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|specialtext4=As they indulge in self mutilation, their skin has grown leathery and hard to pierce. They gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, which stacks with other natural armor bonuses, and damage reduction 1/bludgeoning (which increases by one every 5HD, until 20HD).
|specialtext4=As they indulge in self-mutilation, their skin has grown leathery and hard to pierce. They gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, which stacks with other natural armor bonuses, and damage reduction 1/bludgeoning (which increases by one every 5HD, until 20HD).
|special4=Woundproof Skin
|special4=Woundproof Skin

Revision as of 22:45, 10 September 2023

Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 22nd of August 2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Believed to have been created by a god of laughter, burlacci are a race of clown-like humanoids which act as if the world is a stage for a comedy show.


No amount of precision can define burlacci's personality as a whole, as the diverse specimens that make up this race are very different in their way of expressing themselves and receiving input from the outside world.

More or less, it can be said that they all like a good joke (except for the pierrot) and live to perform, entertain (themselves and/or others) and generally having a good laugh before the world comes to an end.

Theirs is both a stupendous and cursed life, almost tragic, like most artists, living on the verge between happiness and hardship.

Physical Description

They are humanoid-looking, mainly similar to humans, but their countenance may also resemble other humanoid species.

They have, however, characteristics traits, that make them stand out from other humanoids, as they appears as if always in clown costumes and make-up.

There types of burlacci, each with a different style of clothing and skin complexion.

Auguste: These burlacci are the most common type, and the better known among the general population. They wear strange, colourful and mismatched clothes, often too big, with comically-oversized shoes, red, ball-shaped noses, usually white make-up with colours around their eyes and mouth, and they sport crazy hair of any color, sometimes cut short o top of their head. They are loud, humorous, and often obnoxious.

Harlequin: Often confused with the auguste, these burclacci also have colorful clothes, but finely checkered. They have the top half of their face of jet black, with feature that resemble a mask in the shape of a indefinite animal, very similar to a fox, sometimes with a prominent nose. They often wear some kind of hats. They are agile, quickwitted, very similar in personality to auguste burlacci, just less brutish and more romantic.

Mime: A special type of burlacci, that typically wears a striped-shirt, monochrome trousers, suspenders, a bowler, often with dull, monotone colors. They are completely silent, and instead express themselves through the miming of actions, gestures or full acting. Seemingly, all other burlacci can understand them perfectly.

Pierrot: Pierrot burlacci are the complete opposite of auguste burlacci. They wear a loose white blouse with large buttons and wide white pantaloons. Sometimes they appears with a frilled collaret and a hat, usually with a close-fitting crown and wide round brim and, more rarely, with a conical shape like a dunce's cap. They have chalk-white skin, with eyes and mouth circled with black or deep blue, sometimes with a single or double tear-shaped mark under their eyes, in black, blue or red.

Pulcinella: A very rare type of burlacci, their appearance includes a humpback, a crooked nose, gangly legs, a potbelly, large cheeks, and a gigantic mouth. As harlequins, they also may have the top of their head in the shape of a black mask, humanoid and with a big nose. Often they appear older than they are. They wear clothes often similar to the pierrot, but with more colorful additions. They are cunning social-climbers, and oportunists, but can show heroic qualities and often help those in need.




Religion and Society



Racial Traits

  • Humanoid (Human, Masosado) 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a masosado has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Masosado base land speed is 30 feet.  
  • Barbed Flesh: A young masosado is wrapped in barbed wire as a customary coming of age ritual, and, for alla its life, iron points juts from its skin, stinging it and those who touch it. Masosados count as if always having armor spikes, but only if wearing medium, light or no armor, and they are proficient with them. They can also improve them as weapons. 
  • Pain Tolerance: Masosados have an high tolerance to pain, gaining a +4 bonus against pain effects. 
  • Pain Treshold (Ex): When hit, masosado can store their pain to gain a number of boons. When they are hit for 1 point of damage per HD they gain 1 Pain Point. This Pain Point may be spent as a swift action to gain a +1 to a single physical ability or skill check, or Intimidate check, or to a save, a spellcaster level check, to the DC of an ability, to a battle maneuver or to an attack, along wwith an extra +1d6 of damage (not multiplied on a critical hit). At 5HD, and every five subsequent HDs, up to 20th, the Pain Treshold grows by one, allowing the masosado to spend one additional Pain Point, gaining increasing bonuses (for example, a 10HD masosado could spend 3 Pain Points to gain a +3 to a single attack and +3d6 to the damage roll). These points are stored for one minute. 
  • Woundproof Skin: As they indulge in self-mutilation, their skin has grown leathery and hard to pierce. They gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, which stacks with other natural armor bonuses, and damage reduction 1/bludgeoning (which increases by one every 5HD, until 20HD). 
  • Scary: They gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate checks, and always treat Intimidate as a class skill.
  • Automatic Languages:
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except for secret ones
  • Favored Class: Any
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Racial Options


Alternate Racial Features

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In Pathfinder games they have also a +2 to Constitution.

Alternate Racial Features

  • Deep-sea Adaptation: Having returned to a more aquatic lifestyle, these lurescai gain new abilities, while adding to their weaknesses. They increase their base swimming speed to 40 feet and become amphibious. They become immune to the effects of natural sea pressure. Their penalty from Moist Skin starts at -4 rather than -1, and they need to be fully immerged in water at least once per day to avoid the penalty. Their Light Sensitivity also worsens: in the first round of exposure they are blinded for one round and then dazzled as normal. This trait alters, but does not substitute, Moist Skin and Light Sensitivity.
  • Mini-sized: Some lurescai are quite smaller than normal. Only male lurescai may choose this trait. They are Small-sized, with all its consequences. They lose their Medium size and their base land speed is reduced to 20 feet from 30.
  • Oversized: Some lurescai are much bigger than normal. Only female lurescai may choose this trait. They gain the Powerful Build feat and ability. They lose their Medium size, their +2 to Dexterity and their base land speed is reduced to 20 feet from 30.
  • Suction Cup: A luresca with this trait has one or more suction cups on its belly and/or limbs, which allow it to climb easily. It gains a climb speed of 20 feet. They lose their swim speed.

Facts about "Masosado (3.5e Race)"
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassAny +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability AdjustmentsNone +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeMasosado +
SummaryA race of incredibly sadistic, pain-loving people, who live to experience physical distress and emotional sorrow. +
TitleMasosado +
TypeHumanoid +