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'''{{Anchor|Invocations}}:''' A forgefire adept has intuitive access to a number of magical effects called invocations. A forgefire adept can use any invocation they know at will as a spell-like ability. Using an invocation is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This can be avoided by using a [[SRD:Concentration_Skill|concentration check]] to invoke the effect defensively. Being hit while performing an invocation entitles the forgefire adept to a [[SRD:Concentration_Skill|concentration check]] to finish invoking, as would be the case for a regular spellcaster. A forgefire adept's caster level is equal to their class level. Invocations may be dismissed by their caster as a standard action.
'''{{Anchor|Invocations}}:''' A forgefire adept has intuitive access to a number of magical effects called invocations. A forgefire adept can use any invocation they know at will as a spell-like ability. Using an invocation is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This can be avoided by using a [[SRD:Concentration_Skill|concentration check]] to invoke the effect defensively. Being hit while performing an invocation entitles the forgefire adept to a [[SRD:Concentration_Skill|concentration check]] to finish invoking, as would be the case for a regular spellcaster. A forgefire adept's caster level is equal to their class level. Invocations may be dismissed by their caster as a standard action.
If an invocation allows a [[SRD:Saving_Throw|saving throw]], the [[SRD:Using_Skills#Difficulty_Class|DC]] is 10 + the equivalent spell level + the forgefire adept's Charisma modifier. Since spell-like abilities are not spells, a forgefire adept cannot benefit from feats that change the effect of spells or spell slots. They can, however, benefit from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities.
If an invocation allows a [[SRD:Saving_Throw|saving throw]], the [[SRD:Using_Skills#Difficulty_Class|DC]] is 10 + the equivalent spell level + the forgefire adept's Wisdom modifier. Since spell-like abilities are not spells, a forgefire adept cannot benefit from feats that change the effect of spells or spell slots. They can, however, benefit from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities.
'''{{Anchor|Breath Weapon}} {{Su}}:''' At 1st level, you gain a breath weapon that you can use at will as a standard action. Each time you use your breath weapon, you can choose whether it takes the form of a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of fire damage at level one and a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Constitution modifier) halves the damage. As you gain levels, your breath weapon's damage increases, as shown on the level advancement table.
'''{{Anchor|Breath Weapon}} {{Su}}:''' At 1st level, you gain a breath weapon that you can use at will as a standard action. Each time you use your breath weapon, you can choose whether it takes the form of a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of fire damage at level one and a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Constitution modifier) halves the damage. As you gain levels, your breath weapon's damage increases, as shown on the level advancement table.

Revision as of 06:58, 29 March 2021

Author: Eromythic (talk)
Date Created: 15/3/2021
Status: Pending Balance
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Forgefire Adepts are smiths that acquire special abilities through a divine link attained with the art of forging: Breath Weapon and Invocations.

"{{{length}}}" is not a number.

"Breath Weapon" is not in the list (Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Psionics, ...) of allowed values for the "Class Ability" property.


Forgefire Adept

A rather niche reflavor of something that may or may not exist. Forgefire Adepts are smiths that acquire special abilities through a divine link attained with the art of forging. They are, therefore, closely tied to the concepts of smithing and fire.

Making a Forgefire Adept

<-Strong points and weak points, and effectiveness with party members.->

Abilities: Strength improves the carrying capacity and benefits the occasional melee-centric build. Dexterity will improve the Initiative of forgefire adepts, in addition to the Armor Class if lightly armored. Constitution affects the DC for the breath weapon, as well as improving the hit points. It is therefore a good stat for builds centered around using the breath weapon for damage. Intelligence is a good stat for crafting and skill oriented characters. Wisdom affects the DC of invocations, which is good for builds that use them to control the enemy with status or apply direct damage in a spell-like way. It also confers some bonuses after level 7. It is therefore one of the most relevant stats for a forgefire adept.

Races: Any race or subgroup that has a high inclination towards smithing may become a Forgefire Adept. As one would expect, Dwarves are a very usual candidate, but not the only one.

