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::::: However, I want to keep the class features going beyond level 12 and I want to fill in the crappy levels where all you get is a sphere/field/domain ability. Do you guys have any recommendations? --[[User:For Valor|For Valor]] 03:57, August 1, 2010 (UTC)
::::::Getting a sphere doesn't really seem like a crappy level to me, since you get access to every spell on that list based on how high your character level is, which means under normal Tome rules your spells known is automatically progressed regardless of what levels you take before or after entering this class. I also think (but am in no way sure) that higher access to spheres comes with each new sphere you receive (so if you have three spheres in total you would have Expert Access with your first sphere, which is all usable at will if I remember correctly, Advanced Access with your second Sphere and Basic access with your third. So the progression using the normal Tome spellcasting rules is far quicker and less complex than the one provided here, hence my initial consternation at the spellcasting table. This also allows you to not have to waste a turn recharging your spells and just continue on as usual, making the class much more streamlined and actually Wizard-level. If you want to keep the recharging and still ditch the table, you can make it so you can recharge one of the sphere SLA's that is only available once per day, thus compensating for the obvious limits in your spell list. Just for the sake of reference, I got my info on spheres from the [[Tome of Fiends (3.5e Sourcebook)/Spheres and Feats#Fiendish Spheres|Tome of Fiends]], so I'm not sure if you're following that or something else.
::::::The only problem that I could foresee with this tactic (but you already essentially have it anyway) is the limits of the spell list, which basically straightjackets you into a couple of spells early on. This is bad because it takes away from a great deal of ther versatility that wizards enjoy (and what makes them Wizard-level), thus making them similar to sorcerers in concept but even more limited in practice. To remedy this, I might include an ability that allows the Battlecaster to temporarily swap out a current Sphere for another one of your choosing, or maybe even temporarily giving you another sphere with basic access (say, for one round per level) which solves your versatility problem and gives you a few more spells to boot. - [[User:ThunderGod Cid|TG Cid]] 12:33, August 1, 2010 (UTC)