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Talk:Finem Temporis Videre Volo (3.5e Epic Spell)

1,142 bytes added, 04:34, 18 September 2017
Sure, it does more than ''just'' make you immortal, but by the time you can beat a DC 2,000+ Spellcraft check, you WILL have all these things. This spell's insane DC is what makes it obsolete in the first place.
}}{{Rating |rater=SecondDeath777|rating=favor|reason=This is just...way too fucking deep. I read the whole thing, and, despite its length, I was enthralled, and read the whole thing. Once you're within even a 50th of that DC, you could just rig a D20 to be a nat 20 and get it anyway, so I'm really not complaining there. The rest is tough, but doable. But really, why ever cast it? It's like wanting to be Rick from Rick and Morty. There's infinitely many things you could accomplish, but existence just feels like a dim, hollow lie. You become unkillable, but you're destined reach a point where death is all you'd ever want. This is not a spell. This is a warning. A warning with one simple message:  Never cling to life. Life is empty, cruel, and meaningless. Enjoy what you have, but know that it is finite. So if you become infinite, you will outlive your lot, and lose everything. Everyone has a time, not because the universe is cruel enough to kill you before you've seen everything you want to, but because it's considerate enough to let you off the ride once you've had enough.  "Don't pity the dead, kid. Pity the living." }}==Just Saying==
This one was difficult. -Hammerhead.