Alignment: Any, but if it follows a God, it must be one that offers a Domain strongly related to either Fire or Forge.

Starting Gold: 4d6×10 gp

Starting Age: "As fighter".

Table: The Forgefire Adept

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Breath Weapon Damage Invocations
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Embertouched, Invocations (Least) 1d6 1
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Hardened Skin +2, Breath Effect 1d6 1
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Children of Stone and Fire 2d6 2
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Craft Magic Weapons and Armor 2d6 2
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Breath Effect 3d6 2
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 DR 2/magic, Invocations (Lesser) 3d6 3
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Divine Insight 4d6 3
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Hardened Skin +3 4d6 4
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Magic Forge 5d6 4
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Breath weapon range doubles, Breath Effect 5d6 4
11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Invocations (Greater) 6d6 5
12th +9/+4 + 8 +4 +8 Breath Effect 6d6 5
13th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Hardened Skin +4 6d6 6
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 Forge Ring 7d6 6
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 Breath Effect 7d6 6
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 DR 5/magic, Invocations (Final) 7d6 7
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Old like the Mountains 8d6 7
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Hardened Skin +5 8d6 8
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Immunities 8d6 8
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Breath Effect 9d6 8

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Any) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (architecture and engineering) (local) (religion) (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Forgefire Adept.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Forgefire adepts are proficient with all simple weapons, plus all martial hammers. They are also proficient with medium armor and shields (except tower shields).

Bonus Language: A forgefire adept can choose Ignan, Terran or Dwarven as one of their known languages.

Bonus Feats: A forgefire adept gains craft magic weapons and armor as a bonus feat at 4th level. They also gain forge ring as a bonus feat at 14th level.

Invocations: A forgefire adept has intuitive access to a number of magical effects called invocations. A forgefire adept can use any invocation they know at will as a spell-like ability. Using an invocation is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This can be avoided by using a concentration check to invoke the effect defensively. Being hit while performing an invocation entitles the forgefire adept to a concentration check to finish invoking, as would be the case for a regular spellcaster. A forgefire adept's caster level is equal to their class level. Invocations may be dismissed by their caster as a standard action.

If an invocation allows a saving throw, the DC is 10 + the equivalent spell level + the forgefire adept's Wisdom modifier. Since spell-like abilities are not spells, a forgefire adept cannot benefit from feats that change the effect of spells or spell slots. They can, however, benefit from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities.

Breath Weapon (Su): At 1st level, you gain a breath weapon that you can use at will as a standard action. Each time you use your breath weapon, you can choose whether it takes the form of a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of fire damage at level one and a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Constitution modifier) halves the damage. As you gain levels, your breath weapon's damage increases, as shown on the level advancement table.

A forgefire adept is immune to the effect of their own breath weapon (but not to other breath weapons that produce similar effects, even those of other forgefire adepts).

At 10th level, a forgefire adept's cone-shaped breath weapon range doubles to 30 feet, and their line-shaped breath weapon range doubles to 60 feet.

Embertouched: At 1st level a forgefire adept's body changes as a consequence of their new divine link. Their carrying capacity is doubled, they gain 1 hit point, a +1 DC on spells and abilities with the [Fire] or [Earth] descriptors, and a +1 bonus on saving throws against poison, disease and paralysis effects.

Hardened Skin (Ex): At 2nd level and every some levels thereafter your body changes and toughens, replacing the flesh with fire and stone and metal, likening yourself to a forge. This grants you a natural armor bonus to AC that doesn't stack with other natural armor your character may have (use the highest value). This bonus is +2 at 2nd level, +3 at 8th level, +4 at 13th level, and +5 at 18th level.

Children of Stone and Fire (Ex): At 4th level, a forgefire adept gains a +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence the attitude of fire and earth elementals and outsiders.

