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(Created page with "== THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, IT IS NOT FINISHED, THANK YOU AND HAVE A MUNDANE DAY == {| class="zebra d20" |+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: The Modsoul}}</div> Hit Die: d8 !Level!![[Ba...")
Line 30: Line 30:
| 11th || +8/+3 || +7 || +3 || [[#Repurpose|Repurpose]] || 1d10 || 8   
| 11th || +8/+3 || +7 || +3 || [[#Repurpose|Repurpose]] || 1d10 || 8   
| 12th || +9/+4 || +8 || +4 || Annihilation Mode, [[#Modification|Modification]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 2d6 || 8   
| 12th || +9/+4 || +8 || +4 || [[#Annihilation Mode|Annihilation Mode]], [[#Modification|Modification]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 2d6 || 8   
| 13th || +9/+4 || +8 || +4 || 2nd Design || 2d6 || 9  
| 13th || +9/+4 || +8 || +4 || 2nd Design || 2d6 || 9  

Revision as of 07:55, 14 November 2011


Table: The Modsoul

Hit Die: d8

Level Base Attack Bonus Good Save Poor Saves Special Base Damage Def. Bonus
1st +0 +2 +0 Combat Point, Modsoul Design, Modification, Bonus Feat 1d6 3
2nd +1 +3 +0 Bonus Feat 1d6 3
3rd +2 +3 +1 Modification 1d6 4
4th +3 +4 +1 Improved Modsoul Design, Bonus Feat 1d8 4
5th +3 +4 +1 Self-Repair 2 1d8 5
6th +4 +5 +2 Modification, Bonus Feat 1d8 5
7th +5 +5 +2 Greater Modsoul Design 1d8 6
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 Bonus Feat 1d10 6
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 Modification 1d10 7
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 Self-Repair 4, Perfect Modsoul Design, Bonus Feat 1d10 7
11th +8/+3 +7 +3 Repurpose 1d10 8
12th +9/+4 +8 +4 Annihilation Mode, Modification, Bonus Feat 2d6 8
13th +9/+4 +8 +4 2nd Design 2d6 9
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 Bonus Feat 2d6 9
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 Self-Repair 6, Modification 2d6 10
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 Bonus Feat 2d8 10
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 Improved 2nd Design 2d8 11
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 Bonus Feat, Modification 2d8 11
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 Redesign 2d8 12
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 Perfect Modification, Self-Repair 8, Bonus Feat 2d10 12

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier +1 (if human race) per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Choose any seven skills as class skills, plus craft. Additional skills are gained based on the chosen Combat Point

Bonus Feat: A Modsoul gains bonus feats at the first and second level, as well as every even level thereafter.

Wikify the Modsouls

Weapon and armor proficiencies: Modsouls are proficient in all simple weapons. Modsouls are not proficient with any armor

Combat Point: Each Modsoul is designed with one part of their body enhanced to allow them to combat hollows and the like. This serves as both their main form of combat, but also determines what skills the Modsoul can utilize with greater efficiency, and in some cases adds an additional mode of transport.

Choose one of the following options. The Modsoul adds the listed skill(s) as a class skill, and also gains the other listed benefits.

Legs: The Modsoul adds Balance and Jump to their class skills. If jump was already a class skill, they gain a modifier to jump/balance equal to ½ their class level.
At 1st level, the Modsoul's base movement increases by 10 ft so long as they are carrying less than a light load. They gain the run feat
At 7th level, the Modsoul always counts as having had a running start for the purpose of jumping. They can also jump like a Shinigami
At 13th level, the Modsoul's base movement increases by another 10 ft so long as they are carrying a light load.
at 17th level, the Modsoul no longer suffers damage from falling so long as they can land on their feet. There is no longer a maximum height the Modsoul can jump.
Arms: The Modsoul adds climb and swim to their list of class skills. If climb was already a class skill, they gain a modifier to swim/climb equal to ½ their Modsoul level
at 1st level, level, a Modsoul can lift and push objects as if they where one size category larger. They gain the x feat
at 7th level, The Modsoul now also grapples as if they where one size category higher. They add 1+1/2 of their strength mod to attack as opposed to just their base strength mod
at 13th level, the Modsoul can lift and drag objects as if they where two size categories larger
at 17th level, the Modsoul grapples like it was two sizes larger. They add twice their base strength mod to their attacks
Body: the Modsoul adds survival and heal to their list of class skills. If they were already class skills, the Modsoul gains a bonus on them equal to ½ their class level
at 1st level, the Modsoul becomes much more resistant to damage. They roll twice for their hit points each level, and take the highest roll.
At 7th level, the Modsoul becomes much sturdier. They count as one size category higher for the purposes of resisting bulrushes and the like. They also gain the improved bull rush feat
at 13th level, the Modsoul can withstand hits that leave almost anything else disabled or unconscious. Instead of their normal method, when the Modsoul is reduced below 0 health, the behave like a Shinigami
at 17th level, the Modsoul can take stupendous amounts of damage. All their hit dice are maximized, and become d10s. This applies retroactively.
Eyes: the Modsoul adds spot and search to their list of class skills. If they were already class skills, the Modsoul gains a bonus on them equal to ½ their class level
at 1st level, The Modsoul gains the ability to see in the dark. They gain dark vision 30ft
At 7th level, The Modsoul can make out much more detail of a target, they can ignore 10% of concealment/fortification
at 13th level, the Modsoul's vision runs at such a rate that artificial images cannot keep up. They gain a +2 bonus on saves against illusions, or effects that target her vision
at 17th level, the Modsoul can make out minute details of a target effortlessly. They ignore 20% of concealment and fortification.

