SRD:Negative Energy Burst

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Negative Energy Burst [Divine][Epic]


Cha 25, ability to rebuke or command undead, ability to cast inflict critical wounds, any evil alignment.


The character can use one rebuke or command undead attempt to unleash a wave of negative energy in a 60-foot-burst. Roll a normal rebuke (or command) check, except that the negative energy burst affects living creatures rather than undead. Any creature that would be rebuked by this result gains one negative level. Any creature that would be commanded by this check gains two negative levels. The Fortitude save DC to remove these levels one day later is equal to 10 + 1/2 the character’s effective turning level + the character’s Charisma modifier.

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Facts about "Negative Energy Burst"
PrerequisiteCha 25 +, ability to rebuke or command undead +, ability to cast inflict critical wounds + and any evil alignment. +
SummaryUse rebuke attempt to deal negative energy damage. +
TitleNegative Energy Burst +
TypeDivine + and Epic +