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Morale Boost (3.5e Utterance)

Revision as of 08:01, 29 May 2015 by Eiji-kun (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Eiji-kun |date_created=5-28-15 |status=Complete |balance=High }} ''This utterance uses the rules for the Truenamer, Rebuild (3.5e Class)|truenamer reb...")
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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-28-15
Status: Complete
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This utterance uses the rules for the truenamer rebuild.

Morale Boost
Lexicon of the Primal Word
Level: Truenamer 4
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft
Duration : 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Truespeak DC: {{{dc}}}



You remove fear and doubt, leaving clarity upon a creature. This ends compulsion and fear effects and renders them immune to compulsion and fear for the duration. In fact, whenever they are exposed to a compulsion or fear effect they are instead emboldened and gain a +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, AC, and saves for the duration of this utterance.

Reverse: You pull at the primal terrors associated with one's truename, generating panic. A creature is rendered frightened for the duration, or shaken on a successful Will save. This fear does not stack with other fear effects or itself. However, if used against something immune to mind-affecting fear effects it instead strips that immunity on a failed save (though they may remain immune to other mind-affecting effects). This leaves them open to be frightened by a second casting.

Failure: On a failed truespeak check, the duration is reduced to 1 round.

Primal Utterance

Normal: They gain a single minded focus, and fall under the effect of mind blank for 10 minutes/level (D) in addition to the normal effects.

Reversed: In addition to the normal effect, they must make another save next round against phantasmal killer, even if the creature is immune to fear and mind-affecting effects. On a failed Will save but a successful Fortitude save they take 1d6 points of damage per caster levels.

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