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Shadow Tiefling (3.5e Race)

1 byte added, 10:08, 26 June 2022
Simple Racial Traits
*Combat Ability - Darkness: Once per minute as a swift action you may cast ''[[SRD:Darkness|darkness]]''; this is a spell-like ability that provokes no attacks of opportunity, and lasts for two rounds. Caster level is equal to your level.
*Passive Ability - Shadow Vision: You can see through darkness and magical darkness as though it wasn't there.
*Utility Ability - Shadow Receptacle: Your essentia pool is permanently expanded by 1. If you don't have one this feature grants you one point of essentia. You can invest, once per day, one essentia point into you Darkness ability to increase the duration to one minute
{{3.5e Races Breadcrumb}}

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