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User talk:MisterSinister

Revision as of 08:22, 3 March 2011 by Viatos (talk | contribs)

This is my talk page.

Spell Requests

Just thought I'd post this here from you from the old wiki, the first request was by (I think) Havvy: (at around 3 minutes). It doesn't show all of it, like the image here: . Basically the caster surrounds itself with a sphere of air allowing flight, along with rings of stone, fire, and water, which it can turn tentacle-like to harm the opponent.

A spell (preferably swift action) which changes the material composition of a weapon or natural weapon. Also a water dragon, like the one kakashi and zabusa use in naruto. A spell which applies a dose of poison to your weapon, and a spell which makes the next spell you cast empowered or the like. -Idkwhatmynameis 22:32, 22 October 2010 (UTC)

TOToM Template

Currently, the template links the sphere entry to homebrew spheres. Since it looks like you're going to need to redo the spheres anyway, did you want them to link elsewhere? Similarly the definition links in the spell header links to SRD pages instead of your rules pages. Did you want that changed? - Tarkisflux 21:21, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Yes, that would be good. I haven't written up any spheres yet, so I'm not quite sure where to direct them, but I guess the Sphere section in SRP4 would be best. MisterSinister 21:33, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

4e Style Template

Once I get your okay, I'll move the TOToM Spell template on my userpage to the template domain. The test/example page is here: TOTOM Example.

TOToM [Suppressible]

I get the first part of this tag, you can turn any number of them on or off as a swift action. What's the second part for? - Tarkisflux 19:35, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

For abilities like this: Breath of the Dragon (TOToM_Spell). Basically, it replaces the need to say 'wait 1d4+1 rounds'. --Havvy 19:45, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Gotcha. I had assumed it had something to do with having your at-will stuff dispelled temporarily, but thought I was missing something. Since you want a different DC on that setup (which I think is a good idea since it's rather random), why don't we just say that it's suppressed until recovered and use the same recovery roll mechanic as everything else? - Tarkisflux 19:56, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Havvy - you might also wanna consider what the DC would be for abilities that lack levels - such as dragon's breath under normal circumstances. - MisterSinister 20:00, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
I pass on figuring out good DCs for this to TarkisFlux. --Havvy 20:34, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Will be merged into recovery mechanics then, where "this ability is not available" is the thing that you recover from, since they currently provide a decent range of "wait X rounds". Need to bring that up later as well since my proposal has what looks a lot like inverted duration tracking and I'm unclear on if that is acceptable or not. :-/ - Tarkisflux 21:43, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

At-Will Justification Request

Example for reference: Breath of the Dragon (TOToM Spell) is a spell you can use to AoE blast for non-piddly shit all day long (subject to recovery breaks) while bypassing any annoying resistances that happened to pop up, starting at level 3. You could just cast it 4 times, leave your slots used up, and use it almost every round if you wanted to. Even aside from the bug/feature that is stacking slot duration recovery-to-use-again abilities, this is a substantial upgrade from current wizard stuff. The damage upgrade is fine, of course, because it needs to compete with web and glitterdust and whatnot, but the at-will thing appears to go above and beyond competing.

There's certainly a level where you can spam spells like this all day long and I don't care. I'm just not sure it's level 3. I get the desire to increase the workday length, I'm not seeing giving otherwise balanced single use damage/incapacitation rate spike spells whenever you want them as a valid way to do that.

That said, I'm genuinely unsure whether this is just a "WTF OP!" moment or an actual concern. It certainly feels wrong at this level though. I'd appreciate being set straight if I'm out in the field on this. - Tarkisflux 20:22, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Having read the spell again (and corrected a hideously stupid error), I think I hear where you're coming from. While what you're suggesting requires extreme slot burn, I think I agree that level 3 might be a bit premature. Would pulling the damage back a bit be OK by you? - MisterSinister 20:28, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Wait a second, you can slot the same ability more than once? That shouldn't be possible, via stacking rules. --Havvy 20:34, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Not slotting the same thing more than once in the same slot, but slotting it in 4 different slots and checking each for a separate recharge. If there's rules that prohibit that I haven't seen them, and they also need to specifically exempt transferable spells that you've put on other people as long as mass-buffing is intended since that's basically the same spell in multiple slots setup.
Regarding the actual spell's damage, I actually have the same problem with Eldritch Blast (TOToM Spell) and every damage balanced but also at-will now spell. So a simple damage fix would probably not address my concerns without making the damage so low that no one would care about it until such level as the at-will meta we've discussed comes on line (i.e. similar to non-caster damage output with the same action cost since there aren't any substantial usage restrictions). But I think we're getting lost in examples at this point, so I'm going to generalize things up.
When Frank said [CL]d6 fireballs at level 1 was balanced, he meant balanced within the standard usage limitation paradigm that you're also abolishing / revising with respect to them. The damage spells that you've tagged at-will thus far appear to have been brought up to very near the level of the SoDs at the same level. It looks like a double power-up where only a single was necessary. Why is it ok to allow a caster to cast some single use spells basically at will, as long as they don't refill the slot that originally held it, but not other spells? What quality of the spell makes this arrangement acceptable? - Tarkisflux 21:41, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
If a more specific example would be useful, consider the following apparent imbalance: Breath of the Dragon (TOToM Spell) will deal enough damage on average to very nearly kill an equal hit die foe (in that level range that's probably also an equal CR foe) on a failed save and leave them near half health on a successful save. Against lower hit die foes you probably just murder everyone. If you cast it you can use it all day, subject to a recharge period. Colour Spray (TOToM Spell) affects the same size area, will only stun creatures of your CR for 1 round instead of almost murder them on a failed save and will do nothing to them on a successful save. Against foes of a substantially lower CR it either incaps them for most of the fight (basically dead) or does nothing if they save. In terms of simple foe reduction, it appears to be worse than BotD. And you only get to use it once per slot at the level you acquire it. Why do you get to use the more powerful encounter ending spell more often? - Tarkisflux 19:08, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

Tarkis - I agree, and will be amending things to get them back in line. BotD needs a damage pull in any case. - MisterSinister 19:10, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

At this point I'm arguing that any at-will spell in this level range needs to be something akin to what a non-caster could accomplish with the same action cost. So magic missile could be an at-will if it only gave you 1 missile as a standard action and 2 as a full-action, and it didn't scale in any other fashion, ever. Or throw bolt where you just used magic to fire a crossbow bolt (and so skipped the reloading part). Any single use balanced spell, like the ones mentioned so far, should probably be dealt with in an at-will way by the metamagic feat (that is an augment on color spray and detonation), whenever that comes on line. I should just go write that metamagic feat already... - Tarkisflux 19:19, 17 November 2010 (UTC)
Hmmm... I think you're likely right. - MisterSinister 19:24, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

LD Spell Category

Instead of Category:LD Spell, if there isn't a good reason not to I'd prefer that you just make a general Category:Liber Dominicus where all the LD stuff would go. If you want to check for only spells, you'd just do an intersection of Category:Spell and Category:Liber Dominicus. Surgo 16:37, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

Good point, Surgo. Will correct to such. - MisterSinister 18:56, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

Acid Rain

I wrote up that spell, so the Acid domain is done. If you have any issues with it, contact me. - TG Cid 16:18, 13 February 2011 (UTC)

=Breadcrumbing Hollow Nymph

Thank you! - Viatos 08:22, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

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