Cosplayer (3.5e Class)/Soldier
Cosplayer Level | Special Abilities | Maneuvers Known | Maneuvers Readied |
1 | Soldier Kit | 3 | 3 |
2 | 4 | 3 | |
3 | Empowered Attack | 4 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 3 | |
5 | 5 | 4 | |
6 | Martial Cleave | 5 | 4 |
7 | 6 | 4 | |
8 | 6 | 4 | |
9 | Maximize Blow | 6 | 4 |
10 | 7 | 4 | |
11 | 7 | 4 | |
12 | Unblockable Strike | 7 | 4 |
13 | 8 | 4 | |
14 | 8 | 5 | |
15 | Opportunity Smash | 8 | 5 |
16 | 9 | 5 | |
17 | 9 | 5 | |
18 | Double Hammer | 9 | 5 |
19 | 10 | 5 | |
20 | Quickened Thrust | 10 | 5 |
When you use the Soldier costume you may use a number of maneuvers from the list below. At first level, you know three maneuvers that you qualify for (see page 39 of Tome of Battle), and unlock new maneuvers as you gain levels (as per the table above). These work like maneuver-like abilities, but you have a different method of regaining maneuvers. You may spend a swift and standard action to regain a single expended maneuver and make a single melee attack (or flourish your weapon), or you may take a full-round action to quickly meditate and regain all expended maneuvers.
Your effective IL for your cosplayer levels is equal to their costume level, and any saves that maneuvers allow have a DC equal to 10 + your Strength modifier + 1/2 your character level. At level 5 and every 3 levels afterwards you may switch out one maneuver you knows for any other you qualify for. You may change your currently readied maneuvers with any that you know by exercising for 5 minutes.
Soldier Kit: You gain a number of traits of the traditional soldier while using the Soldier costume. Gain these abilities:
- If you had a Strength of 14 or lower at first level (before racial ability modifiers), you gain a +2 bonus to your Strength.
- Your BAB progression becomes good for your cosplayer levels (as per a fighter).
- You gain proficiency in all martial weapons, as well as in all types of armor and shields (apart from tower shields).
- Your Fortitude save progression becomes good for your cosplayer levels (as per a fighter).
- You gain two extra hit points for each level of cosplayer you possess. These hit points do not stack with those granted from any other costume, and affect both your current and maximum HP when added and when removed.
- You count as though you had a number of ranks equal to your HD + 3 in the following skills:
- Balance
- Climb
- Concentration
- Intimidate
- Knowledge (Geography)
- Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)
- Listen
- Martial Lore
- Ride
- Sense Motive
- Spot
- Survival
- Swim
Empowered Attack (Ex): As you begin on your journey towards learning the secrets of the blademasters, you gain a measure of their ability. At 3rd level, once per day after successfully hitting but before rolling damage, declare that you are using this class ability. Any rolled damage you deal on that hit is increased by 50%.
Martial Cleave (Ex): Your martial training continues, allowing you to unlock further secrets, hitting multiple foes when lesser men would be unable to do so. At 6th level, once per day after successfully hitting with a martial strike you may immediately take a standard attack against any foe you threaten that you did not hit with that martial strike.
Maximize Blow (Ex): You are a beast on the battlefield, striking such hits that would fell most mortal men in a since attack. Once per day at 9th level after successfully hitting with an attack but before rolling damage, declare that you are using this ability. Automatically treat any dice that would have been rolled as though they had rolled their maximum for this attack. If you use this with Empowered Attack, roll normally and treat Empower as though it had affected the rolled dice.
If you have some ability that would let you reroll dice when they are maximized, only treat the first set as though they were maximized; every other die that comes from those must be rolled normally.
Unblockable Strike (Ex): Techniques that moral men could never dream of occupy you, allowing you to hit even the most well-armored opponents. Upon reaching 12th level, once per day you may declare that your next attack is an Unblockable Strike as a free action. Treat that attack as though it were a touch attack.
Opportunity Smash (Ex): Your quickness and ability to exploit the weaknesses of others astound even those who know of the martial arts. Upon reaching 15th level, once per day you may use a martial strike instead of a normal attack when making an attack of opportunity.
Double Hammer (Ex): With an exertion, you can duplicate a feat that few men can. At 18th level, once per day before making a martial strike that requires takes a standard action, you may declare the use of this ability to use that martial strike twice against a single foe.
Quickened Thrust (Ex): You reach the pinnacle of martial prowess, your blinding attacks laying low even the mightiest of foes. Upon reaching level 20, you may once per day use a martial strike that would normally take a standard action as a swift action.
First level:
- Steel Skin: As a swift action, gain DR 5/Adamantine until the start of your next turn.
- Minor Whirlwind: As a standard action, make a melee attack against two different targets to different targets, dealing normal damage. You take a -2 penalty on each of these attacks.
- Oil-Soaked Blade: As a swift action, ignite your blade in fire. You deal additional damage equal to your IL until the end of your turn. You must have a flask of oil on you to use this maneuver, and it is expended when initiating it.
