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Revision as of 18:30, 5 July 2024

Awakened Omdura

The omdura is a strange class with very little support. This articles here changes very little about it, but instead adds a few more option and correct a rather baffling decision.


  • Invocation: Now benefits the omdura herself, removing the following line in Improved Invocation: "In addition, the omdura also benefits from any one invocation she calls, but she receives only half the invocation’s granted bonus."

New Class Features

Domain (Ex): A 1st level omdura chooses a cleric domain. She gains the domain's listed ability as if she was a cleric, using her Charisma instead of her Wisdom. She automatically adds the domain spells of any level she can cast to her list of spell known when she gain access to a new spell level.


Consulate Sage (Ex): An omdura with this archetype does not provide the bonus of her invocation to herself. Instead when she uses invocation, she chooses a single creature that would receive the bonus to become her 'champion'. Her champion treats any bonus granted by the omdura's invocation as 1 higher and the omdura may cast spells with a range of touch or personal on her champion as long as they are within 30 ft. of her. At 11th level the range of this ability increases to 120 feet.