Talk:Grab and Throw (3.5e Feat)
First of all you should put a size limit on that, or you know so that you can't throw something you can't lift. Second of all this make a grapple a better trip, getting someone prone, damaging them and an ally. Third of all... well imagine if a overall vastly superior grappler try to pin or move you and botch it up, if you have this feat you can just end the grapple by throwing them like a little bitch. I feel like this should be an action in a grapple rather than an option whenever you succeed a check. Like drawing a weapon in a grapple, succeed? throw them. Failed? try again you have quick draw. In any case, throwing someone should be a base option in a grapple but it is not, maybe a variant rule could be made at some point. --Leziad (talk) 11:08, 23 October 2018 (MDT)