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Neo-Genesis (3.5e Feat)

2 bytes added, 15:02, 7 November 2012
Grammar check
*'''7 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]:''' By expending a single point of [[Bio-Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|bio-energy]] as a [[SRD:Move Action|move action]], you can create up to one gallon of pure, clean water per [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] you possess, or, you can create up to one 10 foot cube per [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] you possess of breathable, clean air. You cannot increase the pressure in an area past a livable point with this effect, regardless of whether you create water or air. You can loosely control air created by this effect, preventing it from being sucked away due to a vacuum or low pressure area by taking a [[SRD:Free Action|free action]].
*'''11 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]:''' By expending 2 points of [[Bio-Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|bio-energy]] as a [[SRD:Standard Action|standard action]], you can undo damage to the land. After you take this [[SRD:Standard Action|standard action]], any and all damage done to any ground within 40 feet of you (such as radiation or chemical damage), is immediately and irrevocably undone. This allows plants to grow healthily where it was impossible for them to do so before. This effect can also remove certain magical effects that may prevent life from entering their area'sareas. A magical effect that is so affected is treated as having been targetted by a ''[[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel magic]]'' spell cast with a [[SRD:Casting Spells#Caster Level|caster level]] equal to your [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]. Effects that are affected in such a way are: ''[[SRD:Antilife Shell|antilife shell]]'', ''[[SRD:Antipathy|antipathy]]'', ''[[SRD:Antiplant Shell|antiplant shell]]'', ''[[SRD:Forbiddance|forbiddance]]'', and ''[[SRD:Repulsion|repulsion]]'', though, other spells may be affected as well, at the DM's choice. You may select not to affect magical effects this way, if you wish.
*'''15 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]:''' By taking 2 points of bio-energy drain, you can create life where there was none before, as a [[SRD:Standard Action|standard action]]. This [[SRD:Standard Action|standard action]] is simply a touch that can create up to a 10 -foot cube 's worth of microscopic organisms that have the same basic requirements for life as you do (so, if you have no need for air, these organisms don't either), though, their means of aquiring acquiring these things can vary greatly. These organisms can be no more complex than lichens or algae, and are entirely benign, but are capable of sustaining themselves indefinitely, given they have the means to do so. Alternatively, this touch can be used to dispel undeath. This effect can be used on an [[SRD:Undead Type|undead]] creature, forcing them to make a [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]] save ([[SRD:DC|DC]] 10 + half your [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] + your [[SRD:Constitution|Con]] modifier), or be destroyed outright.
*'''19 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]:''' By sitting down and meditating for a full day, taking an amount of bio-energy drain equal to the number of points your [[Bio-Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|bio-energy pool]] contains, and using up 5,000 xp, you can restore a creature to life. This effect can even bring back creatures whose original bodies have been destroyed, and creates a body identical to its original body, as long as the creature is unambiguously identified in your mind. You can resurrect a creature that has been [[SRD:Dead|dead]] for as long as 10 years. The subject’s soul must be free and willing to return for this effect to work.

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