Divine Insight (Ex): At 7th level a forgefire adept gains some intuitive inspiration through their divine link. Consequently, they gain one of the following benefits:

  • Add their Wisdom modifier to Concentration checks.
  • Add their Wisdom modifier to Craft checks.
  • Add their Wisdom modifier to Knowledge checks.
  • Add their Wisdom modifier to their melee attack rolls.

Magic Forge (Su): At 9th level a forgefire adept further understands how magic is woven into objects during crafting. They can substitute an appropiate Craft check (DC22 + spell level) in place of a required spell they don't know or can't cast.

Old like the Mountains (Ex): At 17th level a forgefire adept becomes inured to the wear of time. Their life expectancy is increased three-fold and they do not take any further penalties for aging (but they retain any they already had). They also become immune to effects that would age them unnaturally.

Breath Effect: At levels 2, 5, 10, 12, 15 and 20, a forgefire adept can select one of the breath effects listed below for which they meet the minimum level prerequisite. These breath effects can alter their breath weapon's damage type or area, or apply a condition to targets in place of damage. Each time they use their breath weapon, they can choose to apply any one breath effect that they know. The chosen effect either replaces the normal fire damage dealt by their breath weapon or replaces the standard area of their breath weapon. Some effects can be applied only to a cone-shaped breath weapon, and others only to a line-shaped breath weapon. They can't apply more than one breath effect to their breath weapon at the same time unless the effect specifically states otherwise. They can't apply the same breath effect to their breath weapon in two consecutive rounds (though they still can use their normal fire breath weapon every round).

Table: Breath Effects

Level Effect Brief Description
2nd Bellowing Breath Strong gust of wind.
2nd Sickening Breath Cone-shaped, sickens creatures.
2nd Soot Breath Cone-shaped, soot cloud that obscures vision.
2nd Stone Breath Line-shaped, deals bludgeoning damage.
5th Acid Breath Deals acid damage.
5th Breath of the Forge Heats metal objects and creatures.
5th Shaped Breath Create safe zones within your breath area.
5th Slow Breath Cone-shaped, slows creatures as per the slow spell.
10th Enduring Breath Deals damage over 2 rounds.
10th Cloud Breath 20-foot radius cloud area.
10th Energizing Breath Restores allies.
10th Thunder Breath Cone-shaped, deals sound damage.
15th Force Breath Line-shaped, deals force damage.
15th Five-fold Breath Breathe five different breath weapons simultaneously.
15th Volcanic Eruption Breathe explosive breath at double range.
15th Paralizing Breath Cone-shaped, paralizes creatures in the area.

Damage Reduction (Ex): At 6th level, they gain damage reduction 2/magic. At 16th level, this improves to damage reduction 5/magic.

Immunities (Ex): At 19th level they gain immunity to poison, disease and paralysis effects.



Crafting Soul (2nd): If there's a clear area next to you with enough terrous or rocky materials around it, these bend and mould and become a fully functional smithy, with all the required heavy tools such like the forge and the anvil (but you must still carry a set of tools to make use of it). Additionally, you gain +6 bonus on all Crafting checks for a period of 24 hours. Such checks are treated as trained even if you have no ranks in the skills.

Deafening Roar (2nd): A roar fills a 30-foot cone. All creatures in the area that fail a Fortitude save become deafeaned for 1 hour.

Endure Exposure (3rd): With a touch, you grant a creature (or yourself) the ability to withstand hot and cold environments, as per the endure elements spell. In addition, the target is immune to any effects of your own breath weapon. This invocation's effects last for 24h.

Granite Heart (2nd): For 24 hours, you have a 50% chance to turn a critical hit or a sneak attack against you into a normal hit. You also gain +6 to saving throws to resist being stunned.

Hearth of Knowledge (2nd): You gain +6 bonus on all Knowledge and Spellcraft checks for a period of 24 hours. Such checks are treated as trained even if you have no ranks in the skills.

Warm Light (2nd): You shed a warm light like that of a torch (clearly illuminating a 20-foot radius and providing shadowy illumination out to a 40-foot radius) for 24 hours, granting +2 against fear effects to allies within 20-foot of you (including yourself).

