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'''''{{Anchor|Summon Writing Tool}}'' {{Sp}}:''' The scrollcaster gains ''summon writing tool'' as a spell-like ability at will.  This functions like ''[[SRD:Summon Instrument|summon instrument]]'', but summons a mundane writing tool such as a pen, pencil, or piece of chalk.
'''''{{Anchor|Summon Writing Tool}}'' {{Sp}}:''' The scrollcaster gains ''summon writing tool'' as a spell-like ability at will.  This functions like ''[[SRD:Summon Instrument|summon instrument]]'', but summons a mundane writing tool such as a pen, pencil, or piece of chalk.
'''''{{Anchor|Symbol of Sudden Summoning}}'' {{Sp}}:''' The scrollcaster can weaponize text, briefly transforming it into gateways to call up fonts of power and magical creatures.  While it manifests as blasts of flame or a giant demonic claw jumping forth from the text and striking the enemy, the result is the same.  The scrollcaster makes a ranged touch attack out to 30 ft and deals 1d6 damage plus +1 per caster level of untyped magic damage.  He uses any text as a focus for this ability, including the contents of his scrollbook, but using this does not expend or damage the text in any way.
'''''{{Anchor|Symbol of Sudden Summoning}}'' {{Sp}}:''' The scrollcaster can weaponize text, briefly transforming it into gateways to call up fonts of power and magical creatures.  While it manifests as blasts of flame or a giant demonic claw jumping forth from the text and striking the enemy, the result is the same.  The scrollcaster makes a ranged touch attack out to 30 ft and deals 1d6 damage plus +1 per caster level of untyped magic damage.  He uses any text as a focus for this ability, including the contents of his scrollbook, but using this does not expend or damage the text in any way.  If the focus has an enhancement bonus (such as being a battle book) it functions with this ability, if applicable.
'''{{Anchor|Glyph Power}}:''' At 2nd level and every four levels beyond, scrollcaster get access to various small useful abilities as they enscribe small magical runes on their body and scrollbook.  Choose one of the abilities shown below.  Abilities can only be taken once unless noted otherwise.
'''{{Anchor|Glyph Power}}:''' At 2nd level and every four levels beyond, scrollcaster get access to various small useful abilities as they enscribe small magical runes on their body and scrollbook.  Choose one of the abilities shown below.  Abilities can only be taken once unless noted otherwise.
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'''{{Anchor|Name of Power}} {{Su}}:''' At 19th level, you can use ''[[SRD:Greater Teleport|greater teleport]]'' to teleport to the location of anyone who triggers your ''speak my name'' ability, so long as you do it within 1 round of being spoken.  You have to find your own way back.
'''{{Anchor|Name of Power}} {{Su}}:''' At 19th level, you can use ''[[SRD:Greater Teleport|greater teleport]]'' to teleport to the location of anyone who triggers your ''speak my name'' ability, so long as you do it within 1 round of being spoken.  You have to find your own way back.
'''{{Anchor|Neverending Story}} {{Su}}:''' At 20th level you will live on in your words, literally.  You may make a Written Phylactery over the course of 1 week.  If you die, if any creature reads your Written Phylactery you re-appear as if it was the contents of a ''[[Read In My Voice (3.5e Spell)|read in my voice]]'' spell.  This only occurs if you were dead.  If you are immortal (and at this level, such is within your grasp) you could potentially live forever so long as your Written Phylactery is safe and someone reads it.    Once the Written Phylactery has been used, it cannot be read again for 1 week (the pages appear blank).  You may only have one Written Phylactery at one time.
'''{{Anchor|Neverending Story}} {{Su}}:''' At 20th level you will live on in your words, literally.  You may make a Written Phylactery over the course of 1 week.  If you die, and then any creature reads your Written Phylactery you re-appear as if it was the contents of a ''[[Read In My Voice (3.5e Spell)|read in my voice]]'' spell.  This only occurs if you were dead.  If you are immortal (and at this level, such is within your grasp) you could potentially live forever so long as your Written Phylactery is safe and someone reads it.    Once the Written Phylactery has been used, it cannot be read again for 1 week (the pages appear blank).  You may only have one Written Phylactery at one time.
====Epic Scrollcaster====
====Epic Scrollcaster====

Latest revision as of 13:45, 4 November 2014

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 8-22-14
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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The wizard's spellbook is iconic, but no spellcaster keeps their spellbook with them. Except for the scrollcaster...

