SRD:Improved Natural Attack

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Improved Natural Attack [General]


Natural weapon, base attack bonus +4.


Choose one of the creature’s natural attack forms. The damage for this natural weapon increases by one step, as if the creature’s size had increased by one category.


You can take this feat multiple times, but each time it applies to a different natural attack.

Table: Improved Natural Attack Damage Increase

1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6 6d6 8d6 12d6
2d4 2d6 3d6 4d6 6d6 8d6 12d6
1d12 3d6 4d6 6d6 8d6 12d6
1d10 2d8 3d8 4d8 6d8 8d8 12d8 16d8
2d10 4d8 6d8 8d8 12d8 16d8

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