Magic Insight (2nd): You can use detect magic as per the spell. While the invocation is active you can end it as a full-round action and determine all the properties of a touched object as per the identify spell.

Scalding Gust (2nd): You create a strong gust of hot wind (as per gust of wind spell, except with instantaneous duration). Any creature within the area takes 1 point of fire damage per caster level, regardless of whether it succeeds or fails in the Fortitude save roll to avoid the gust.

See the Unseen (2nd): You may see invisible creatures and objects as per the see invisibility spell. You also gain darvision out to 60 feet for 24 hours.

Shattering Blows (2nd): You do not provoke attacks of opportunity on your sunder attempts and gain +4 to their attack rolls for 24 hours.


Command Rust (3rd): You rust a metallic object you touch, as per the rusting grasp spell. You can also restore metal to its non-rusted state in an equivalent manner.

Energy Resistance (3rd): You gain resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage for 24h. Choose the energy type when you use the invocation. Using the invocation again while it was still active replaces the old effect with the new one.

Improved Endurance (3rd): You gain the effects of the endurance feat for 24 hours. Additionally, during this time you need not eat or drink, and 2 hours of sleep constitute a full rest. You also gain a +4 bonus on saves against fatigue or exhaustion.

Forceful Dispelling (4th): You can use dispel magic as per the spell. Any creature with an active spell effect dispelled by this invocation takes 1 point of damage per level of the spell effect (no save).

Forgehammer (4th): You lose access to your breath weapon, and instead you may add your breath weapon damage as fire damage to melee weapon (or unarmed) attacks. Circumstances and effects that would prevent you from using your breath weapon would also prevent this effect. This effect lasts for 24 hours.

Mending Fuel (3rd): In any round in which you attack or use your breath weapon, you can use this invocation as a swift action. For each creature that was damaged by you this turn, heal as many hit points as half your caster level to any willing creature within 30 feet of you and fix a broken mundane item as per the mending spell.

Metalbreaker (4th): Bludgeoning attacks you make with a weapon overcome damage reduction and hardness. This effect lasts 24 hours.

Quaking Presence (3rd): In any round in which you attack or use your breath weapon, you can use this invocation as a swift action. Any enemies in contact with the ground within 30 feet of you who fail a Reflex save will fall prone.

Stone Shape (3rd): You can use stone shape as per the spell.

Tremorsense (4th): You gain 60-foot tremorsense for 24h.


Brittle Brand (6th): In any round in which you make a melee attack, you can use this invocation as a swift action before the attack. If the attack is successful, the target is branded for 10 rounds. A branded creature takes 1d4 plus your Wisdom modifier temporary damage to its Constitution (restored when the brand vanishes). Additionally for the duration of the brand, attacks against that creature or their equipment receive a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll, the threat range for those attacks is doubled and their equipment can be dealt critical strikes. Any creature can only have one such brand at any given time, and using this invocation on an already-branded creature has no effect.

Crushing Weight (5th): You utter a powerful roar that fills a 30 foot cone. All creatures within the area that fail a Fortitude save become stunned for 1 round. Creatures standing in the area are knocked prone (no save).

Metal Shape (5th): You can form one existing piece of metal into any shape that suits your purpose, much like the stone shape spell but with metal objects instead.

Searing Fog (6th): You create a hot magical fog as per the solid fog spell. Each creature within the area takes 2d6 points of fire damage at the start of its turn. You can only have one Searing Fog at any given time, creating a new one replaces any previously created instances.

Unquenchable Fire (6th): You exude a warm magical aura for 24 hours. This aura connects your inner fire to allies within 30-feet of you, granting them (and you) +4 to saving throws against death effects, energy drain and any negative energy effects. Additionally, if any of them (or you) were to drop to 0 hit points while affected by this aura, you can make a DC 15 Will saving throw. If you succeed, they drop to 1 hit point instead. Each time you make such a saving throw, the DC increases by 5 and this increase carries on between different instances of this invocation until you rest.