Making a Scrollcaster[edit]

Abilities: Intelligence is needed for their spellcasting abilities, while Dexterity keeps them alive with high AC, and Constitution for things they can't dodge. Strength, Wisdom, and Charisma aren't as important, but its important not to become too weak to hold your equipment or take penalties on important skill checks.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 5d4×10 gp (125 gp).

Starting Age: As wizard.

Table: The Scrollcaster

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Scrollbook Pages Maximum Spell Level Known
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Cantrips, Durable Scrollbook, Read Magic, Scribe Scroll, Summon Writing Tool, Symbol of Sudden Summoning 5 1st
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Glyph Power, Recall Scrollbook 10 1st
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 15 2nd
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Quick Search 1/day 20 2nd
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Scroll Mastery 25 3rd
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Glyph Power 30 3rd
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Protection from Gylphs 35 4th
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Quick Search 2/day 40 4th
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 45 5th
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Glyph Power 50 5th
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 Improved Scroll Mastery 55 6th
12th +6 +4 +4 +8 Quick Search 3/day 60 6th
13th +6 +4 +4 +8 Speak My Name 65 7th
14th +7 +4 +4 +9 Glyph Power 70 7th
15th +7 +5 +5 +9 75 8th
16th +8 +5 +5 +10 Quick Search 4/day 80 8th
17th +8 +5 +5 +10 Greater Scroll Mastery 85 9th
18th +9 +6 +6 +11 Glyph Power 90 9th
19th +9 +6 +6 +11 Name of Power 95 9th
20th +10 +6 +6 +12 Neverending Story, Quick Search 5/day 100 9th

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Autohypnosis (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken separately) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Scrollcaster.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Scrollcasters are proficient with the battle book, club, dagger, light and heavy mace, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes with a scrollcaster's movements, which can cause their spells with somatic components to fail.

Scrollbook: Where wizards have a spellbook, scrollcasters have a scrollbook. The scrollbook is a special form of battle book which is even more important than a wizard's spellbook, for a scrollcaster needs his scrollbook in order to cast spells. The scrollbook is empty, but it can attach scrolls to its spine which become the scrollbook's pages. A scroll transforms into a number of pages equal to the spell level (cantrips count as 1/2 a page).

When a scroll is cast from the scrollbook, the letters of the scroll jumble and fade but do not entirely vanish. The scroll becomes functional again after the scrollcaster has rested for 8 hours. Thus a scrollcaster's spell selection, as well as the number of times they may cast per day, is entirely based on which scrolls they hold within their scrollbook and how many pages they possess. They can dedicate the entire thing to nothing but 1st level spells but have plenty of casts per day, or choose to have only a few but powerful 9th level spells per day. Scrolls may be swapped out for new or different scrolls at the beginning of the day, and remain that way until the scrollcaster rests again.

Unlike normal scrolls, scrolls cast from the scrollbook are the same casting time as the spell they are duplicating, as well as needing material components, focii, or xp. In addition the scrollcaster must take a move action to find the correct page. They can attempt to find the correct page without the move action, but they suffer a 50% arcane spell failure if they do (failing does not expend the spell, but does waste the action). The one exception is immediate action spells which can be cast without needing to find the correct page. In addition scrolls cast via the scrollbook use the scrollcaster's Intelligence modifier for spell DCs, and the scrollcaster's class level as their caster level. A scroll can be torn out of the book as a move action and used as a normal scroll, though this consumes the scroll in the process as normal.

Unlike wizards, Intelligence does not grant the scrollcaster any extra scrollbook pages per day. However they do receive free scrolls as they level, which most choose to place in their scrollbook or keep on the side for later use. A scrollcaster starts with 3+Int modifier scrolls of 1st level or lower they can cast, and gain an additional 2 scrolls each level. Scrolls gained this way can't be a higher level than you can currently cast from your scrollbook. They may also add scrolls they gain later on into their scrollbook, provided they have enough pages.

If the scrollbook is lost or destroyed, the scrollbook can be re-created from memory. However it costs 200xp per caster level to restore the book, and 24 hours to re-create the book in a new scrollbook.

Scrollcasters cast from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, and are considered both spontaneous and prepared spellcasters. They act as prepared spellcasters for the purpose of metamagic use, placing the higher level metamagic version of the scroll in their scrollbook for as long as it remains in there.

Maximum Spell Level Known: This shows the highest level spell a scrollcaster can cast from their scrollbook. They may still use higher level scrolls as normal, but cannot use scrollbook spells higher than the listed level.

Cantrips: Cantrip spells placed in the scrollbook may be used at will, and never expend themselves.

