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Infinite Alchemical Pouch (3.5e Equipment)

Revision as of 17:41, 3 October 2019 by Leziad (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Leziad |date_created=3rd October 2019 |adopter= |date_adopted= |status=Finished |editing=}} {{3.5e Magic Item |name=Infinite Alchemical Pouch |price=Var...")
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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 3rd October 2019
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Infinite Alchemical Pouch
Price: Variable (see text)
Body Slot: Slotless
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Moderate Conjuration and Transmutation
Activation: Standard Action
Weight: 2 lbs

An Infinite Alchemical Pouch is a small pouch which can be attached to most armor or clothing, as a standard action the user may reach into it and acquire a mundane alchemical item determined by the pouch. The alchemical item last for 1 hour before becoming inert, it is obvious unstable and cannot be sold. You may use the pouch up to three times per days to recover a single type of alchemical item from it, essentially allowing you to recover a single item of each kind three times per day.

The cost of an Infinite Alchemical Pouch is equal to 2,500 GP + 25 times the total market cost of the alchemical items it replicate. When crafted, you may add multiple alchemical items to the pouch, the cost being cumulative.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, create alchemical items, shrink Item, crafter must have 8 ranks in Craft (Alchemy).
Cost to Create: 1,250 GP (Base), 100 EXP (Base), 2 days.

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