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User:Leziad/Awakened Sorcerer

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Awakened Sorcerer

A variant of the Pathfinder Sorcerer which offers more utility. The sorcerer is widely considered to be the weakest arcane full spellcaster, below the arcanist and wizard. This alternate sorcerer offers additional class features, which focuses on added utility and skills with modest increase of magical abilities.


  • Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
  • Bloodline Feats: A sorcerer gains bloodline feats at 2nd, 7th, 13th and 18th level instead of their normal progression.
  • Bloodline Spells: A sorcerer her bloodline spell a level earlier than normal.
  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A sorcerer is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the shortsword and shortbow. Sorcerers are also proficient with light armor, but no shield. A sorcerer can cast sorcerer spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a sorcerer wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass sorcerer still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.
  • Bloodline Powers: Any bloodline powers that deals a 1dx + 1 damage per two sorcerer level (elemental ray, etc), instead deals 1dx plus your Charisma bonus and an additional dice of damage at 4th level, 8th level and each 4 levels thereafter.

New Class Features

Past Experience (Ex): Before her powers awakened, a sorcerer had lived a life of her own. Some might be the child of a baker, the heir of a noble house, an orphan on the street, a young warrior in a barbarian tribe, or many other possible backgrounds. A 1st level sorcerer chooses four skills, these skills are class skills for her. If the sorcerer chooses perform or profession as one of her skill, she automatically gains ranks in the chosen skill equal to her sorcerer level.

Self-Taught (Ex): A 1st level sorcerer's spells are self-taught, and thus her methods for casting them can be very different than for wizards. Additionally, sorcerer spells tend to be very visually distinct. Any creature which attempts to identify as sorcerer’s spell with Spellcraft takes a –5 penalty on the check, or a penalty equal to half the sorcerer level (whichever is worse). An observer who is familiar with the sorcerer does not take this penalty.

Improved Spell Aiming (Ex): At 3rd level, an awakened sorcerer gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls made with sorcerer's bloodline abilities and spells. This bonus improves by +1 at 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

Arcane Surge (Su): A 6th level sorcerer is inputting incredible energy into her spells at the cost of her energy. When she casts a spell she may expend an additional spell slot of the same level to increase the spell's DC and caster level by 2.

Split Focus (Ex): A 8th level sorcerer is able to cast spells while performing another action, thanks to her mastery of her own magic. As a full-round action a sorcerer may cast a spell which requires a standard action to cast and perform any other standard action. She cannot use split focus to cast another spell, spell-like, bloodline ability or activate a spell-trigger or spell-completion item, and the strain on her focus causes her to take a –5 penalty on her concentration checks until the start of her next turn.

A sorcerer may use this ability once per encounter, and additional time per day at 16th level.

Archetype Change

Battle Sorcerer

These changes replaces the normal change made by the battle sorcerer alternate class.

  • A battle sorcerer HDs changes to d8s, and her base attack bonus is equal to 3/4 of her class level.
  • A battle sorcerer chooses a single martial weapon of her choice and automatically become proficient with it.
  • A battle sorcerer has one less spell known per level than a normal sorcerer of her class level.
  • A battle sorcerer loses the improved spell aiming class feature.

Court Sorcerer

A court sorcerer is classically trained in magic, to serve the same purposes as a court wizard. The following changes to the archetype are made for an awakened sorcerer:

  • A court sorcerer spellcasting and other class features are still dependent on Charisma, although many have the sage bloodline. The court sorcerer has the same number of spells as a sorcerer of her class level.
  • A court sorcerer loses her proficiency with light armor and the ability to cast her sorcerer spell in light armor without risking arcane spell failure.
  • A court sorcerer loses the self-taught class features.
  • A court sorcerer gains the arcane bond class feature as the arcane bloodline. If she would gain a familiar or bonded object because of her bloodline, she may trade it for the Scribe Scroll feat or a bloodline mutation.
  • The court sorcerer may select Arcane Discoveries as a wizard of her class level –2 in place a bloodline feat at 7th level and higher.

Elemental Savant

Since the elemental savant alters how her bloodline works, the following change are made.

  • Elemental Phase no longer replaces eschew material, instead replacing the Awakened Sorcerer accelerated bloodline spells.

Telekinetic Sage

  • Improved Spell Aiming also applies to all attacks affected by Telekinetic Arcana.