Difference between revisions of "User:Karuma/Sandbox/Sublime Shaper (3.5e Class)"

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Line 192: Line 192:
<-... repeat as necessary.->
<-... repeat as necessary.->
====Epic <-class name->====
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ class="epic" |
<div>{{Anchor|Table: The Epic <-class name->}}</div>
Hit Die: d<-Die size for Hit Die->
! Level !! Special
| 21st || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 22nd || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 23rd || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 24th || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 25th || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 26th || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 27th || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
|- class
| 28th || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
|- class
| 29th || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
|- class=
| 30th || class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
|- class="noalt"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
<-number of skill points-> + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier skill points per level.
'''<-existing class feature->:''' <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->
'''<-another existing class feature->:''' <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->
<-Lather, rinse...->
<-... repeat.->
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feats }}:''' The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> bonus feats) every <-number of feats per level-> levels after 20th.
''Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List:'' <-list of bonus epic feats->.
====<-Sample race of your choice-> <-class name-> Starting Package====
====<-Sample race of your choice-> <-class name-> Starting Package====

Revision as of 19:25, 27 April 2011

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 4/27/2011
Status: Just Beginning
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Sublime Shaper

Most who walk the Sublime Way find an instructor to help them begin their journey. For the Sublime Shaper, it goes the other way as souls of departed masters find their way to a prospective student and impart the wisdoms of many lifetimes.

Making a Sublime Shaper

<-Strong points and weak points, and effectiveness with party members.->.


Races: Because one is more chosen than chooses to become a Sublime Shaper, any race is just as likely as any other to join.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 6d4×10 gp.

Starting Age: "As Rogue".

Table: The Sublime Shaper

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Essentia Maneuvers Known Maneuvers Readied Stances Known
Fort Ref Will
1st + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 0
2nd + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 1
3rd + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 1
4th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 2
5th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 2
6th + + + + Shape Soulmeld 3
7th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 3
8th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 4
9th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 4
10th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 5
11th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 5
12th + + + + Shape Soulmeld 6
13th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 6
14th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 7
15th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 7
16th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 8
17th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 8
18th + + + + Shape Soulmeld 9
19th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 9
20th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level-> 10

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Iajitsu Focus (), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the <-class name->.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Soul Shaper is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, as well as any exotic weapons favored by his chosen disciplines. A Soul Shaper is proficient in Light and Medium armor but not Shields.

Shape Soulmeld: At 6th, 12th, and 18th level gain the Shape Soulmeld feat except that your meldshaper level for this soulmeld is equal to your initiator level. (See Magic of Incarnum page 40).

<span id="<-extraordinary class feature->"><-extraordinary class feature-></span> (Ex): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-supernatural class feature->"><-supernatural class feature-></span> (Su): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-class feature->"><-class feature-></span>: <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-subclass feature->"><-subclass feature-></span> <-"(Ex)", "(Su)", "(Sp)", or "(Ps)" if applicable.->: <-subclass feature game rule information->

<-Lather, rinse...->

<-... repeat as necessary.->

<-Sample race of your choice-> <-class name-> Starting Package

Weapons: <-Weapon selection for starting at 1st level with this class.->.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
<-Skill name-> <-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-> <-Abbrieviated key ability-> <-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If innapplicable put "—"->
<-Skill name-> <-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-> <-Abbrieviated key ability-> <-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If innapplicable put "—"->

<-copy and paste the rows as necessary.->

Feat: <-1st-level feat selection->.

Bonus Feats: <-1st-level feat bonus feats due to class or sample race. remove this section if this sample doesn't get any bonus feats at 1st level. ->.

Gear: <-Starting armor and other equipment outside of weapons.->.

Gold: <-Starting gold using this package.->.

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