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Created page with "{{author |author_name=Leziad |date_created=11th March 2025 |status=Complete}} {{3.5e Alternate Class Feature |name=Battle Twins |summary=Adventuring is a strange and unusual..."
|date_created=11th March 2025

{{3.5e Alternate Class Feature
|name=Battle Twins
|summary=Adventuring is a strange and unusual job, where a variety of accidents are liable to happen. Some of those accidents involve the creation of hostile duplicates, who often perish trying to extinguish the original. Due to gazing into a cursed mirror, drinking an unlabeled potion, annoying a powerful fey or whatever else silly accident; the battle twin has ended with a magical duplicate of herself. However, unlike in most cases, the duplicate is friendly and willing to work alongside the original. As a result the battle twins are a dangerous duo of fighters.
|replaces=Bonus Feats (1st, 4th, 6th, 10th, 14th and 20th), Weapon Mastery
|benefit=Battle twins gains the following benefits:

'''Mimic Twin {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, a battle twin fighter gains a special doppelganger companion. The mimic twin looks exactly like the original fighter with the exception of minor possible alteration, such as hair or tattoo. It has the same or very similar personality and shares alignment, although both personality and alignment may diverge over time.

This companion has the exact same base statistics (race, ability score, etc) as the fighter and has a number of humanoid hit dice equal the fighter's HD, and has the same BAB, hitpoints, base saves and skills point per level as the fighter. The mimic twin is free to choose her own feats and skills. The mimic twin gains all of the original's combat feats gained through her fighter bonus feats. She must meet the prerequisites of those feats (the mimic twin counts as having a fighter level equal to the fighter's own class level), or else does not benefit from them. The mimic twin gains the full benefits of the original twin’s fighter class features, (such as armor training, bravery and weapon training) including those gained from an archetype. If the original fighter would benefit from inherent bonus or scaling benefits, then those bonuses are shared fully with the mimic twin but must be on the same ability score. No class ability or feats may grant the mimic twin an animal companion, familiar or similar companions. The mimic twin otherwise receives no other class features or abilities, such as from the fighter’s other classes. The mimic twin is free to choose another weapon or weapon group from the original for feats such as [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] or the Weapon Training class feature. The original twin and the mimic twin have a [ familiar]'s empathic link toward each other.

While one of the twins is alive the cost to raise the other from the dead is halved. If both twins are dead, they may be resurrected as a single character. Alternatively the remaining twin may opt to lose this archetype and become a single character once more.

This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st, 6th, 10th, 14th and 20th.

'''Twin Teamwork {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, the battle twins both gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. This bonus feat must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. Both twins must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat. From now on, the battle twins counts as having Solo Tactic as an Inquisitor, but only in regard to each others.

This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 4th level.}}

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