Venom (3.5e Sphere)

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Author: Frank and K
Date Created: 2006
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
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Venom Sphere

The putrid drip of toxin into fertile soil. Unbidden thoughts of evil deeds within a gallant knights mind. Those who find themself with access to this sphere tend to be very friendly, and clever, yet cruel.


Special: Gain immunity to poison.


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Facts about "Venom (3.5e Sphere)"
Identifier3.5e Sphere +
RatingUndiscussed +
SpecialGain immunity to poison. +
Spelldesecrate +, poison +, bestow curse +, mind poison (SpC) +, cloudkill +, major creation (poison or venom only) +, circle of death +, finger of death +, shapechange (venomous creatures only) + and symbol of death +
TitleVenom +
TypeGeneral +