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* '''3 HD''': Opposable thumbs need not apply. Your paws, hooves, or other appendages may grasp thing as if you had hands through sheer force of will. This is an Extraordinary Ability.
* '''3 HD''': Opposable thumbs need not apply. Your paws, hooves, or other appendages may grasp thing as if you had hands through sheer force of will. This is an Extraordinary Ability.
* '''8 HD''': If you are a suitable mount, your rider gains half of your BAB when attacking as you are fully capable of complex positioning. If you are too small to serve as a mount, this applies in reverse with you gaining half the BAB of anyone you are riding on.
* '''8 HD''': If you are a suitable mount, your rider gains half of your BAB when attacking as you are fully capable of complex positioning. If you are too small to serve as a mount, this applies in reverse with you gaining half the BAB of anyone you are riding on.
* '''15 HD''': All Terrain Animal - Pick two of Burrow, Fly, Swim, Climb, or Land and gain a speed for both equal to your greatest speed or 70', whichever is higher.
* '''15 HD''': All Terrain Animal - Pick two of Burrow, Fly, Swim, Climb, or Land and gain a speed for both equal to your greatest speed or 70', whichever is higher. If you chose Swim, you can now breath in water. If you can not breathe air and choose Fly, Land, or Climb, now you can. If you choose Burrow, you always manage to find enough air to breathe while digging.

Revision as of 17:28, 11 September 2010

Mobile Fighter Feats

  • All [Mobile Fighter] feats grant the following ability in addition to any other benefits: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.

G Sandbox

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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King of Hearts [Archetype, Mobile Fighter] Benefit: You are either the current, former, or a future candidate for the King of Hearts of the Shuffle Alliance. Special: If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites. All [Mobile Fighter] feats grant the following ability: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.

  • 1 HD: Shining Finger (Sword) - At your choice convert half of the damage from any melee attack to Force damage.
  • 3 HD: Power of Anger - Gain Rage as a Barbarian equal to half your Character Level. If you are already able to Rage, treat your levels in the class that grants such an ability as 3 higher.
  • 8 HD: Meikyou Shisui - Your abilties to Rage are lost and replaced with Meikyou Shisui, the Serene State of Mind. You are immune to Mind Affecting Effects and are able to remove such effects from others with a Touch Attack, this use is a Language Dependent Extraordinary Ability. In addition, the effects of Meikyou Shisui differ from Rage as follows: Remove the AC Penalty. Instead of DR, gain a Dodge Bonus to AC equal to the DR you would have had. All other effects are the same.
  • 15 HD: Sekiha Tenkyoken - 90' Line Attack deals 1d6 Force damage per HD. Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + CHA Modifier for Half.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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Black Brother [Archetype, Mobile Fighter] Benefit: You are not whom you appear to be, a living construct carrying the desires of the one you mimic. Special: If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites. All [Mobile Fighter] feats grant the following ability: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.

  • 1 HD: Gain the Construct subtype. In addition, all Knowledge, Craft, and Profession skills are always class skills for you.
  • 3 HD: Badass Bookworm - Choose one mental ability score. Add your modifier for that ability to Attack Rolls and your AC.
  • 8 HD: DG Cells - Gain Fast Healing 4. Any electric damage is nullified and adds itself to your Fast Healing value for 3 rounds.
  • 15 HD: You are surrounded by a constant Calm emotions-like effect as an Extraordinary Ability. The saving throw for this ability is 10 + 1/2 your HD + whichever ability mod you chose for Badass Bookworm. Spell Resistance does not apply.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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Black Joker [Archetype, Mobile Fighter] Benefit: Special: If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites. All [Mobile Fighter] feats grant the following ability: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.

