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User:Warriors4ever/3.5 Truespeak Effects/Utterances/2nd Level/Speed of the Zephyr (3.5 Truespeak Effect)

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Revision as of 04:37, 4 June 2011 by Warriors4ever (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Speed of the Zephyr Level: 2 Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: None Normal: Your target's base speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, he can walk on water, quicksand, snow, ...")
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Speed of the Zephyr

Level: 2

Duration: 5 rounds

Saving Throw: None

Normal: Your target's base speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, he can walk on water, quicksand, snow, or even a spider's web without sinking through the surface (this effect confers no resistance to particularly sticky webs). This does not grant immunity to damage caused by hazardous terrain; for instance, a target could move across a pit of lava at full speed, but would still be subject to fire damage. In addition, the target can take part of one of its move actions to traverse a wall or other relatively vertical surface if it begins and ends its movement on a horizontal surface. The height it can achieve on the wall is limited only by this horizontal restriction. If it does not end its move on a horizontal surface, it falls prone, taking falling damage as appropriate for its distance above the ground. Treat the wall as normal floor for the purpose of measuring movement. Passing from floor to wall or wall to floor costs no movement. Opponents on the ground can make attacks of opportunity as the target moves up the wall.

Augment: If this utterance is augmented one step, you may add 5 feet to you base land speed (this includes the initial +10 bonus).

Reverse: Your target's base speed is reduced by 10 feet.

Augment: For every step you augment this utterance, the target’s base speed is further reduced by an additional 5 feet.