Talk:Ribbon Blade (3.5e Equipment)

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Revision as of 14:00, 18 December 2010 by Aelaris (talk | contribs) (Balance)
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this is an overly amp'd up spiked chain. change damage to d6 maybe and drop the free quickdraw, or make it 10 or more ranks in sleight of hand--NameViolation 20:42, November 10, 2009 (UTC)

I think a better comparison would be the kusari-gama in the DMG. That said, medium size damage should be 1d8, and crit range should be 20/x2 in keeping with the convention for one of the strongest exotic weapons in the game. All the other stuff is just overkill and really unneeded. --Ghostwheel 20:57, November 10, 2009 (UTC)
Possibly drop the hardness a bunch - silk is strong, but not as strong as steel. Also since the blade is light (the spiked chain weighs over three times as much), perhaps no strength mod? Of course, most people would enchant it, getting rid of the first problem, and weapon finesse people don't care about the second problem. So not so useful for balancing. Also, what's with the sleight-of hand bonus? Judging by weight, this is three times as large as a dagger, and yet is easier to hide? Also note the logical problem referenced below. I feel this should be a dagger. Or an extra-sharp blade on a ribbon. I'm going to go make a ribbon dagger. -- Aelaris 14:00, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

Logical Conflict

"If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the ribbon to avoid being tripped." Then... "...+4 bonus to check to resist being disarmed, since the ribbon blade is tied to its wielder." I would think that being tied to your weapon would increase the trip potential, or at least put it on par with normal trip attempts. And note that being disarmed doesn't mean being untied - I can imagine awkward situations of being tied to a weapon your opponent is holding. -- Aelaris 13:49, 18 December 2010 (UTC)