Durable Scrollbook (Ex): The scrollcaster's scrollbook is more durable than normal. It has hardness 10 and 20 hp, with an additional +1 hardness and +5 hp per class level. The scrollbook is resistant to the elements and the scrolls are not ruined by water nor can they catch on fire (though they can still take fire damage as normal).

Read Magic (Sp): The scrollcaster gains read magic as a spell-like ability at will.

Scribe Scroll: The scrollcaster gains scribe scroll as a bonus feat.

Summon Writing Tool (Sp): The scrollcaster gains summon writing tool as a spell-like ability at will. This functions like summon instrument, but summons a mundane writing tool such as a pen, pencil, or piece of chalk.

Symbol of Sudden Summoning (Sp): The scrollcaster can weaponize text, briefly transforming it into gateways to call up fonts of power and magical creatures. While it manifests as blasts of flame or a giant demonic claw jumping forth from the text and striking the enemy, the result is the same. The scrollcaster makes a ranged touch attack out to 30 ft and deals 1d6 damage plus +1 per caster level of untyped magic damage. He uses any text as a focus for this ability, including the contents of his scrollbook, but using this does not expend or damage the text in any way. If the focus has an enhancement bonus (such as being a battle book) it functions with this ability, if applicable.

Glyph Power: At 2nd level and every four levels beyond, scrollcaster get access to various small useful abilities as they enscribe small magical runes on their body and scrollbook. Choose one of the abilities shown below. Abilities can only be taken once unless noted otherwise.

Bonus Feat: The scrollcaster gains access to any item creation or metamagic feat. They must qualify for the feat as normal.

Arcane Tagging (Sp): You can fire a ray out to 60 ft as a standard action, and hit them with an arcane mark which you can make visible or invisible (though it is always visible to you). You can write up to a single sentence in the mark, and have it float over the creature's head revealing their location even if they go invisible or are wearing a disguise (though they may still hide it by physically hiding). Arcane tagging can be removed the same way arcane mark can. You can also remove it with a second casting of arcane tagging.

Extra Quick Search: Gain an additional use per day of the quick search ability. You must have quick search to take this ability, and may take it multiple times.

Improved Symbol of Sudden Summoning (Sp): The range of your symbol of sudden summoning extends to 60 ft, and now deals 1d10 + 2 points per caster level.

Instant Read (Su): With a touch you can read the contents of an entire book as a standard action. Magical traps are not set off reading books this way, but they are not detected either, nor are illustrations. They are registered as blank pages.

Obtain Familiar: You gain the Obtain FamiliarCA feat as a bonus feat. You can take this twice, the second time gaining the Improved Familiar feat.

Polyglot (Ex): You gain maximum ranks in Speak Language for free. When you reach level 10, you are able to speak all languages including languages that don't exist and secret languages as if using tongues.

Repeat Text: If you cast a spell, and then cast the same spell again in the next round the second spell gains a +2 bonus on caster level and DC. This bonus stacks for consecutive rounds to a maximum of +6 at the forth casting.

Remote Scrollcasting: You can now use your scrollcasting ability even if your scrollbook isn't in your hands or open, as long as your scrollbook is within 60 ft of you, allowing you to use both hands for something else and not needing to hold the book. You still need to search pages as normal. You can choose to have your spells originate from the book instead of yourself, such as casting a touch spell on a creature who has stolen your book and is still in range.

Universal Language: The scrollcaster's language-dependant spells now function as if they were in the correct language, and even works on creatures which don't have a language. The scrollcaster can write in their universal language, which will appear to be written in the reader's native language.

Recall Scrollbook (Su): A 2nd level scrollcaster has to be careful not to lose his scrollbook. He can detect the position and direction of his scrollbook as long as it is within 1 mile, and can teleport it to his hand as a standard action as long as it is within 30 ft.

Quick Search (Ex): Once per day at 4th level and an additional time every four levels beyond, the scrollcaster can turn to the exact page he needs as a non-action instead of a move action.

Scroll Mastery (Ex): At 5th level a scrollcaster now uses his caster level and spell DCs on normal scrolls, just as he does with his scrollbook. They are expended as normal.

Protection from Gylphs (Ex): A 7th level scrollcaster is immune to all symbol spells, glyphs, and magic traps which rely on reading or viewing an image such as explosive runes. They can read them but not trigger these traps, but are they affected as normal if or when they are triggered.

Improved Scroll Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a scrollcaster now can use scrolls of spells not on his spell list as if he had maximum ranks in Use Magic Device. This only applies to scrolls. These scrolls do not benefit from Scroll Mastery, nor can they be used in the scrollbook.

