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<small>Main documentation for Semantic Mediawiki can be found at [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki]
<small>Main documentation for Semantic Mediawiki can be found at [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki]</small>
== Setting Properties ==
== Setting Properties ==

Revision as of 05:04, 15 January 2011

Main documentation for Semantic Mediawiki can be found at [1]

Setting Properties

To set a property without showing the text on the page, use the format {{#set:Property=Value goes here}}.

To set a property and show the text on the page, use the format [[Property::Value goes here]].

To set multiple properties (mostly used at the beginning of classes), use the following format:

{{set:Property1=Value goes here
|Property2=Value of Property 2
|PropertyN=Value of last property.

Ask Function

Semantic Mediawiki gives the parser function {{ask:<query>[[|param=value[...|param=value]]}}.


The query should be the first value you send. It can either be [[Category:categoryName]] or [[Property::value]]. For example, to choose all user fighter feats in 3.5e, the query would be [[Category:3.5e]] [[Category:Feat]] [[Category:User]] [[Type::Fighter]]

Other parameters

The following is a table of parameters this parser function accepts.

Parameter Possible values Description
format a format name (see below) selected output format; some formats allow further parameters (see #Result formats)
limit non-negative number maximal number of pages selected (in the case of a table: rows)
offset number where to start
sort property name or a list of property names separated by , name of properties to use for sorting queries (see Help:Selecting pages)
order ascending/asc, descending/desc/reverse,
or a list of those if more than one property is used for sorting
defines how results should be ordered, only applicable if sort is used, ascending is the default (see Help:Selecting pages)
headers show, hide shows or hides the labels/headers used in some output formats such as «table», show is default
mainlabel plain text title of the first column (the one with the page titles in it), default is no title; set to - to suppress printing the page titles
link none, subject, all defines which article names in the result are hyperlinked, all normally is the default

Note: linking can also be controlled for individual printouts using the plain output format as described in Displaying information.

default plain text if, for any reason, the query returns no results, this will be printed instead
intro plain text initial text that prepends the output, if at least some results exist
outro plain text text that is appended to the output, if at least some results exist
searchlabel plain text text for continuing the search (default is «… further results»)

For the format, use one of list, table, ul, or ol.

Comma separated list
Unordered list
Ordered list