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==== Attachments ====
==== Attachments ====
'''Bayonet''': A two-handed gun with an attached bayonet can be used as a [[SRD:Spear|spear]] in melee. A  light or one-handed projectile with a attached bayonet can be used as a [[SRD:Short Sword|short sword]] in melee. A bayonet costs 15 gold piece.
'''Bayonet''': A two-handed gun with an attached bayonet can be used as a [[SRD:Spear|spear]] in melee. A  light or one-handed projectile with a attached bayonet can be used as a [[SRD:Short Sword|short sword]] in melee. A bayonet costs 15 gold piece.
'''Scope''': A firearm with a scope allow you to deal the extra damage based on your dexterity beyond the first increment up to your total range. A scope can only be equipped on a two-handed gun and cost 1000 gp.
==== Other ====
==== Other ====

Revision as of 20:55, 15 October 2011

Gunpowder Armory

Lead and Black Powder

Table: Blackpowder Weapons
Simple Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Hand Cannon 160 gp Two-Handed 1d10 20/x2 100' Weight 1 Slow
Musket 80 gp Two-Handed 1d8 20/x2 60' 5 lbs 1 -
Pistol 40 gp Light 1d6 20/x2 30' 3 lbs 1 -
Martial Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Heavy Musket 200 gp Two-Handed 1d12 20/x3 120' 12 lbs 1 -
Jezzail 160 gp Two-Handed 1d8 20/x2 80' 6 lbs 1 Accurate

Hand cannon

A hand cannon is a portable cannon. It big, strong, and has a very nice reach but unfortunately is slow to reload. A typical hand cannon requires hand cannonballs, but can be loaded with rocks or other improvised ammunition, although doing so cause the weapon to misfire on a roll of 1 and 2 and doubles the chance of damaging or jamming the weapon.

Normally, operating a hand cannon requires two hands, however, you can shoot, but not load, a hand cannon with one hand at a –4 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a hand cannon with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two one-handed weapons. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for one-handed firing.


A musket is a single shot rifle, it's simple to use and the most frequently used military rifle for forces with primitive firearms. A well kept musket has a good range and damage. A musket typically uses rifle shot, but can be loaded with rocks or other improvised ammunition, although doing so causes the weapon to misfire on a roll of 1 and 2 and doubles the chance of damaging or jamming the weapon.

Normally, operating a musket requires two hands, however, you can shoot, but not load, a musket with one hand at a –4 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a musket with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two one-handed weapons. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for one-handed firing.


A pistol is a simple, very light handheld weapon capable of great damage despite its modest size. A typical pistol is loaded with pistol shot but can be loaded with rocks or other improvised ammunition, although doing so causes the weapon to misfire on a roll of 1 and 2 and doubles the chance of damaging the weapon or jamming.

Normally, operating a pistol requires one hand.

Heavy Musket

A massive rifle, the heavy musket is a much heavier and powerful version of the musket rifle. It has a longer reach, more penetrating shots, and is much heavier. Only the most proficient soldiers can use a heavy musket in battle. A heavy musket typically uses rifle shot, but can be loaded with rocks or other improvised ammunition, although doing so cause the weapon to misfire on a roll of 1 and 2 and doubles the chance of damaging or jamming the weapon.

Normally, operating a heavy musket requires two hands, however, you can shoot, but not load, a heavy musket with one hand at a –4 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a heavy musket with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two one-handed weapons. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for one-handed firing.


A jezzail is a short rifle, but punches a rather rare punch for black powder weapon of it size. Its most distinguishing feature is its greater reach and accuracy. A jezzail typically uses rifle shot, but can be loaded with rocks or other improvised ammunition,although doing so cause the weapon to misfire on a roll of 1 and 2 and doubles the chance of damaging or jamming the weapon.

Normally, operating a jezzail requires two hands, however, you can shoot, but not load, a jezzail with one hand at a –4 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a jezzail with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two one-handed weapons. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for one-handed firing.

Steaming with Fury

Table: Steam Gun
Simple Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Steam Hand Cannon 240 gp One-Handed 1d10 20/x3 120' 12 lb 1 Slow
Steam Rifle 120 gp Two-Handed 1d8 20/x3 80' 6 lbs 1 -
Steam Pistol 60 gp Light 1d6 20/x3 40' 3 lbs 1 -
Martial Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Steam War Cannon 500 gp Two-Handed 4d8 20/x3 160' 24 lbs 1 See Page
Exotic Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Steambolt Minigun 2250 gp* Two-Handed 10d8 - 120' 22 lbs Special See Page
Steambolt Rifle 300 gp Two-Handed 2d6* 18-20/x2 120' 16 lbs 5 Slow*
  • The rules for firearms in this book overwrite similar rules for the weapons if you use these weapons alongside this supplement. However I claim no ownership over the original weapons, nor claim the superiority of my rules. Entries in the table noted with a * denote a particular entry that is replaced, although all equipment is assumed to use the rules from this sourcebook

Steam Hand Cannon

See Steam Hand Cannon page. Use hand cannonball.