  • 1 HD: You have a somewhat bulkier build than normal. Count as one size category larger when it would be beneficial to you.
  • 3 HD: It is not easy to phase you and you are not easily controlled. Gain Mettle - Any Fort or Will with a partial effect on a save instead has no effect. If you gain Mettle from any other source it becomes Improved Mettle, only giving the partial effect on a failed save.
  • 8 HD: Gaia Crusher - As a full round action you may create a patch of difficult terrain in a 60' Line, 30' Cone, or 20' Burst centered on yourself.
  • 15 HD: Graviton Hammer - Your Gaia Crusher's origin point may now be anywhere within 35' of your location as a Full Round Action. In addition, making yourself the origin point only requires a Standard Action.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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Club Ace [Archetype, Mobile Fighter] Benefit: Special: If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites. All [Mobile Fighter] feats grant the following ability: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.

  • 1 HD: You have a lighter build than average. Count as one size category smaller when it would be beneficial to you.
  • 3 HD: Your light build has left you wiry and able to move out of harms way much easier than others. You gain Evasion as the Rogue ability. If you already have Evasion from another source, it stacks to Improved Evasion.
  • 8 HD: You have learned to create distracting images through the use of weapons and energy. When you attack and miss with any weapon having any Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Force, Positive, or Negative energy as part or all of its damage, make a feint or hide attempt as a free action against your target. You do not have to be unobserved to hide in this circumstance.
  • 15 HD: You have perfected your light build and are now under a constant Freedom of Movement effect as an Extraordinary Ability.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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Queen of Spades [Archetype, Mobile Fighter] Benefit: Special: If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites. All [Mobile Fighter] feats grant the following ability: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.

  • 1 HD: You gain Improved Unarmed Attack as a bonus feat and your Unarmed damage increases as a Monk of Class Level equal to your HD. Any weapon you wield may count as a Monk weapon if your damage is higher than its damage.
  • 3 HD: You can roll with the punches as well as you make them. Gain additional 3HP per HD now and in the future.
  • 8 HD: Bursting Machine-Gun Punch - You are permanently under the effects of Haste.
  • 15 HD: As part of a Full Attack, any one attack after the first may be made against the target's Touch AC instead.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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Jack of Diamonds [Archetype, Mobile Fighter] Benefit: Special: If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites. All [Mobile Fighter] feats grant the following ability: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.

  • 1 HD: You are skilled at manipulation of objects over a distance. Gain Mage Hand as an at-will Extraordinary Ability using HD as CL.
  • 3 HD: Rose Bits - Your skills improves such that you can now make attack with your mind. You may make ranged attacks without a ranged weapon so long as you have suitable ammo and spend a Full Round action preparing as the ammo levitates into the air around the battlefield. You may make as many attacks in a round as your BAB allows. The attacks are as a ranged weapon of your choice, as long as the ammo is suitable. You could not attack as if you had a longbow if all you had were crossbow bolts.
  • 8 HD: Rose Streamers - Your Rose Bits now threaten an area of 5' per 4 HD.
  • 15 HD: Rose Hurricane - The area threatened by your Rose Bits now becomes turbulent as the Bits swarm in all directions. This area is considered difficult terrain for any enemies entering the area and every round on your turn enemies take an automatic 1d6 damage per 4HD.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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Nobody's Animal Companion [Archetype, Mobile Fighter] Prerequisites: Animal, Vermin, or Non-Intelligent Magical BeastBenefit: Your intelligence is enough to rival most humanoids, and you have hot-blooded bravado to match. Special: If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites. All [Mobile Fighter] feats grant the following ability: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.

  • 1 HD: Nobody can call you just a dumb animal. Your intelligence increases to 15. You may take class levels the same as anyone else.
  • 3 HD: Opposable thumbs need not apply. Your paws, hooves, or other appendages may grasp thing as if you had hands through sheer force of will. This is an Extraordinary Ability.
  • 8 HD: If you are a suitable mount, your rider gains half of your BAB when attacking as you are fully capable of complex positioning. If you are too small to serve as a mount, this applies in reverse with you gaining half the BAB of anyone you are riding on.
  • 15 HD: All Terrain Animal - Pick two of Burrow, Fly, Swim, Climb, or Land and gain a speed for both equal to your greatest speed or 70', whichever is higher. If you chose Swim, you can now breath in water. If you can not breathe air and choose Fly, Land, or Climb, now you can. If you choose Burrow, you always manage to find enough air to breathe while digging.

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