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|status=In progress.
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The infestor is a intelligent zerg horror that works to actively spread the influence of the swarm by infesting those vulnerable to its corruption. It resembles nothing so much as a gigantic slug with glowing fluid sacks and a tentacled maw. It is always accompanied by an entourage of infested humanoids and typically fights alongside other zerg strains which it commands telepathically. Despite its bulk, the infestor has evolved the ability to burrow swiftly and silently through the ground. Its greatest strength by far, however, is the terrifying arsenal of powers that it uses to hinder and subvert enemies of the Swarm.
[[Image:Infestor.jpg|thumb|right|An infestor is the last sight many have seen... with human eyes.]]
{{4e Creature Top
|role=Elite Controler
|type=magical beast
|senses=Perception +15, darkvision, tremorsense 10
|speed=6, 6 burrow
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Neural Parasite
|keywords=charm, disease, psychic
|effect=''Attack:'' '''Range 5''' (one creature); +20 vs. Will<br />''Hit:'' 4d8 + 6 psychic damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 psychic damage and is dazed (save ends both).<br />''First failed save:'' The target is instead dominated and takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends both).<br />''Special:'' If the target moves more than 10 squares away, this effect ends. If the target drops to 0 hit points while dominated by this effect, the target contracts ''zerg infestation'' (see below).
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Fungal Growth
|keywords=acid, poison, zone
|recharge=Recharge {{5}} {{6}}
|effect=''Attack:'' '''Area burst 2 within 10''' (enemies in burst); +20 vs. Reflex<br />''Hit:'' 2d8 + 3 acid and poison damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the infestor's next turn.<br />''Effect:'' The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the infestor's next turn. Any enemy that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 10 acid and poison damage, and is slowed until it exits the zone.<br />''Sustain Minor:'' The zone persists.
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Telepathic Command
|effect=''Effect:'' An ally of the infestor's level or lower within 10 squares makes a melee basic attack as a free action.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Move}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Spawn Infested
|effect=''Effect:'' An infested defender (see below) appears in an unoccupied space within 3 squares of the infestor and acts immediately after the infestor. An infested defender created in this way does not contribute to an encounter's experience total.<br />''Special:'' This power recharges if there are no infested defenders on the battlefield.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Immediate}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Fungal Gout
|keywords=acid, poison
|effect=''Trigger:'' An enemy moves adjacent to the infestor.<br />''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (triggering enemy); +20 vs. Reflex<br />''Hit:'' 2d8 + 3 acid and poison damage, and the target take a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the infestor's next turn.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|title=Traits}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Personal Entourage
|effect=The infestor begins each encounter with a personal entourage consisting of 4 infested defenders. These defenders do not contribute to an encounter's experience total.
{{4e Creature Bottom MM3
|skills=Dungeoneering +20, Heal +20, Stealth +17
|languages=Telepathy 20 (''zerg'' only)
===Infestor Tactics===
The infestor approaches with surprise, if possible, burrowing up from beneath. It immediately attempts to ensnare an enemy that appears weak-willed with its ''neural parasite'' attack and uses an action point to use ''fungal growth''. On subsequent rounds, it unleashes ''fungal growth'' as often as possible, commanding its allies to fight for it when it cannot. The infestor stays out of melee, if possible, spawning more defenders as needed. If the tide turns against it, the infestor will burrow and flee, engaging at a later time with reinforcements.
===Infestor Lore===
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
:'''DC 15:''' Infestors are grotesque, burrowing monstrosities that infest their victims, making them slaves to the swarm. Infestors rely heavily on their minions, as they are vulnerable to attack in close quarters.
:'''DC 20:''' Slaying an infestor's minions is no guarantee of peace, since it always seems to have more tucked away in its massive body. The infestor is able to bestow its putrid corruption upon its surroundings, making the very earth poisonous.
:'''DC 25:''' Using a specialized tentacle on its back, the infestor can overwhelm a living creature's mind, bringing it under the infestor's sway. A terrible fate awaits any who aren't granted the mercy of a bloody, violent death at the hands of its infested minions... instead being slowly transformed into another of it's servants.
==Infested Defender==
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Infested Defender
|role=Minion Soldier
|senses=Perception +11, darkvision
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (one creature); +23 vs. AC<br />''Hit:'' 16 damage, and the target is grabbed.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Free}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Death Burst
|effect=''Trigger:'' The defender is reduced to 0 hit points.<br />''Attack:'' '''Close burst 1''' (enemies in burst); +21 vs. Reflex<br />''Hit:'' 16 acid damage. If the target was grabbed by the infested defender, it also takes ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
{{4e Creature Bottom MM3
==Encounter Groups==
Infestors are encountered with other zerg and always accompanied by an entourage of infested.
===Level 15 Encounter (XP 6300)===
* 2 Infestors (with 8 infested defenders)
* 4 [[Zergling (4e Monster)|Winged zerglings]]
==Zerg Infestation==
Those drawn into the infestor's corrupted body are immediately infested. They begin hearing the whispers of the zerg hive mind, making it difficult to work at cross-purposes to its will. They become ill as their bodies begin to mutate, lacking the direction of an infestor though, it can only go so far. Veins of a yellow-brown hue run beneath their skin, forming a laticework of corrupted tissue, their eyes becoming orange as putrid, black fluids leak from every orifice. Finally thier mind is overcome and they fall under the sway of the hive mind, seeking to complete their transformation. Their bonds of friendship and loyalty are not yet completely purged -- though they may be shunned, due to their obvious infestation -- however, they will let nothing stand in the way of their newfound alegiance to the swarm.
{{4e Disease
|name=Zerg Infestation
|flavor=Victims feel a outside presence influencing their minds even as their bodies rebel.
|attack=See [[User:Techpriest88/Canvas1|infestor]].
|endurance=Improve DC 29, maintain DC 26, worsen DC 25 or lower
|effect1=The target regains the lost healing surge and initial effect's penalty becomes -1.
|initial effect=The target loses a healing surge and takes a -2 penalty to attacks that include a zerg creature as a target.
|effect2=The target loses an additional healing surge and the initial effect's penalty becoms -3.
|effect3=The target must make a saving throw when attempting to attack a zerg creature (once per creature) or be unable to attack that creature during the encounter.
|final state=The target is dazed. It does everything in its power to seek out and offer itself to agents of the Swarm.
[http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Infestor] StarCraft Wiki: Infestor
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Revision as of 01:33, 21 October 2011