Legacy of Darkness (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Geography/Lebiia

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Author: Risek (talk)
Date Created: March 12th, 2010
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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  • Size: Large
  • Shape: Sphere
  • Location: Outer Ring
  • Climate: Cold
  • Terrain: Mountain
  • Race:
80% Lebiian
15% Imperial
5% Others
  • Civilization Traits
  • Owner: Psk'Therei Caste
  • Dominant Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Lawful Good
  • Civilization State: Scattered cities
  • Religious Beliefs: Atheistic
  • Authority Figures: Hethulai Vraemol Alosenti (LN Lebiian shaper 20/Constructor 12/Etopic Adept CPsy 5)
  • History and Background: Deep in the Outer ring, Lebiia is a cold, desolate mountain shard, dimly lit by a few void streams that flow near the shard. Dotting the landscape are several dozen fortresses, each one intricately carved directly from the mountains themselves, a necessity on a shard where the wind has been know to blow so strongly that lesser structures have been torn down.

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We are a mockery of life, we are abominations, we are damned, but WE are immortals my brothers!
—Rhanadekunak, Lich Councillor
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Legacy of Darkness
Campaign Setting