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|date_created=18 May 2016
|balance=Very High
|summary=sometimes Expeditious Retreat isn't enough
|prereqs=Abjuration spell of 2nd 3rd level or higher
|fluff="Not the face! Not the face!! Ow, my face!!!"
|benefit=Sometimes you just take a few more hits than you intended to. So long as you can cast an abjuration spell of 2nd 3rd level or higher, you can spend an immediate action to gain temporary HP equal to 10% of your maximum HP. This source of , +1 additional temporary hit points does not stack with any other form of temporary hit points. By sacrificing a spell (or spell slot), you can gain another 5% point per spell level of the highest level abjuration spell sacrificed as part of the same immediate actionyou can cast. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. |examplespecial=Magey McSpellface is As a 7th level wizard with 40 hit points at full health. After failing his save against a fireball he drops to 9 HPsecondary benefit, ouch! He could activate this ability as an immediate action and you gain 4 temporary HP, but that doesn't feel like enough, so he burns one of his 3rd level spells a +1 competence bonus to gain an additional 15% of his max health, granting him another 6 hit points for a total of 10 temp HP. |special=If you receive hit point damage that would kill you outright, you can sacrifice all your remaining caster level when casting abjuration spells (or spell slots) as an immediate reaction to become stable at -5 HP instead of dying.