|prereqs=[[Str]] 25, rage 5/day
|fluff=You're not sure who's screaming louder, the raging barbarian or the poor sap he's beating to death with his own skull. ...how is that possible anyway?
|benefit=Any weapon you wield while in a rage is treated as a [[SRD:Thundering|thundering]] weapon, except you deal 1d6 points of sonic damage on a normal attack, and the extra damage from the thundering effects are d10s instead of d8s. The DC of the Fortitude save to resist [[SRD:DeafnessDeafened|deafness]] is equal to 10 + ½ your level + [[Str]]. This ability stacks with similar abilities.
In addition, you deal maximum damage to anything affected by ''[[SRD:Shatter|shatter]]'', and can critical hit such objects and creatures. If you make an attack within a ''[[SRD:Silence|silence]]'' affect, the sound of your weapon is so loud it dispels the ''silence''.