Talk:Soulborn (3.5e Class)

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Revision as of 03:26, 8 September 2015 by Bigode (talk | contribs) ("Non-sucky"?)
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Ghostwheel suggested a lovely capstone ability for the class that is actually a serious one instead of a joke one. However, the article was tagged for spelling and grammar changes only, and he violated that by posting it. I've moved it here and restored the author's work to its earlier form. Nevermind. See below. - TarkisFlux 20:15, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

I tagged it "spelling and grammar only", and said it was okay to post. I think it's fine to fill out a missing class feature like this, especially when so many people have requested it. Surgo 20:35, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
Ok then. Rolled it back to Ghost's. I've got mixed feelings on this sort of thing in general though... I know Frank doesn't give a shit but it feels at odds with our author maintained goals. - TarkisFlux 20:40, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
Since you're maintaining it anyway, I stuck you in as an adopter. Which is probably better suited for these sorts of things anyway.
For articles where the author is more present on the wiki, I think I'd also be happy with a reference / footnote edit that referred people to an alternate ability on the talk page. I'll probably go start a forum up about adoption and alternate abilities and crap shortly, that's probably stuff that we should have a better handle on. - TarkisFlux 20:46, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

Optimized Build

Thinking about seeing how far I can take this. You could honestly pare it down until you have Dexterity and Charisma as your main stats, and it does have some power loops--not infinite ones, but being able to walk around with your Charisma enhanced does buff your saves...and your attack rolls...and several other things besides. Pairing up the Despair/Luck Soulmelds could make your allies rock hard and your enemies suck at the same time. It's like a Tome Fighter...the versatility and synergy is really, really out there. --Genowhirl 23:40, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

The Level 20

Bigode was thinking of things to replace the level 20, which is still...really broken. This is a ping to hope he posts his ideas here. Surgo 14:10, 10 August 2012 (UTC)

I'm ok with the capstone with everything but the touch. Either no touch, or no full attack, I could see. -- Eiji-kun 14:18, 10 August 2012 (UTC)
If any of those originally concerned reads this, I apologize and would find something original to suggest upon request; otherwise, I merely edited it to remove the touch attack part for now, leaving it as a modestly better counterpart of the word of doom effect (instead of a basically automatically-working counterpart). I don't like it, but then neither do I like word of doom, and that's from the original. Bigode (talk) 03:25, 8 September 2015 (UTC)

ToP Skills Suggestion

Boost to 6 points, pull Arcana (I don't think it fits, the soul outsider thing is covered by Thaum already), add 2 more - maybe Affability (since they get Diplomancy by default) and Heal or Cultures or something. - Tarkisflux Talk 03:10, 8 October 2012 (UTC)


I can understand why the MoI incarnate would be monk-level (seriously, a class that's expected to participate in melee combat has a wizard's base attack bonus?!?), but the soulborn? I mean, sure, the Incarnum progression could be better, but it looks like it's a variant of the fighter, which it does pretty well. Uh... could somebody please explain this? --Luigifan18 (talk) 02:24, 22 November 2012 (UTC)

Offhand I'd say the soulborn is somewhat inferior to the fighter (which offers more to optimize with, funny as that sounds), but within the same power band. "Non-sucky" here means "able to partner with full spellcasters without embarassing oneself". Bigode (talk) 03:26, 8 September 2015 (UTC)