Black Dragonborn (5e Subrace)

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Black Dragonborn

Dragonborn hailing from black dragon lineage typically possess dark scales, greenish eyes, and horns that curve forward like a bull's. ' is a subrace of Dragonborn - Rewrites

Ability Score Increase: Dexterity +1
Black Dragon Affinity. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill, and have advantage on Stealth checks made while fully or partially submerged in murky water, such as that of a swamp or slow river. 
Amphibious. Black Dragonborn breathe both water and air.
Canontrue +
Dexterity+1 +
FeaturesBlack Dragon Affinity + and Amphibious +
RaceDragonborn - Rewrite +
Subrace Ability ModsDex +1 +
Subrace FeaturesBlack Dragon Affinity + and Amphibious +