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Armor Ablation (3.5e Feat)

Revision as of 05:16, 12 March 2018 by (talk)
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Author: Leziad (talk)
Contributors: Spanambula
Date Created: 3rd June 2016
Status: Finished
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Armor Ablation [Fighter, Tactical] Prerequisites: Bab +1, proficiency with Light, medium and Heavy Armor alongside all shields (including tower shields)Benefit: This feat grant three tactical maneuvers that can be used when wearing specific armor pieces.

Broken Helm: As an immediate action you may negate a single critical hit, causing it to deal normal damage. However the damage is also dealt to your Great Helm, if its hit points are depleted it falls broken adjacent to your space and you cannot use the broken helm again for the encounter.

Shield Block: As an immediate action you may raise your shield against a single attack, you gain DR/- equal to your shield's bonus and a number of temporary hit point equal to the shield's hit points until the attack is resolved. However the damage is also dealt to your shield (hardness applies), if its hit points are depleted it breaks and you are left wide open, becoming flat-footed for 1 round and unable to use shield block again for the encounter.

Tank Mode: As a swift action at the start of your turn you may take a special stance, in this stance your move speed is halved and all hit point damage you receive is split evenly between you and your armor (hardness applies). If your armor's hit points are depleted it breaks and has 50% chance of falling off, otherwise it remains broken on you. You then immediately drop out of this stance and take double damage for 1 round and cannot enter this stance again for the encounter. You may drop out of this stance as a free action at the start or end of your turn. Special: Because this feat relies on your equipment actually absorbing some damage, riverine or other invincible materials cannot be used in conjunction with this feat.

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