Unmake Magic (6th): You can deliver a targeted greater dispel magic with your touch, gaining 5 temporary hit points for each spell level dispelled. These hit points fade after 1 minute and do not stack with other temporary hit points. Using this invocation again replaces any remaining temporary hit points from the previous instance with the new ones. You cannot target your own invocations with this invocation.

Volcanic Toughness (5th): You gain temporary hit points equal to your caster level. These hit points last for 24 hours or until you use the invocation again (in which case any remaining temporary hit points are replaced with the new value).


Earthen Roots (8th): Your body becomes a dense mass of bedrock for 24 hours. While in this state you gain +2 Strength, +2 on Survival Checks, +1 on attack and damage rolls where both yourself and your opponent are touching the ground, Darkvision 60', Fast Healing 3 when in contact with natural earth or stone, immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning; you are not subject to extra damage from critical hits or flanking and you gain the ability to glide through stone, dirt or metal like a fish would through water (Your burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence and a move earth spell cast on your area flings you back 30 feet, stunning you for 1 round unless you succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save). You gain the earth subtype.

Flaming Roots (8th): Your body becomes a scorching mass of liquid fire for 24 hours. While in this state you gain +2 Dexterity, +2 on Tumble and Balance checks, fire immunity , poison, sleep, paralysis, and stun immunity; you are not subject to extra damage from critical hits or flanking and you become wreathed in an aura of extreme heat that gives off light in a 40 foot radius such that any creature striking you with a natural weapon or non-reach melee weapon takes a number of points of fire damage equal to your caster level (if the attacker has spell resistance, it applies to this effect). You gain the fire subtype.

Flame of Life (7th): This invocation restores life to a creature that has been dead for no longer than one day. The creature is immediately restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no loss of levels or constitution. Mundane poisons or diseases the creature suffered before are cured on their revival, but magical diseases and curses are not undone. While the spell closes wounds and repairs damage, missing elements are not regrown. Creatures killed by death effects can also be raised this way, but creatures turned into undead cannot. This invocation may also be used to reanimate former undead or construct bodies. You need to make an offering of 1000gp (or something of equivalent value) for the invocation to work.

Instill Vulnerability (7th): You imbue a single creature within 30 feet with vulnerability to a particular type of energy. A successful Fortitude save roll negates this effect; creatures with immunity to the chosen type automatically succeed in this saving throw. The vulnerability lasts for 24 hours or until the invocation is used a second time, in which case the new effect replaces the old one.

Breath Effects

Bellowing Breath (2nd): You blow strongly within the area of your breath attack, producing a gust of wind as per the spell, except with instantaneous duration.

Sickening Breath (2nd): You exhale a cone of toxic fumes that sicken creatures in the area. Instead of doing fire damage, your breath weapon sickens all creatures in its area for 2 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 round. You can apply this effect only to cone-shaped breath weapons.

Soot Breath (2nd): Rather than dealing damage, your breath weapon blankets its area with a thick cloud of soot, as per the fog cloud spell, except its duration is reduced to 2 rounds.

Stone Breath (2nd): You spit a barrage of slag in a line, dealing bludgeoning damage instead of fire damage. You can apply this effect only to line-shaped breath weapons.

Acid Breath (5th): Your breath weapon deals acid damage instead of fire damage.

Breath of the Forge (5th): Rather than dealing damage, your breath weapon heats metal objects in the area as per the heat metal spell. You may use this breath effect to substitute for a forge when crafting (although you will still need any other required tools), and doing so improves your crafting effiency of metal objects by 20% (on a successful craft check, multiply the result by 1.2 in order to determine the progress made towards completion).

Shaped Breath (5th): You can choose to leave up to 4 squares of 5-by-5 feet within the area of your breath weapon unaffected by it. These squares need not be adjacent to one another. You may choose to apply this breath effect together with any other breath effect to the same breath weapon.

