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'''{{Anchor|Identify Item}} {{Su}}:''' You can identify magic items as if by ''[[SRD:Identify | Identify]]'' as a supernatural ability usable at will, without a material component.
'''{{Anchor|Suppress Arcanum}} {{Su}}:''' As a full-round action, you can attempt to suppress magic in a 10ft-radius area centered on yourself. In order to do so, you expend a spell slot, mystery, or invocation of any level and roll 1d20 + your highest arcane caster level, against a DC equal to 11 + the highest caster level (Item, creature, spell or otherwise, other than yourself or magical effects you created) present in the area you're trying to negate. If you are successful, the area is affected as if by an ''[[SRD:Antimagic Field | Antimagic Field]]'' for 1 round, temporarily negating the effects of all magic within - However, this only negates magical effects you have already successfully identified, such as by way of a Spellcraft check.
Each round, you can continue attempting to suppress as the same action as concentrating on a spell, rolling the level check anew each round; In any round you fail the check, the field flickers and the magic reignites that round, but the ability doesn't end, allowing you to attempt to suppress the area again on the next round. You can suppress an area's magic for a total of 1 round + 1 round per level of the spell slot expended (Thus a 0th-level spell will always give you at least 1 round of suppression, while a 9th-level spell will allow you a full minute of suppression). Regardless of the suppression's success, the spell or mystery is expended as if cast; In the case of an invocation, you lose access to that invocation for 2 rounds per invocation level.