Combat-Gigai: Though original Modsouls where designed for use in human corpses, the recent batch are instead issued with a specially designed Gigai by soul society. They have the living construct subtype in addition to their normal type. Though they cannot use weapons, this body can be enchanted like a single piece of armor, and a weapon. A Modsoul always has the improved unarmed strike feat. Their unarmed damage is increased to what shown in the table above, and they gain a bonus to their AC (also shown on the table) If a Modsoul dies, its body is immediately destroyed, and it reverts back to a soul candy. This can be put into another body (such as a corpse or a construct). A Modsoul only has access to their modifications whilst in their own body.

Modification: A Modsoul’s Gigai is constantly improved to make it more suitable for combat, ensuring as the soul's skill increases their body is able to keep up. Each time the Modsoul gains a modification, they choose one ability from the Modsoul list. Additional effects are determined by their Modsoul design (see below)

Modsoul Design: Each Modsoul is designed to fit a certain niche in the battlefield, and their abilities are designed to compliment that role. At 1st level, choose one of the following builds. At 13th level, select a second build. They must then choose which benefit to apply whenever they gain a modification

The Modsoul is quicker, stronger and more ferocious than its peers. This soul is designed to finish the enemy as directly as possible.
Benefit: Whenever the Modsoul obtains a modification, they can add +2 to a single stat of their choice
Improved Supersoldier: the Modsoul becomes much more effective a fighter. Their Modsoul levels now grant a full base attack bonus. This applies retroactively.
Greater Supersoldier: The Modsoul is capable of launching a devastating flurry of strikes. They gain the flurry of blows ability, as a monk of their level. They can only perform this unarmed
Perfect Supersoldier: The Modsoul is capable of dishing out severe damage with each attack. Their unarmed damage is increased by one step. At level 20, they deal 2d12 each attack.
The Modsoul is designed to be able to track down the enemy, wherever they may hide, and to neutralize a specific enemy.
Benefit: Whenever the Modsoul obtains a modification, they increase the range at which they can sense Reiatsu by 5 feet. They also gain + 2 to sense motive and Suppress Reiatsu
Improved Hunter: the Modsoul gains both the track feat, and the Reiraku hunter feat
Greater Hunter: The Modsoul gains a favored enemy (as a ranger). They can sense the Reiatsu of their favored enemy even if it is suppressed, though the DC is increased by x
Perfect Hunter: the Modsoul gains a second favored enemy, and their benefit against their first favored enemy is increased by a further +2
The Modsoul is designed to be able to intercept attacks, and protect their allies:
Benefit: whenever the hunter gains a modification, they also gain +2 dr/- and an extra 1 AC
Improved Defender: The defender gains proficiency with heavy armor. They retain their AC bonus when in armor
'Greater Defender: The defender reduces the armor check penalty from any armor they wear by 2, their maximum dexterity in armor is increased by +2, and they no longer suffer movement penalties for heavy armor
Perfect Defender: the defender reduces the armor check penalty from any armor they wear by 4, their maximum dexterity in armor is increased by +4, and they can sleep in armor with no penalties
This rare breed of Modsoul has a natural reserve of spiritual energy incorporated into their design.
Benefit: whenever the Spiritcaster gains a modification, they gain Kido as if they had taken a level of Kido Shinigami
Improved Spirit Caster: the spirit caster can choose a 1st level Kido spells they know. They can cast this as a spell-like ability 3 times a day
Greater Defender: the spirit caster can choose a 2nd level Kido spells they know. They can cast this as a spell-like ability 3 times a day
Perfect Defender: the spirit caster can choose a 3rd level Kido spells they know. They can cast this as a spell-like ability 3 times a day

Repurpose: As a Modsoul is artificial, if they have time they can redesign their body for a better purpose. A Modsoul with this ability can spend a day to exchange their Modsoul abilities for any others available. They cannot exchange an ability that is a prerequisite for another ability they know, unless they exchange that ability as well

Self-repair: The Modsoul’s body is designed to be able to repair itself on the fly. The Modsoul gains fast healing 2, which is increased by two at level 10, 15 and 20. In addition, the Modsoul regains one point of ability score per hour.

Annihilation Mode: The Modsoul is capable of tapping into the inner limits of their power, entering a state of absolute destruction. The Modsoul increases their strength and constitution by an amount equal to their class level, and count as being under the effect of haste spell. They gain abilities depending on what purpose they chose at level 1

Supersoldier: the Modsoul enters a berserker frenzy (with all the benefits and drawbacks associated) they gain an additional + 4 strength and constitution
Hunter: The Modsoul acts as if under the benefit of a freedom of movement spell. Against enemies that are denied their dexterity bonus, the Modsoul deals an additional 1d6 damage per two class levels. This stacks with sneak attack.
Defender: The Modsoul gains double their previous number of hit points. They increase their fast healing by their class level. When the annihilation mode ends, they are returned to full health regardless of their amount of health.
Soulcaster: The Modsoul can cast Kido as if they where a Kido Shinigami of the same level. They do not increase their strength, but instead their caster stat. The Modsoul is assumed to know every spell of levels available to them.

It costs the Modsoul 20 SEP to activate the annihilation mode, and it lasts for 5 rounds. This can be extended by paying a further 10 SEP per round. When the Modsoul's annihilation mode ends, they are exhausted for a number of rounds equal to the time they spent in the annihilation mode.

Redesign: Whenever the Modsoul uses their Repurpose ability, they can also change their combat point as well. It only takes the Modsoul an hour to Repurpose, rather than 24.

Perfect Modification: The Modsoul is the peak of artificial power. They gain three Modifications.