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User:Tarkisflux/sandbox/ToP Feats

< User:Tarkisflux
Revision as of 19:45, 1 December 2011 by Tarkisflux (talk | contribs) (Feat Concepts: concept complete and moved out)

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Feat Concepts

<Insert Name Here> [ToP Skill] If things got really bad, you could always just hide under a rock for a century or two until they improved. Benefits: This is a skill feat intended for use with the Tome of Prowess. It scales with your ranks in Endurance.

  • 4 ranks: Your body processes slow substantially. You only need to eat and drink half as much as normal, and can hold your breath for 4 rounds per point of endurance bonus.
    Additionally, you no longer suffer attribute penalties for aging as deterioration simply doesn't happen at the same pace.
  • 9 ranks: You no longer require food or water (or whatever other crude physical matter would otherwise sustain you) to sustain your body. You can still eat and drink if you want to, refreshment still tastes good (if it would normally) and your body still processes them normally when you do take them in.
    Additionally, your maximum age limit is doubled.
  • 14 ranks: You no longer need to breathe to sustain your body. Your body can content itself with just recycling the same old oxygen for as long as it needs to. You become immune to any effects that require you to inhale them first.
    Additionally, your maximum age limit is quadrupled.
  • 19 ranks: Your mind no longer requires time spent in sleep or a trance to recover itself. You can still do those things if you want to, of course. If you have to spend time at rest before recovering spells, this time is halved.
    Additionally, you have no maximum lifespan and are immortal barring poison, violence, or other things of that sort.

<Insert Adjective Here> Climber [ToP Skill] The only things you can't effectively climb are non-euclidean. Benefits: This is a skill feat intended for use with the Tome of Prowess. It scales with your ranks in Athletics.

  • 4 ranks:
  • 9 ranks: You can climb strong winds, like sandstorms, tornadoes, and even wind walls. These surfaces have a base DC of 30, and you are carried along for any horizontal movement they possess along with whatever vertical movement you gain from climbing.
  • 14 ranks: You gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed. You must use all of your limbs in order to gain this climb speed, but may still attempt to climb with only your feet as a normal use of the skill. While you have the climb speed, however, you gain a +8 bonus to climb checks and don't really need to make them outside of special circumstances and suffering significant damage. You also gain this bonus when you attempt to grab on if you happen to slip while walking up a wall.
  • 19 ranks:

Leaping Strider [ToP Skill] ' Benefits: This is a skill feat intended for use with the Tome of Prowess. It scales with your ranks in Jump.

  • 4 ranks: Your base move is increased by an amount equal to your jump modifier, rounded up to the nearest 5' increment.
  • 9 ranks:
  • 14 ranks:
  • 19 ranks:

Header/Footer Stuff

This is just to make it easier to copy/paste completed feats into actual pages. {{author |author_name=Tarkisflux |date_created= |status=Complete |balance=Wizard }} <onlyinclude>{{ToP Skill Feat |name= |types= |summary= |skill= |prereqs= |skill0= |skill4= |skill9= |skill14= |skill19= }}</onlyinclude> ---- {{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}}<br /> {{3.5e Tome of Prowess Breadcrumb/Characters}}<br /> {{Tome Material Breadcrumb/Skill Feats}} [[Category:3.5e]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Tome]] [[Category:Feat]] [[Category:Tome of Prowess]]