- Deceptive Strike: As a standard action, make a melee attack against a foe, then move up to your move speed (provoking no AoOs from movement, though you must still end your movement adjacent to that foe. Make a second attack against that foe. If you hit twice, deal 1d6 damage on the second attack instead of any normal damage you might deal. Both attacks take a -2 penalty, though if you end up opposite to the opponent of where you were, you count as flanking with yourself for the second attack.
- Reckless Blow: As a standard action, make a melee attack. Take a -2 penalty to AC and saves until the start of your next turn, and gain +1d6 damage on a successful hit with the attack.
- Annoying Attack: As a standard action, make a melee attack. If you hit, deal normal damage and your target must make a Fortitude save or take a -2 penalty to all attacks and DCs of their abilities until the end of their next turn.
- Overpowering Blow: As a standard action, make a melee attack. Instead of rolling, this attack deals maximum damage for your weapon.
- Quick Feint: As a standard action, attempt to feint using Concentration instead of Bluff if you wish. Immediately afterwards make a normal melee attack, regardless of the outcome of the feint.
Second level:
- Sand in the Eyes: As a swift action, force an adjacent enemy to make a Fortitude save. Should they fail, they take a -2 penalty to attacks and the DCs of their abilities until the end of their next turn.
- Hammering Blow: As a standard action, make a melee attack. Deal an additional 3d6 damage with this attack, and it ignores any damage reduction your target might have.
- Keen Slice: As a standard action, make a melee attack. Your critical range for this attack is 15-20, regardless of the normal range on your weapon or feats that would modify it.
- Lightning Spear: As a standard action, make a melee attack. If you hit, deal damage as normal and make a second attack against a foe directly behind your initial target, dealing damage as though you had made a melee attack against that target. Deal an additional 2d6 damage with each attack.
Third level:
- Quick Stab: As a swift action, make a melee attack.
- Iron Cleave: As a standard action, choose three squares that are both adjacent to each other and to you. Make a melee attack against all enemies in those squares. Each attack deals an additional 3d6 damage.
- The Mountain Calls: Make a melee attack, dealing an additional 5d6 damage against the target. If the target is not on the ground, on a hit it must make a Reflex save or immediately falls up to 50', potentially hitting the ground and taking falling damage. If the target is on the ground, it must make a Reflex save or be immobilized until the start of your next turn.
- Feral Assault: Make a melee attack. You gain a +4 bonus to attack and deal an additional 5d6 damage with this attack, but take a -4 penalty to AC and saves until the end of your next turn.
Fourth level:
- Find the Weak Spot: As a swift action make a Concentration with a DC equal to the AC of a foe adjacent to you. If this check is successful, your next melee attack against that foe is a touch attack.
- Whirlwind: As a standard action, make a melee attack against all creatures adjacent to you. Each attack deals an additional 4d6 damage.
- Pounce on the Weak: As a full round action, make a charge as normal but you may make a full attack at its end rather than only a single attack. If you hit more than once, you may make attempt to demoralize your target as a free action.
- Immolate: As a standard action, make a melee attack against a foe dealing an additional 6d6 damage. All damage made by this attack is fire damage. You must have a flask of oil on you to use this maneuver, and it is expended when initiating it. If you dealt any damage, the target is burning until the end of their next turn.
Fifth level:
- Lightning Throw: As a standard action that provokes an AoO define a 30' line. Make a melee attack against each creature in the line as you throw your weapon, which immediately returns to you. Each attack deals an additional 5d6 electrical damage.
- Mountain Crash: As a standard action, make a melee attack. Deal an additional 10d6 damage if you hit with the attack, ignoring any Damage Reduction the target might have.
- Bloody Fountain: As a standard action, make a melee attack. Deal an additional 9d6 damage if you hit with the attack, and on a successful hit you may attempt to demoralize all foes within 30' as a free action.
- Steel Buffer: Use this maneuver as an immediate action. Take half damage from all attacks and abilities until the start of your next turn. If using this in response to an attack, you may use it after the attack roll has been rolled, but must use it before damage is rolled.
Sixth level:
- Greater Feral Assault: As a standard action, make a melee attack. You gain a +4 bonus to attack and deal an additional 10d6 damage with this attack, but take a -4 penalty to AC and saves until the end of your next turn.
- Redirected Blow: As an immediate action upon being attacked by a melee or ranged attack that is not a touch attack, make an opposed attack roll at a DC equal to the enemy's attack roll. If you succeed, your attacker must make the same attack (at the same bonuses) at a single creature of your choice adjacent to you, dealing damage as normal. If you do not (or cannot) choose a creature, the attack is negated.
Seventh level:
- Greater Whirlwind: As a standard action, make two melee attacks against all creatures adjacent to you. Each attack deals an additional 6d6 damage.
- Rending Whirl: Activate this maneuver as a swift action. The first attack that you hit with deals an additional 4d6 damage. Every additional attack you make on that same target that hits this round deals the previous damage, and an additional 4d6 extra (8d6 for the second hit, 12d6 for the third, 16d6 for the fourth, and so on).