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|lvl4=By speaking in draconic while casting, you may increase once the casting time of a spell modified by metamagic by one step to reduce the spell level increase (to a minimum of 1). Prepared spellcasters already prepare a longer version of the spell when they apply metamagic.
|lvl6=Whenever you cast an offensive spell in draconic tongue, you gain a frightful presence as a dragon. It works against the target(s) of the spell, as well as 30 feet (9 meters) around you or in the spell's area, if higher. All opponents affected must make a Will save (DC is 10 + your spellcaster level + your casting ability modifier). Those who fail are [[SRD:Frightened|frightened]] as long as they can see you and for one round after. Those who pass the save are just [[At Bay (3.5e Condition)|at bay]] for one round per casting ability modifier. This is a Mind-Affecting Fear Effect that may affect only enemies whose HD are not higher than yours HD + 2.
|lvl8=As the 4th level benefit, but it may now reduce the spell level increase by one more than one if , by increasing again the casting time, down to a minimum of 0.