Speak My Name (Su): At 13th level the words of your name resonate with power. You become aware of anyone who speaks your name on your current plane. It only picks up names actually referring to you specifically, and not the word in general. In spite of the vast amount of information streaming at you this does not distract you, though you can concentrate (a standard action) to determine the direction and general image of the creature speaking your name. This is a divination effect.

Anyone with at least 5 ranks in Truenaming or Spellcraft can determine that speaking the name will bring your attention.

Greater Scroll Mastery (Ex): A 17th level scrollcaster can now use scrolls from any other list without any check needed. These scrolls do not benefit from Scroll Mastery, nor can they be used in the scrollbook.

Name of Power (Su): At 19th level, you can use greater teleport to teleport to the location of anyone who triggers your speak my name ability, so long as you do it within 1 round of being spoken. You have to find your own way back.

Neverending Story (Su): At 20th level you will live on in your words, literally. You may make a Written Phylactery over the course of 1 week. If you die, and then any creature reads your Written Phylactery you re-appear as if it was the contents of a read in my voice spell. This only occurs if you were dead. If you are immortal (and at this level, such is within your grasp) you could potentially live forever so long as your Written Phylactery is safe and someone reads it. Once the Written Phylactery has been used, it cannot be read again for 1 week (the pages appear blank). You may only have one Written Phylactery at one time.

Epic Scrollcaster[edit]

Table: The Epic Scrollcaster

Hit Die: d4

Level Special
22nd Glyph Power
25th Quick Search 6/day
26th Glyph Power
30th Glyph Power, Quick Search 10/day

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Glyph Power: You continue to gain new Glyph powers, and may select "Bonus Feat" as an option multiple times.

Quick Search: You continue to gain additional uses of Quick Search per day.

Halfling Scrollcaster Starting Package[edit]

Weapons: Battle Book.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Concentration 4 Con
Decipher Script 4 Int
Knowledge Arcana 4 Int
Spellcraft 4 Int

Feat: Improved Initiative.

Bonus Feats: Scribe Scroll.

Gear: Backpack.

Gold: 123 gp.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Scrollcaster[edit]

Religion: Scrollcasters don't have any need for religion, at least no more than your typical wizard.

Other Classes: Most classes simply assume scrollcaster are a type of wizard. In a sense they are, though their focus on scrolls means they often have the right answer to a task at any time.

Combat: As a spellcaster, and a squishy one, you stay in the background. Besides offering battlefield control

Advancement: Any spellcasting advancing classes work on the scrollcaster, and he counts as both a prepared and spontaneous arcane spellcaster.

Scrollcasters in the World[edit]

Alright, who replaced my scrollbook with a copy of 50 Shades of Grey. Not funny guys, I could have summoned something terrible from it.
—Dilly, Halfling Scrollcaster

Daily Life: Scrollcasters are bookworms supreme, and perfer a quiet library to a loud tavern.

Organizations: Scrollcasters can be found in wizardly ranks, usually in charge of their libraries or creating scrolls for other spellcasters.

NPC Reactions: The common man doesn't know the difference between a wizard and a scrollcaster.

Scrollcaster Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge Arcana can research Scrollcasters to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge Arcana
DC Result
10 Scrollcasters use books filled with scrolls to cast spells. The spells they cast through their book eventually are refreshed instead of being destroyed.
15 Scrollcasters are very protective of their books. Stealing them may be dangerous, as they can return it with a gesture and hunt you down as if they always know where it is.
20 Powerful scrollcasters can use any scroll they see, and be careful. If you speak their name they will know, and they will find you.
30 Those that reach this level of success can research specific scrollcasters, their motives, abilities, recent activities, or possible spells they may know.

Scrollcasters in the Game[edit]

Adaptation: By lowering the number of pages in their scrollbook per level, one may be able to drop the balance level of the class (though it is always restricted by the fact it can access high level spellcasting).

Sample Encounter: A scrollcaster has read something forbidden and has gone mad. He's stealing all of the books, looking for something dreadful.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5648 Articles)
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionPoor +
Class AbilityArcane Spellcasting +
Class Ability ProgressionFull +
Fortitude Save ProgressionPoor +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level0 +
Rated ByThe bluez in the dungeon + and Snafusam +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillAppraise +, Autohypnosis +, Concentration +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Forgery +, Gather Information +, Knowledge +, Profession +, Search +, Speak Language + and Spellcraft +
Skill Points4 +
SummaryA spellcaster whose spells entirely rely on multiple-use scrolls. His spellcasting is slower, but he gains the benefits of a wide spell list mixed with near-spontaneous casting. +
TitleScrollcaster +
Will Save ProgressionGood +