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Conductive Wool (3.5e Equipment)

12 bytes added, 03:34, 25 July 2021
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[[Summary::The wool shaven from Storm Giants’ thundersheep, it is highly conductive to electricity.]] In appearance it looks much like the wool of a sheep, albeit with a faint blue to yellow color and smells mildly of copper. It is usually woven to make protective fabric armor or clothing, especially mage robes. It is exceptionally tear-resistant and offers protection against cold weather.
Only armor made of fabric and clothing can be made of conductive wool. An armor or clothing made of conductive wool counts as a [[SRD:Cold Weather Outfit|Cold Weather Outfit]] and grants its wearer the benefits of the [[Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Conductivity (Feat)|Conductivity]] feat. If the wearer already has the feat, the line of the bolt is lengthened by 30 feet. If worn alongside metal armor, the wearer gain [[Damage Susceptibility (3.5e Creature Ability)|Energy Susceptibility]] (Electricity) equal to the AC Bonus of the armor.
Items made of fabric, such as rope can be made from conductive wool, benefiting from its extra hit point and hardness. However such an item is now as conductive as silver (very conductive), for good or ill.