skill]
You have mastered the art of searching your own feelings enough that you can know things to be true beyond just whether someone is lying.
Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Sense Motive.
- 0 ranks: You can form Personal Connections with people and sense their presence. You have a personal connection with your parents, your children, and your siblings, and can form a personal connection with someone once per week so long as they were within 20 feet of you for at least ten hours during that week. For all creatures you have a personal connection with, you can tell at all times if: they're within 1 mile; they're on the same plane; or if they're not on the same plane. All Sense World abilities are supernatural divination abilities and so can be blocked by protections from divination.
- 4 ranks: You are never flat-footed and cannot be flanked.
- 9 ranks: You are in tune enough with the world around you that you can simply think about something and get a sense if it's true or not. Once per hour, you can mentally make a statement of fact about the world as it currently is, and get a confident sense of if it's true, false, or ambiguously phrased.
- 14 ranks: Your personal connections grow in strength. Whenever you sleep, if any of your Personal Connections are likely to die painfully or be tortured in the next week, you get prophetic visions of it happening, clear enough that you can see the scene it happens in but not necessarily any other creatures in the scene. These prophetic visions are sometimes hazy or inaccurate, the DM should make a good faith attempt to provide visions any time they would be applicable but they are not expected to anticipate the party members getting theirselves killed.
- 19 ranks: You may make a Sense Motive check in place of an initiative check.