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Sword Breaker (3.5e Equipment)

Revision as of 17:46, 12 August 2015 by Ganteka Future (talk | contribs) (new thing, not sure on price)
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Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 12 August 2015
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity if necessary.
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Sword Breaker

A sword breaker weapon is designed to break other weapons when the chance arises.

This feature can be included as part of a weapon when crafted, often changing its appearance to reflect this new functionality, such as outward facing catches on the hilt, slits in the weapon's head or blade, prongs or other feature's to catch an opponent's weapon and provide the wielder a bit of extra leverage. Only masterwork weapons can be made as sword breaker weapons.

To make use of a sword breaker's functionality, the wielder must have a base attack bonus of +1 and be proficient with the weapon.

When attacked by an opponent within your reach, and that opponent misses, as an immediate action you may make an attack roll with the wielded sword breaker weapon to make a sunder attempt against your opponent's weapon. If you fail the opposed check for sundering, you are flat-footed until the start of your turn.

A sword breaker weapon also enables a piercing weapon to make sunder attempts. Proficiently dual-wielding two sword breaker light weapons removes the –4 penalty for sundering with a light weapon.

Cost: The cost of the base weapon + 300 gp.

Affinities: None.

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