Masosado (3.5e Race)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 22nd of August 2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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A race of incredibly sadistic, pain-loving people, who live to experience physical distress and emotional sorrow.


Masosados have violent, chaotic tendencies and are inclined to depression, self-pity, verbal and physical aggression. They usually cultivate negative emotions and sensations above all, driven by the need of causing pain, to others as well as themselves.

A lot of them are painzerkers.

Physical Description

They appear not much more different than humans, but have usually a greyish tone of color, black eyes, hair and nails. They have a multitude of scars, bruises and other signs of self-mutilation. They either go bald or grow their hair long, keeping them untamed (save for some exceptions). They wear black clothes, usually rugged and torn, with lot of spikes, leather and studs. Their bodies are almost always covered in extensive tatoos, piercings and other body modifications. When they experience strong pain, their eyes glow red.

Their most prominent feature is the barbed wire embedded in their skin, which wraps their body around.


The extreme actions of masosados don't mix well with most societies and they usually are shunned by more civilized people and more accepted among tribal and savage communities. Most massafo live with other of their kind, but their societies are rare and have few members.


Mostly chaotic evil, but all shades of evil may be found among them. Neutral masosados are few, while good ones (especially if lawful) are almost absent, but not unheard of (these individuals really shine among masosados, as they don't have a different fundamental behaviour, but combine it with their good alignment - most times by directing violence and sadness to themselves rather than to others).


They don't produce, nor try to have a positive impact on things and places, so their need for farming, breeding of animals and building is at a minimum. They usually raid others, if they are savage, or live off societal structures that others built. Having said that, some masosados are quite creative and enterprising in the business of inflicting pain.

Religion and Society

They worship deities of pain and torture, and most pay respects to Loviatar as a patron deity. Good or neutral masosados may worship Ilmater or Phieran instead.


They simply speak Common and can learn all non-secret languages.


Among them popular names are Hook, Bloodsipper, Scarface, Heartbreak, and such names. They almost always choose it for themselves.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Constitution
  • Humanoid (Masosado) 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a masosado has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Masosado base land speed is 30 feet.  
  • Barbed Flesh: A young masosado is wrapped in barbed wire as a customary coming of age ritual, and, for alla its life, iron points juts from its skin, stinging it and those who touch it. Masosados count as if always having armor spikes, but only if wearing medium, light or no armor, and they are proficient with them. They can also improve them as weapons. As a side effect, their unarmed strikes, slam and tail attacks deal bludgeoning and piercing damage. 
  • Pain Tolerance: Masosados have an high tolerance to pain, gaining a +4 bonus against pain effects and a +2 against fear and staggering. 
  • Pain Treshold (Ex): When hit, masosado can store their pain to gain a number of boons. When they are hit for 1 point of damage per HD they gain 1 Pain Point. This Pain Point may be spent as a swift action to gain a +1 to a single physical ability or skill check, or Intimidate check, or to a save, a spellcaster level check, to the DC of an ability, to a battle maneuver or to an attack, along with an extra +1d6 of damage (not multiplied on a critical hit). At 5HD, and every five subsequent HDs, up to 20th, the Pain Treshold grows by one, allowing the masosado to spend one additional Pain Point, gaining increasing bonuses (for example, a 10HD masosado could spend 3 Pain Points to gain a +3 to a single attack and +3d6 to the damage roll). These points are stored for one minute. These are all morale bonuses. 
  • Woundproof Skin: As they indulge in self-mutilation, their skin has grown leathery and hard to pierce. They gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, which stacks with other natural armor bonuses, and damage reduction 1/bludgeoning (which increases by one every 5HD, up until 20HD). 
  • Scary: They gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate checks, and always treat Intimidate as a class skill. 
  • Slow Bleed: Masosados are used to cuts, and so they gain a +2 bonus against bleed effects and may convert one point of bleeding per HD each round in non-lethal damage. The bleedout condition must exceed 5 + their Constitution modifier to affect them.
  • Automatic Languages:
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except for secret ones
  • Favored Class: Any
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

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Facts about "Masosado (3.5e Race)"
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassAny +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments+2 Constitution +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeMasosado +
SummaryA race of incredibly sadistic, pain-loving people, who live to experience physical distress and emotional sorrow. +
TitleMasosado +
TypeHumanoid +