Slow Breath (5th): Rather than dealing damage, your breath weapon slows all affected creatures as per the slow spell for 2 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 round. You can apply this effect only to cone-shaped breath weapons.

Cloud Breath (10th): Your breath takes the form of a 20' radius spread, centered on you. You can apply any other effect that can be applied to cone-shaped breath weapons together with this effect.

Enduring Breath (10th): Your breath weapon lingers for an extra round before flickering out. Creatures that are damaged by your breath weapon will take half that much damage again at the beginning of your next round. There is no save for this second damage.

Energizing Breath (10th): Your breath carries a warm, vital energy that restores allies in the area as per the lesser restoration spell. Allies in the area also have a +4 on their next Fortitude save for 1 hour.

Thunder Breath (10th): Your breath weapon deals sonic damage instead of fire damage. A successful Fortitude check halves the damage. You can apply this breath effect only to cone-shaped breath weapons.

Fivefold Breath (15th): As a full-round action, you create five different breath weapons simultaneously: a cone of acid damage, a cone of fire damage, a cone of sound damage, a line of bludgeoning damage and a line of force. Each breath weapon deals the normal breath weapon damage and allows its usual save (Reflex except for sound, which uses Fortitude instead). When using this effect, you take damage equal to twice your class level, which can't be lessened by damage reduction or any other feature like that. In addition, you cannot use any breath weapon in the following two rounds.

Force Breath (15th): Your breath deals force damage instead of fire damage. This effect can only be applied to line-shaped breath weapons.

Paralyzing Breath (15th): Rather than dealing damage, your breath weapon paralyzes all creatures in the area for 1 round. A succesful Fortitude save negates this effect. You can apply this effect only to cone-shaped breath weapons.

Volcanic Eruption (15th): As a full-round action, you breathe a volcanic jet in a 60 feet cone. This breath deals twice your breath weapon damage as fire damage and an explosion dealing your breath weapon damage as fire damage occurs centered on each creature struck, damaging it and all creatures adjacent to it. The additional explosion damage is halved on a succesful Reflex check. When using this effect, you take damage equal to twice your class level, which can't be lessened by damage reduction or any other feature like that. In addition, you cannot use any breath weapon in the following round.

Forgefire Adepts and Prestige Classes

A forgefire adept may benefit from prestige classes that grant "+1 level of existing (divine) spellcasting class" by having those levels affect our effective level in regards to breath weapon damage and DC, as well as available invocations and caster level used to cast them. A forgefire adept cannot qualify for prestige classes (or other game options) with spellcasting level requirements. However, caster level requirements are allowed — her caster level for her invocations fulfills this requirement. Her spell-like abilities also meet requirements for specific spell knowledge if they mimic the required spell.

Playing a Forgefire Adept

Religion: If a forgefire adept follows a Deity, it should be one that offers the Fire or Forge domains. Even if that's not the case, or if they simply don't follow any deity, there must be a Deity in the setting that offers the Fire or Forge domains and is within one alignment of the character's or is in any way aligned in their interests or ideas. It is such a deity that will be attracted by the character's actions and thoughts and enables the transformation into a fireforge adept.

Combat: Forgefire adepts are a varied group tied by theme and flavour (as opposed to a mechanically tight class that is more flexible in regards to fluff). As such, there are many different ways in which a forgefire adept might contribute to a fight:

Advancement: <-Typical advancement options for characters with this class. Include desirable multiclass options->

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AuthorEromythic +
Class AbilityInvocations +
Class Ability ProgressionFull +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Rated ByThe bluez in the dungeon +
RatingRating Pending +
SkillAppraise +, Concentration +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Open Lock +, Profession +, Search +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Use Magic Device + and Use Rope +
Skill Points4 +
SummaryForgefire Adepts are smiths that acquire special abilities through a divine link attained with the art of forging: Breath Weapon and Invocations. +
TitleForgefire Adept +