Steam Rifle

See Steam Rifle page. Use rifle shot.

Steam Pistol

See Steam Pistol page. Use pistol shot.

Steam War Cannon

Steam War Cannon page. Use cannonball..

Steambolt Minigun

See Steambolt Minigun page. Use rifle cartridge.

Steambolt Rifle

A steambolt rifle is a big, powerful steam rifle designed for power and fights in extreme climates. Its massive bulk make it extremely hard to use for even a tempered soldier, and only through training can it be used effectively. A steambolt rifle is slow to reload, but is capable of surviving extreme environment (as the parameters defined by endure elements). A typical steambolt rifle requires rifle cartridges, but can be loaded with rocks or other improvised ammunition, although doing so cause the weapon to misfire on a roll of 1 and 2 and doubles the chance of damages the weapon or jamming the weapon.

Normally, operating a steambolt rifle requires two hands, however, you can shoot, but not load, a steambolt rifle with one hand at a –4 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a steambolt rifle with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two one-handed weapons. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for one-handed firing.

Fury of the West

Table: Western Weapons
Simple Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Lever-Action Rifle 200 gp Two-Handed 1d8 20/x2 100' 7 lbs 1 Rapid
Pocket Pistol 100 gp Light 1d6 20/x2 60' 2 lbs 1 -
Martial Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Lever-Action Repeater 300 gp Two-Handed 1d8 20/x2 120' 7 lbs 7 Rapid
Lever-Action Shotgun 240 gp Two-Handed 1d10 20/x3 100' 6 lbs 3 Rapid, Shotgun
Six-Shooter 120 gps Light 1d6 18-20/x2 80' 3 lbs 6 -

Advanced Firearms

Table: Gun
Simple Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Gun Name Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Number of Shots Special Rules
Martial Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Gun Name Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Number of Shots Special Rules
Exotic Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Gun Name Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Number of Shots Special Rules

Legendary Firearms

Table: Gun
Simple Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Gun Name Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Number of Shots Special Rules
Martial Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Gun Name Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Number of Shots Special Rules
Exotic Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Ammo Capacity Special Rules
Gun Name Cost Type Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Number of Shots Special Rules

Miscellaneous Equipment


Rifle Shot: A single shot for a musket or other black powder rifle. A single rifle shot can be brought for approximately 10 copper (10 for 1 gold) and weighs 0.4 lbs.

Pistol Shot: A single shot for any black powder pistol. A single pistol shot can be purchased for 5 copper (20 for 1 gold) and weighs 0.2 lbs.

Hand Cannonball: Small cannonball used for hand cannon and steam hand cannon, a single cannonball (with the necessary gunpowder) cost 5 silver (2 for 1 gold) and weighs 1 lbs.

Rifle Cartridges: Used for more sophisticated rifle, a pack of one hundred of these is sold for 20 gold and weighs around 32 lb.

Armor Piercing Rifle Cartridges: Made to penetrate heavily armored target. AP Rifle Cartridges ignore the first 4 points of Damage Reduction except DR/-. Can be used in any gun that supports normal Rifle Cartridges and costs 25 gold for a box of 100 and weighs the same as normal Rifle Cartridges.

Hollow Point Rifle Cartridges: Made to deal a lot of damage to unarmored targets. HP Rifle Cartridges deal 1d6 extra damage, but you take a -4 penalty to attack roll when attacking a creature with an armor or natural armor bonus above 2. Can be used in any gun that supports normal Rifle Cartridges and costs 25 gold for a box of 100 and weighs the same as normal Rifle Cartridges.


Bayonet: A two-handed gun with an attached bayonet can be used as a spear in melee. A light or one-handed projectile with a attached bayonet can be used as a short sword in melee. A bayonet costs 15 gold piece.

Scope: A firearm with a scope allow you to deal the extra damage based on your dexterity beyond the first increment up to your total range. A scope can only be equipped on a two-handed gun and cost 1000 gp.


Good Quality Gun Cleaning Kit: Allows you to keep your gun in good shape for longer. A good quality gun cleaning kit costs 25 gold pieces and can be used forever.

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